View Full Version : speaker upgrade.

18-07-2012, 07:06
as you maybe aware from my equipment list, I own a pair of celestion A2speakers, you'll agree with me that, that is old, very old, however, I have been frustrated trying to upgrade them. nothing in my experience is as musical :dance:, not even my spanking new KEF's. the only pair of speakers that smokes them musically, again in my personal experience, is the Monitor Audio GS20's, lovely pair of speakers and the B&w 802D's:drool: thats the stuff wet dreams are made of ;).The only thing is that, at the moment I can't afford either the GS20's or let alone the 802D's, unless I rob a bank, which is not a bad idea afterall coming to think of it now :idea:. my question is which speakers are musical in your experience, within the 1000-2000 Pounds, using the current Rand Pound exchange of 1 pound is to 12 Rands? I listen mainly to Miles Davis, Mozart,Beethoven and Bach, as well as Jazz, and classical, a little bit of soulful R'n'B (the likes of Jaheim,Anthony Hamilton,Aretha Franklin etc) I listen to female vocals as well ( Sarah Vaughn, Dinah washington , Welma Middleton, etc). I like to hear the space between the instruments ( i.e. be able to differentiate between bass guitar and basss drum) I also like to hear the natural timber of instruments and be able to locate their position as much as possible. I don't have to know how many millimeters the singers lips is from the mike, but if I can, I wouldn't be irked. My current source is Rotel CDP its an old multi changer but again it smokes the recent cdp's even single players, connected to a NAD C375 amp, (who said NAD and Rotel can't sleep together in the same bed?), my interconnects is the famous hero cables and the speaker cables are kimber 8PR's!

The Grand Wazoo
18-07-2012, 07:31
There's nothing wrong with 'old' or even 'very old'. Some of us have speakers that make yours look brand new & fresh out of the box!
Why change your speakers if you enjoy what they are doing? If you can't improve them within your budget, then keep with them. Why not think about changing your source or amp with the money you have?

18-07-2012, 07:43
I'm surprised that a NAD 375 will drive the A2s properly - Like Chris says I would look at upping the game in this area or maybe the source. I think you will struggle to make anything but a sideways move with the speakers within your budget.

18-07-2012, 08:07
I was hoping to replace the speakers with newer ones that will perform better. the other factor also is aesthetics from a SOAF point of view. I always thought the NAD was one of those amps that had muscle about them. what other amps would one consider within the same price range? and how best to upgrade the spource? an external DAC perhaps? which one would you guys recommend?

The Grand Wazoo
18-07-2012, 08:17
A DAC might be a good place to start! Lots of good things are being said about the Beresford Bushmaster on this site - doing a quick search (http://theartofsound.net/forum/search.php?searchid=1788243) will let you know what all the fuss is about. It would leave you with some cash to look for a good 2nd hand amp.
Other models of DAC are available of course!

18-07-2012, 08:23
The Nad is 100w+ p/c - in terms of driving the speakers I would have thought it would be fine.

18-07-2012, 08:30
I remember the A series as being big and warm, but with a very clear and basically uncoloured sound. I think they could easily reproduce improvements made further back in the chain. Quite often it's the bit you think is ok that's the problem and what you feel is the bad bit is actually just reproducing issues further back.

NAD's cheaper amps are good value for money, but tend to be all bluff and thunder, the subtlety in the music being somewhat lost in all the bloated wallop.. Monotor Audio make speakers that get good reviews in WTF magazine and they sell through a dealer chain who's staff on the whole (in the sounth UK anyway) just want commission, selling profitable boxes to unsuspecting punters.

Just my opinion of course, but try moving the A2's around a bit, use speaker cables able to deliver the current and then start at the source, working your way through.. KEF Q's are cheaply made in China and made to suit a market taste, rather than take speaker design forward. They do a good job of it but the A series came before this (before the Chinese takeover?) and I always thought them very good

P.S. That NAD has GOT to go, sorry!

P.P.S. My own speakers are 38 years old :eek:

18-07-2012, 08:36
On the speaker front I would search for a pair of Dali Suite 2.8 floorstanders. I had them for a few years and only a house move got me to part with them.

The NAD amp has plenty of power on paper but to me isn't the last word in sophistication and refinement. The integrated amp I have now, the XTZ Desire has both power and refinement and isn't too expensive in the great scheme of things, although I did have a nasty episode a while back when using the internal DAC which hopefully has been sorted on later production units.


There is nothing intrinsically wrong with your CD player and unless you want to spend serious money, although as others have said, a Beresford Bushmaster DAC would be a good investment.

18-07-2012, 08:53
the thing is this side of the ocean we are limited outside of the Rotel, NAD,Marantz, Denon amps. I may be completely wrong, but I haven't seen many other brands other than these, perhaps there's an exclusive boutique at the top of the drakensburg mountains that i don't know of. but please tell me about this beresford bushmaster DAC, who's the supplier? would they be willing to ship etc.?

18-07-2012, 09:13
but please tell me about this beresford bushmaster DAC, who's the supplier? would they be willing to ship etc.?
You haven't heard of me before? I obviously have to raise my profile in South Africa. Yes I do ship to your part of the world..

The Grand Wazoo
18-07-2012, 09:14
Check the search I have done for you by clicking the link (I've copied my post again here for you - see below) - there is plenty of info there. Stan Beresford is a member here and he sends his gear all over the world, so there shouldn't be problem there, I wouldn't think.

A DAC might be a good place to start! Lots of good things are being said about the Beresford Bushmaster on this site - doing a quick search (http://theartofsound.net/forum/search.php?searchid=1788243) will let you know what all the fuss is about. It would leave you with some cash to look for a good 2nd hand amp.
Other models of DAC are available of course!

The Grand Wazoo
18-07-2012, 09:14
Morning Stan!

18-07-2012, 09:19
Morning Stan!
And a good morning to you as well :).

18-07-2012, 09:26
you absolutely have to. I was looking at your catalogue just now and was impressed with your price point. if you don't mind, how would you compare with the cambridge audio DAC magic and the audiolab M DAC, I know it is an unfair question probably. I have a Rotel RDP 980 digital audio processor, that is very good with certain types of music but so so with others. and lastly what do you mean by free shipping to overseas countries? free free? or free free?

18-07-2012, 09:45
Mine is far cheaper.

But I assume you mean something completely different. Well, I have asked quite a few people how my DAC compares to any other DAC with regards to
1. The presence, or lack of them, of instruments or certain notes or musical passages played with those instruments.
2. Additional sounds in the back ground etc.
3.Reverberation of vocals and instruments.

The replies tend to be a bit of a waffle to be honest with you. Most replies were based around such things as more bass, treble, or midrange.

The Grand Wazoo
18-07-2012, 09:54
Stan is being rather modest here - far more than any of his competitors are likely to be!
Boikanyo, you would do well to read some of the comments that have made by people who've bought the thing, including some comparisons to other models - there are 80 pages (!!) of comments in this thread:
Beresford Bushmaster DAC Reviews (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18278)

18-07-2012, 10:08
Rotel's amps from the last thirty years or so have been very good and amongst the best sorted in the mid price arena. Their bigger power amps, in my opinion, would easily out-sonic a NAD if not be quite as powerful on paper.

18-07-2012, 12:11
Rotel's amps from the last thirty years or so have been very good and amongst the best sorted in the mid price arena. Their bigger power amps, in my opinion, would easily out-sonic a NAD if not be quite as powerful on paper.

I wouldn't recommend a Rotel amp with the A2 - not enough current to drive them. They are a difficult load.

18-07-2012, 14:34
how about them spendors A5? I have only heard good things about them

19-07-2012, 16:29
Last year I auditioned the Spendor A5 as I had also heard things about them that seemed to suit my needs. They were auditioned with a NAIM entry level CD/AMP combination and I have to say I was completely underwhelmed.

I then tried the same set up with the standmounted Spendor SP3/1R (from their Classic range) and was blown away by them. They are completely neutral and are especially strong on vocals. I would suggest you try both styles out to see which suits you best.

Oh...and the Bushmaster rocks !
