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12-07-2012, 18:10
Anyone here excited by the Olympics?

Seems to me that it is often a financial disaster for the hosts.

We have a regional nightly programme that charts the course of "The" torch in the South. Do they really think that they are holding "The" torch? One of thousands really. Oh...it's gone out....shit that's not supposed to happen....never mind we'll get it going again....click click (50p disposable lighter) there you go.

280M paid the to the company that was to provide security. Looks like they have failed. Will we get our money back....will we F*^k. Britain.....makes you proud don't it.

12-07-2012, 18:23
Yes,looking forward to it.
Would rather it spent on this than speed cameras,road humps,lamposts etc etc....

12-07-2012, 18:33
Yes,looking forward to it.
Would rather it spent on this than speed cameras,road humps,lamposts etc etc....

24billion, thats a lot of speed cameras, road humps:)

12-07-2012, 19:11
All that stupid Nazi-invented Torch stuff-pah!

12-07-2012, 19:33
According to this magazine programme we are all so excited, wetting ourselves with anticipation at this spectacle called the Olympics.......err NO. The most laughable item this week was when they were at the Madejski Stadium in Reading. Capacity crowds were expected for whatever was happening. The stands were completely empty and they had put a few plastic chairs on the grass:lol:

12-07-2012, 22:14
I dread the Olympics.

I live half a mile away from the currently closed section of the M4 in west London. The closure has resulted in all the nearby main roads being utterly clogged with traffic that would normally be on the motorway, to such an extent that it now takes an hour and a half there and back to pop into the local shopping centres for essentials. If anything like this continues through the Olympic period it will be disastrous.

I have doubts about London's ability to cope with the whole thing. There seems to be an aura of unpreparedness. Why no opening ceremony rehearsal? Why have the security arrangements fallen flat on their face?

Afterwards, I anticipate a lot of the monstrously costly venues and land being sold off to corporate interests for small token sums at our cost and less attractive venues becoming white elephants.

Call me cynical, but I regard it largely as an exercise to generate business for civil engineering consultants and construction contractors, etc., etc. and an excuse for local authorities to supposedly upgrade run down areas. i.e. make poorer communities move out!

13-07-2012, 00:24
read recently only one olympics in history made a profit 84 LA
78 in canada is not paid off yet
NO bloody use if you live outside london like 50million of us

13-07-2012, 05:56
read recently only one olympics in history made a profit 84 LA
78 in canada is not paid off yet
NO bloody use if you live outside london like 50million of us


13-07-2012, 07:22
Old Maggie Thatcher in the 80's refused to bid for the games on the grounds that it is not economically viable.

13-07-2012, 08:50
I used to work for economic development agency here in the good north and considered the awarding of the olympics back in 2005 to be worst thing which happened to us, year after year we saw our budget reduced as funds were diverted away from projects and areas which really needed the investment towards the south which already suffers from overdevelopment. The agency was finally closed by the coalition this year amidst the usual accusations of wasting public money etc and I'll be the first to admit that not every project we supported worked but the fact remains that many did and for all the purported economic benefits the olympics will bring, I know of many more potential opportunites to use the money in creating jobs and regenerating disadvantaged areas which were lost.

13-07-2012, 09:07
why always london whats wrong with glasgow cardiff belfast newcastle etc

13-07-2012, 09:31
why always london whats wrong with glasgow cardiff belfast newcastle etc

Look on the bright side, all Londoners have had £20 tacked onto their Council Tax to help "promote" the games!

13-07-2012, 11:17
why always london whats wrong with glasgow cardiff belfast newcastle etc

Nothing wrong at all Scott were HMG to permit it, but what idiot in these cities would propose such a monstrously expensive PR exercise and have their citizens pay for it? :scratch:

HMG, at least on this adventure will have troops deployed for a finite and limited period, and some facilities left behind for the deprived natives which doesn't get blown up days after they all leave...:D

We will all be paying for it for a few years to come for sure, but at least the inevitable chaos is not in your own back yard.;)

13-07-2012, 12:10
in the majority of the press, for what that is worth, it appears to be all about the corporate sponsorship, from EON being the official electricity supplier to MacDonalds banning sales of actual British chips (eg, not french fries) in certain parts of the olympic village. I am looking forward to seeing some good sporting action, what boils my piss is all the corporate crap that goes with it... yes I know the games requires funding etc.

13-07-2012, 12:39
It is a total crock, an horrific waste of money and the corporate aspect stinks - but we have got it now so for better or worse I suppose we might as well get behind it.

13-07-2012, 17:05
I'am glad we have it.
Would have liked to seen it spread around the country though so every city had a slice of the pie.

13-07-2012, 18:19
6.30pm news tonight. Extra 20M needed to provide security staff because of failure by
G4S. David Cameron interviewed and said something to the effect of "we will get that money back". Highly likely that the news tomorrow will say "G4S has gone into receivership/liquidation. Mmm wonder where all the money went?

13-07-2012, 20:57
we have spent a bloody fortune in glasgow for the commonwealth games
cycling , swimming etc Why not hold both commonwealth & olympics at the same venues
also 3 huge stadiums , hampden , rangers , celtic , world class rowing 15miles away at strathclyde park All built and ready to go , I would never get a job with the government
Too much fecking sense

14-07-2012, 07:24
6.30pm news tonight. Extra 20M needed to provide security staff because of failure by
G4S. David Cameron interviewed and said something to the effect of "we will get that money back". Highly likely that the news tomorrow will say "G4S has gone into receivership/liquidation. Mmm wonder where all the money went?

From memory, the contract is for 300M, and G4S have penalty clauses to stump up for....:doh: That will not please the shareholders...
What is more shocking is that the contract having been let 2 years in preparation, and now the contingency plan for troops is having to be put in place....:scratch:

16-07-2012, 21:57
I have now decided that as I live on the west London M4 'corridor', and guessing at how much local traffic and possibly other kinds of disruption there may prove to be, I am going to go away on holiday for as much of the Olympics duration as I can. Quiet, sunny, Cornwall beckons. A week or two in a luxury villa should be just fine.

16-07-2012, 22:07
I'am glad we have it.
Would have liked to seen it spread around the country though so every city had a slice of the pie.

The football is spread all over the place :)
There are matches scheduled in Manchester Trafford, for example.

16-07-2012, 22:08
I would never get a job with the government
Too much fecking sense


16-07-2012, 22:24
Wot's going on with these "Olympic Traffic" lanes wot have been set up in Lundun?

17-07-2012, 05:33
The traffic lanes are a complete joke I could see some of these major roads becoming gridlocked at peak times

17-07-2012, 10:13
Some of you may be aware that the sailing competitions are taking place here in Weymouth and Portland.

This morning there were approx. 60 Army lads being marched along the road into Portland as I drove past. That's some of the security then. Also there are check points manned by civvy security guards at the entrance to the sailing academy.

There has been major disruption now for over two years as improvements have been made to the road infrastructure here.

Let's hope all the expense is worth it in our Olympic teams' medals. Somehow, though, I doubt it.


19-07-2012, 07:58
From today's Torygraph: Team GB wins Gold in drivel

The dialogue in Twenty Twelve, the BBC sitcom satirising the preparations for the London 2012 Olympics, is a near-continuous torrent of marketing drivel. Characters babble about how London “prides itself on its multicultural-ality”, and how a new website will “break open the Google-juice”.

In reality, of course, the people in charge of the Olympic preparations don’t talk like that.

They’re much more ridiculous.

Proof of this was heard today at a press conference about the Games’ financial “legacy” – or, if you prefer, the Olympic gold. Taking questions were Hugh Robertson, who is the Olympics minister, plus three other big cheeses, one of whom rejoices in the job title “Managing Director, Olympics Legacy”.

This was a glorious showcase for Britain’s world-class achievements in the field of gibberish. Mystifying phrases shot past like sprint cyclists. “Thought-leadership sessions… inward investment outcomes… confirmed legacy tenants… £4bn in high-value opportunities… £476m in uncommitted contingency…”

Word of the day was “leverage”. Tax-payers who have contributed to the £9.3bn cost will be pleased to learn that the UK plans to “leverage value” from the Games: indeed, “there’s been a really big determination to leverage the Games to the greatest extent”. Promoters have “leveraged the campaign across all our platforms”.

You wonder how these people talk when they get home at night. “Good day at work, dear?” “Not bad. Committed a couple of outcomes. Invested an inward legacy summit. What’s for dinner?” “Sorry, this is my book club night. You’ll have to leverage it yourself.”

Undisputed champion of jargon was Sandie Dawe, chief executive of the tourism agency VisitBritain. Her goal, she explained, is “to put [Britain] on the wish-lists of growth markets around the world” (i.e., get the Chinese to visit). The good news: “Research shows that Britain is really strong on heritage and culture.” The bad news: “It’s a bit educational. Is it possibly a bit dull? Where’s the fun? Where’s the kind of excitement? So that’s what we want to dial up on…”

One way she’s dialled up on the fun is by creating “a raft of celebrity films… We’ve got some sports people: Lennox Lewis, Boris Becker, Colin Montgomerie, Jamie Oliver…”

A reporter asked if the rain might put the growth markets off. “It’s only the Brits that have an obsession with our weather,” tutted Ms Dawe. “Frankly, people don’t come here to lie on a beach – that’s not our offer.” Curiously, of the many photos Ms Dawe used in her presentation, all showed Britain bathing in fabulous sunshine.
Mr Robertson was evasive on the G4S shambles. “What happens to Nick Buckles is a matter for the post-Games environment,” he said, making it sound like an apocalyptic waste land.
He looked rather happier sharing an exciting fact he’d learnt about the construction of the Olympic Park. “The soil clean-up operation was so effective,” he beamed, “that sufficient soil was removed from the site, cleansed and then put back on the site to fill the Albert Hall 220 times over!”

Now there’s an idea to help British tourism dial up on the fun. “Come and watch the famous filling-of-the-Albert-Hall-with-cleansed-soil! For 220 nights only!”

19-07-2012, 12:24
Excellent. :)

Personally, I'd like to dial up on shooting all of these idiots...we pay their wages dontcha know?

19-07-2012, 12:37
Excellent. :)

Personally, I'd like to dial up on shooting all of these idiots...we pay their wages dontcha know?

....and they tell us how much, then a committee of them ratify the increase to cries of "we are all in this together......":rolleyes:

19-07-2012, 12:44
Bobbasrah. Excellent post!

20-07-2012, 09:49
I like Bob's reference to 'leverage'.

Presumably, we are the fulcrum, i.e., we are to be leaned on and take the strain and burden! The government won't, they'll just lay back and watch their corporate, 'fat cat' chums raking it off at our expense.

20-07-2012, 11:19
I like Bob's reference to 'leverage'.

Presumably, we are the fulcrum, i.e., we are to be leaned on and take the strain and burden! The government won't, they'll just lay back and watch their corporate, 'fat cat' chums raking it off at our expense.

Sorry Geoff, no credit due here, this was a Telegraph piece I picked up elsewhere....
Sadly I have had to suffer these buzzwords all my working life, and my daughter does not understand why I regard it with such contempt.... Used to play a game in the 80's similar to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzzword_bingo where the objective was to spot the manager's weekly buzzword choice.;)
It took him months before he twigged why we were coughing at the weekly meetings....:rolleyes:

20-07-2012, 22:24
I admire your attitude Bob. Your view seems much the same as mine. I was many years in civil engineering either for or consulting to local authorities and the amount of hype, jargon and general drivel was unbelievable.

I put a few noses out of place by compiling a checklist of terms, phrases and words that were 'Unacceptable English' and then circulated it. Some praised it, some took a dim view as they realised they would now have to edit all their reports and submissions as their crap had been exposed!

Plain speaking is the way!!

Have you noticed that foreigners seem to speak and write better English than most English people. They have taken the trouble to learn.

20-07-2012, 22:29
Have you noticed that foreigners seem to speak and write better English than most English people. They have taken the trouble to learn.

It's no coincidence, that's for certain.

21-07-2012, 07:30
I admire your attitude Bob. Your view seems much the same as mine. I was many years in civil engineering either for or consulting to local authorities and the amount of hype, jargon and general drivel was unbelievable.
Ditto re civils history plus quite a few others... It is funny how most organisations encourage such garbage, but as it is now embedded in modern Uni courses, it has become 'normal', or so my daughter advises. 40 years back, "basically" was the incoming irritant, now there is a complete library. :(
How to bullshit your way in.... books have a lot to answer for.:doh:
Learning electrical and mechanical terminology as a water specialist to grasp the entire design was fun and useful, the bullshit never interested me.
TBH, I think such use of such deliberately obscure language shows a complete lack of respect for the recipient, irrespective of whether it strokes their own ego or not.:steam:

I put a few noses out of place by compiling a checklist of terms, phrases and words that were 'Unacceptable English' and then circulated it. Some praised it, some took a dim view as they realised they would now have to edit all their reports and submissions as their crap had been exposed!

Plain speaking is the way!!

Have you noticed that foreigners seem to speak and write better English than most English people. They have taken the trouble to learn.

Same here regarding checklist. Most of the negative reactions came from upcoming managers who would crawl into any orifice if it meant promotion.:rolleyes:

Foreigners learn english to communicate, and only if they are truly proficient would they venture into the bullshit-bingo game. I've known only two such foreign engineers, both were brought down to earth rather rapidly by my lead-parachute diplomacy. ;)

21-07-2012, 13:46
Upcoming managers are a breed apart! I've seen so many of the slippery little creeps. (not entirely fair, as I've met the odd decent one)

Spectral Morn
21-07-2012, 15:41

A massive waste of money, at a time when the UK is in financial crisis. We don't need it or want it. The money being lost by being invested :lol: into this would be better used in Hospitals etc.

Sport should pay for itself as it contributes nothing to the country as a whole, its entertainment and as such a luxury not a necessary.

And any comments re National pride making it worth the expense, are you serious? Get a life, its a waste of time, effort and money and will bring no benefit what soever; all it will do is make the amount of money the UK owes grow and we are a joke already re security.

Oh yes and no decent TV either to watch.

21-07-2012, 15:48

A massive waste of money, at a time when the UK is in financial crisis. We don't need it or want it. The money being lost by being invested :lol: into this would be better used in Hospitals etc.

Sport should pay for itself as it contributes nothing to the country as a whole, its entertainment and as such a luxury not a necessary.

As I posted elsewhere today, hindsight is a wonderful thing to have when making such statements of judgement.

London beat Paris in the bid to hold the forthcoming Olympic Games in 2005 - yep, that's right, 7 years ago.
Get a grip FFS.

Spectral Morn
21-07-2012, 15:49
As I posted elsewhere today, hindsight is a wonderful thing to have when making such statements of judgement.

London beat Paris in the bid to hold the forthcoming Olympic Games in 2005 - yep, that's right, 7 years ago.
Get a grip FFS.

It is my personal opinion and thus a valid one and there is no call to be so rude and I am well aware that the bidding process started many years ago. Regardless of whether we are in financial crisis or not its still in my view a waste of money.

21-07-2012, 15:54
I have now decided that as I live on the west London M4 'corridor', and guessing at how much local traffic and possibly other kinds of disruption there may prove to be, I am going to go away on holiday for as much of the Olympics duration as I can. Quiet, sunny, Cornwall beckons. A week or two in a luxury villa should be just fine.

Well, I'm off tomorrow. Just me and the dog, a couple of weeks down on the Lizard Peninsula in the sunshine. (Bugger the Olympics!)

21-07-2012, 15:56
It is my personal opinion and thus a valid one

It's a perfectly valid opinion.
I don't happen to agree with it, and my opinion is equally valid.

Spectral Morn
21-07-2012, 16:39
It's a perfectly valid opinion.
I don't happen to agree with it, and my opinion is equally valid.

True but what you ended your comment with was totally uncalled for and extremely rude.

21-07-2012, 16:47
True but what you ended your comment with was totally uncalled for and extremely rude.

I apologise for my rudeness.
Have you stopped editing your preceding posts?

21-07-2012, 17:17

A massive waste of money, at a time when the UK is in financial crisis. We don't need it or want it. The money being lost by being invested :lol: into this would be better used in Hospitals etc.

Sport should pay for itself as it contributes nothing to the country as a whole, its entertainment and as such a luxury not a necessary.

And any comments re National pride making it worth the expense, are you serious? Get a life, its a waste of time, effort and money and will bring no benefit what soever; all it will do is make the amount of money the UK owes grow and we are a joke already re security.

Oh yes and no decent TV either to watch.

Bang On. Couldn't have put it better meself!

21-07-2012, 17:18
It is my personal opinion and thus a valid one and there is no call to be so rude and I am well aware that the bidding process started many years ago. Regardless of whether we are in financial crisis or not its still in my view a waste of money.


22-07-2012, 00:52
Bang On. Couldn't have put it better meself!



A massive waste of money, at a time when the UK is in financial crisis. We don't need it or want it. The money being lost by being invested :lol: into this would be better used in Hospitals etc.

Sport should pay for itself as it contributes nothing to the country as a whole, its entertainment and as such a luxury not a necessary.

And any comments re National pride making it worth the expense, are you serious? Get a life, its a waste of time, effort and money and will bring no benefit what soever; all it will do is make the amount of money the UK owes grow and we are a joke already re security.

Oh yes and no decent TV either to watch.

+2 (Does that mean I lose out on Gold?)

26-07-2012, 10:08
Well, the opening ceremony is today and I'm glad to say I'm now 300 miles away from my home in London for the moment, and I'm enjoying the sun and a drop of lager on the southern tip of Cornwall, so thankfully I'll miss the beginning of all the Olympic nonsense!

26-07-2012, 10:17
Bunch of miserable gits.

26-07-2012, 10:24
Bunch of miserable gits.


26-07-2012, 10:25
Bunch of miserable gits.

The Aussies call us Whinging poms :scratch: I can't think why lol :eyebrows:

Me ,I love the Olympics and am looking forward to it ! I hope we can put on a good show :) Sure it cost too much and we can't afford it , so we should lump it on some other country then and let them foot the bill ?

Here's hoping for a great Olympics and perhaps we can be proud of it :)

26-07-2012, 10:27
Last nite's cockup was monumental.
How to alienate an entire country in one easy step :eyebrows:


And to think, we haven't even had the official opening ceremony yet...

26-07-2012, 10:33
Yes that was a big mistake , I can't think of anything more upsetting for the DPK than having the 'other' flag come up ! So some grovelling appologies are required I think .

26-07-2012, 11:22
Last nite's cockup was monumental.
How to alienate an entire country in one easy step :eyebrows:


And to think, we haven't even had the official opening ceremony yet...

Yeh Chris, a glorious start all right, and grovelling under way ever since, but at least you didn't have Phil the Greek to further fuel the fire with slanty eyed comments..... :D
What was more amusing was that apparently the gaffe was spotted early by the Techs up north, flagged back to London where the video had been compiled, but nothing was done until the Koreans raised merry hell.....:doh:
Another dodgy sub-contractor perhaps?????
More to come I guess.....:eyebrows:

26-07-2012, 11:44


Actually, I'm looking forward to them - it's good to see TV coverage of some of the minority sports for a change.

Techno Commander
26-07-2012, 11:50
At least the sunny weather has finally settled the debate over the womens beach volley ball attire. :eyebrows:


26-07-2012, 12:48
I loved the spin on the importance of the torch relay around the UK in uniting folks in the Olympic fervour despite difficult times.... London got construction jobs, the rest got a glimpse of a glorified lighter.....

Unfortunately DC's end note of "I think we'll show the whole world not just that we've come together as a United Kingdom, but also we're extremely good at welcoming people from across the world." rather assumes we select the correct national flag, and make no more 'honest mistakes'....

26-07-2012, 12:51
It ws only the North Koreans ffs. Nobody cares...

26-07-2012, 18:46
Its not the idea of the Olympics I dislike, its all overkill and the ludicrous hype!

I see the whole day's TV today seems to have been devoted to the carrying of the torch, I mean, surely a couple of minutes during the news would be adequate to show somebody carrying a lump of metal with a gas canister in it.

Many previous Olympics have been held with some sort of restraint, but Britain now seems incapable of this, more and more apeing America's lack of good taste judgement and commercialism.

26-07-2012, 19:10
Oh Dude, don ya thing it's just AWESOME!!!

Well hey, it's like really cool, like someone running with an olympic torch, like awesome.

Well is it LIKE or is ACTUALLY someone running with an olympic torch. You don't know how f*cking stupid you sound!

Urrghh, grpphh...... PUKE

26-07-2012, 19:17
Not sure I understood all that.

26-07-2012, 19:19
apeing America's lack of good taste judgement and commercialism.

Apeing americanspeak:)

26-07-2012, 19:25
Do you know what, all this bitchin' against and bitchin' for the Olympics just makes me think what a bunch of ***** we are in the UK and it leaves me a little cold TBH. I spent the last 3 days listening to my Dad bitchin' about it every-time it came on the TV too.

Guess what guys, my TV has an off switch and nobody has nailed me to the sofa, or pinned my eyes open either.
If you don't like the heat in the kitchen, just walk out and don't go back in till its over - play some music instead........ (I reckon we all have a Hi-Fi here?) ;)

And if all else fails, just watch the volleyball . . . :eyebrows:



26-07-2012, 19:32
Close, but no Camel Toe:eyebrows:

I may watch some of it, but that is not my point.

26-07-2012, 20:15
The one on the right please: your's looks a bit rough.

26-07-2012, 20:30
The one on the right please: your's looks a bit rough.

Agreed - but then I abhor navel piercings

26-07-2012, 21:03
Is that a maritime term?

26-07-2012, 21:06
Is that a maritime term?

No, that would be naval piercings :eyebrows:

Roy S
26-07-2012, 21:08
And if all else fails, just watch the volleyball . . . :eyebrows:



They've certainly got balls

27-07-2012, 18:54
You may have these two confused with certain Thai girls.

27-07-2012, 19:11
If they are Thai girls those are huge ping pong balls! I`d pay good money to see that trick.

27-07-2012, 20:06
Well I'm in front of the TV watching the opening - good luck and fair weather to all. Hope it goes well,


27-07-2012, 21:06
Yes, I caught a bit of the opening just now. Have you noticed how many dimwits in the audience are taking photos with flash? They're just draining their batteries as flash is totally ineffective there.

Ali Tait
27-07-2012, 21:29
Aye but they'll just be using digi cameras set on automatic.

Spectral Morn
27-07-2012, 21:53
Amazing opening ceremony, Danny Boyle has done an exceptional job. Found the early stages very moving and the music from Underworld is beautiful; I hope they release it.

Still not interested in the games themselves but the opening is very special in my opinion.

Anyone else think there is something a tad weird about the aspect ratio on digital. On my set they look stretched and thin.

Techno Commander
27-07-2012, 21:55
Somalia is expected to get a gold medal in exchange for releasing the kidnapped officials.

27-07-2012, 22:06
Aye but they'll just be using digi cameras set on automatic.

Some people would have the sense to turn the flash off (but not many I expect).

27-07-2012, 22:42
What has surprised me is the lack of a certain band . . . we had The Beatles, Eric Clapton, The Jam, Sex Pistols, Zeppelin, The Who, The Stones, Muse, Bowie, Queen, Adele, Eurythmics, Dizzee Rascal, U2, Mike Oldfield .... and others etc, but no Pink Floyd, one of the biggest grossing bands in music history. Perhaps they are saving them till last for the lighting of the cauldron..... SOYCD maybe?

27-07-2012, 22:50
You must have popped to the kitchen to put the kettle on when the cameras panned over Battersea Power Station. There was a large pink pig hovering above it.

Spectral Morn
27-07-2012, 23:52
What has surprised me is the lack of a certain band . . . we had The Beatles, Eric Clapton, The Jam, Sex Pistols, Zeppelin, The Who, The Stones, Muse, Bowie, Queen, Adele, Eurythmics, Dizzee Rascal, U2, Mike Oldfield .... and others etc, but no Pink Floyd, one of the biggest grossing bands in music history. Perhaps they are saving them till last for the lighting of the cauldron..... SOYCD maybe?

Right at the end of the ceremony an extract from DSOTM

27-07-2012, 23:56
Rather good, all round. I thought the industrial revolution segment was superb, so much going on that it was hard to take it all in.

Tim - you must have missed Eclipse after the cauldron was lit.

28-07-2012, 00:00
You must have popped to the kitchen to put the kettle on when the cameras panned over Battersea Power Station and there was a large pink pig hovering above it.
No, I caught that but I didn't hear any Floyd played during the main musical segway and there was no way they could have left them out. Got it half right though, Floyd during the cauldron sequence. I should have guessed better as Eclipse was more appropriate than SOYCD ;)

28-07-2012, 00:00
Thought it was amazing!Shame McCartney had to balls it up at the end.He needs to turn it in.The Arctic Monkeys were class.

28-07-2012, 00:02
Tim - you must have missed Eclipse after the cauldron was lit.
Nope, caught it but I noticed the lack of Floyd earlier on so guessed they would have to include them at some point - spotted the exclusion of them around 11.30 :)

28-07-2012, 00:04
Well done, I didn't think anyone could outdo the Chinese opening, but I reckon you did. And I love the sheer concept of someone saying "lets throw some confetti out of a helicopter" and it becoming "lets throw 7 billion pieces, one for each person on the planet" Brilliant!
I love the way the English can do the big events like no one else, fantastic opening.


The Vinyl Adventure
28-07-2012, 00:07
Olympics??? Was this not all for my daughters first birthday??

28-07-2012, 00:18
Very impressed. No attempt to out do Beijing (which would have been futile) but gave a show that was British through and through with the right balance of humour and seriousness. Turned a pub full of sceptics into enthralled viewers in an instant. Kudos Mr. Boyle.

Oh, and happy first birthday Connie.

28-07-2012, 00:20
Quintessentially British and focusing on what we are good at - a celebration of British music was wholly appropriate IMO.

28-07-2012, 00:27
A very impressive show

The only downers were McCartney who's well past it and the very dodgey German salute

28-07-2012, 00:28
What has surprised me is the lack of a certain band . . . we had The Beatles, Eric Clapton, The Jam, Sex Pistols, Zeppelin, The Who, The Stones, Muse, Bowie, Queen, Adele, Eurythmics, Dizzee Rascal, U2, Mike Oldfield .... and others etc, but no Pink Floyd, one of the biggest grossing bands in music history. Perhaps they are saving them till last for the lighting of the cauldron..... SOYCD maybe?

I thought that, and was irritated by it. But I was impatient: they did play the last couple of verses from DSOTM, after the Olympic flame was lit, during a montage of previous Olympic triumphs. So OK after all!

Looking back, I was greatly relieved to see that we did, in the end, do our country proud. There were some nice touches: the Olympic flame being formed from the 204 'kettles' carried by each of the competing countries and lit by possible future Olympians; proud recognition of the NHS and the work done by Great Ormand Street Hospital; female emancipation (though I didn't think we were the first) and our contribution to popular music.

No doubt some parts of the tableau will have been lost on observers from other countries: I think the industrial revolution was overdone (no mention of the invention of the steam train and railways), and many technical inventions were omitted: wireless; discovery of penicillin (though it can be argued Fleming was not the first) and the development of computing, though Tim Berners-Lee was acknowledged and did appear.

But these are petty quibbles. I found the whole opening ceremony moving, entertaining, funny, quirky, though-provoking and very, very British.

An important aspect of the opening ceremony is for the host country to celebrate its culture and contribution to the world and thanks to Danny Boyle I think that was ably demonstrated tonight.

28-07-2012, 00:36
Well said Barry ! Only real downer for me was Macca , sad to say but his voice is sooo fooked ! It was pretty embarrassing at her maj's do , on a more positive note ! At least Cliff wasn't involved ! Phew .

28-07-2012, 00:41
Well said Barry ! Only real downer for me was Macca , sad to say but his voice is sooo fooked ! It was pretty embarrassing at her maj's do , on a more positive note ! At least Cliff wasn't involved ! Phew .

Yes, Macca was a disappointment (and sad to say, an embarassment). :(

28-07-2012, 00:47
Has anyone noticed the channels on Freesat? I have 24 High Definition BBC Olympic Channels! The coverage is going to be very impressive, shame I'll be at work :(

Macca, yes.... time to give up fella you are doing yourself no favours now. Mohammad Ali got rapturous applause compared to the acknowledgment Macca received.

28-07-2012, 05:56
Has anyone noticed the channels on Freesat?

Yes, that's very good, can't wait to see the womens' weightlifting and volleyball! :D

Ali Tait
28-07-2012, 07:05
Nope, caught it but I noticed the lack of Floyd earlier on so guessed they would have to include them at some point - spotted the exclusion of them around 11.30 :)

There was some Floyd played earlier but I'm buggered if I can remember when it was. It was just a short sample though.

Ali Tait
28-07-2012, 07:07
Well done, I didn't think anyone could outdo the Chinese opening, but I reckon you did. And I love the sheer concept of someone saying "lets throw some confetti out of a helicopter" and it becoming "lets throw 7 billion pieces, one for each person on the planet" Brilliant!
I love the way the English can do the big events like no one else, fantastic opening.


Oi! The United Kingdom consists of more than just the bloody English ye know!

28-07-2012, 07:33
There was some Floyd played earlier but I'm buggered if I can remember when it was. It was just a short sample though.
Really, must have missed that and I have seen most of it twice now :eyebrows: I shall try again?

28-07-2012, 08:17
Danny Boyle's Olympic Playlist

Part One

Captain Algernon Drummond, William Johnson Cory - Eton Boating Song
Elgar, AC Benson - Land of Hope and Glory
The Jam - Going Underground
Muse - Map of the Problematique
Big Ben Chimes
Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen
The Clash - London Calling
Simon May - EastEnders Theme
The Shipping Forecast
Sir Hubert Parry, William Blake - Jerusalem
Elgar - Nimrod
Handel - Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
Eric Coates - Dambusters March
Handel - Music for the Royal Fireworks
Monty Norman - James Bond Theme
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells
Mike Oldfield - In Dulci Jubilo
Vangelis - Chariots of Fire
BBC News 1954
Arthur Wood - The Archers Theme
Winifred Atwell - Black and White Rag

Part Two

Sugababes - Push the Button
OMD - Enola Gay
David Rose - The Stripper
Lionel Bart - Food Glorious Food
Irwin Kostal, Richard Sherman, Robert Sherman - Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Rizzle Kicks - When I Was a Youngster
Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
Colin Tully - Gregorys Girl Theme
William Pitt - City Lights
The Who - My Generation
The Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
Millie Small - My Boy Lollipop
The Kinks - All Day and All of the Night
The Beatles - She Loves You
Mud - Tiger Feet
Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot
The Specials - A Message to You Rudy
David Bowie - Starman
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Sex Pistols - Pretty Vacant
Duran Duran - The Reflex
New Order - Blue Monday

Part Three

Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax
Soul II Soul - Back To Life
Happy Mondays - Step On
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Prodigy - Firestarter
Underworld - Born Slippy
Jaan Kenbrovin, John William Kellette - Im Forever Blowing Bubbles
Blur - Song 2
Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers
Tigerstyle - Nacnha Onda Nei (contains Michael Jackson - Billie Jean, Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure and Ilaiyaraaja - Naanthaan Ungappanda)
Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse - Valerie
Radiohead - Creep
Muse - Uprising
Kano & Mikey J - Random Antics
Tinie Tempah - Pass Out
MIA - Paper Planes
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize

Part Four

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict a Riot
Roll Deep - Shake a Leg
Adele - Rolling in the Deep
Oasis - The Hindu Times
Oasis - Wonderwall
Emeli Sande - Heaven
William Monk/Henry Francis - Abide With Me
Pink Floyd - Eclipse
The Beatles - The End
The Beatles - Hey Jude
David Bowie - Heroes
Eric Spear - Coronation Street Theme
Ron Grainer - Doctor Who Theme
John Philip Sousa - Monty Python Theme/The Liberty Bell
David Bowie - Absolute Beginners


. . or - https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:user:newyorkbell:playlist:0ntlWkY6PcZ XSLTZQHJiVU


28-07-2012, 08:36
Freesat Channel 162
Ladies beach volleyball in HD :eyebrows:

28-07-2012, 08:55
Did anyone notice the strange salute the German delegate was giving his team ? Its on utube already , bizarre .

Reminded me of that Klaus Barbie dummy in rat race movie.

28-07-2012, 09:06
Did anyone notice the strange salute the German delegate was giving his team ? Its on utube already , bizarre.
Do you have a link Chris?

28-07-2012, 10:00
Do you have a link Chris?

Its been removed on copyright grounds .

28-07-2012, 10:01
There was some Floyd played earlier but I'm buggered if I can remember when it was. It was just a short sample though.

There was a very small sample of TIME.

As for McCartney.I'm sure I saw him slump onto his piano with his head in his hands when he finished.He knew he'd f*cked up.

Apart from that I thought it was faultless.The Arctic Monkeys were right on it. The best British band at the moment.

28-07-2012, 10:02
Ahh , here it is


Look at Camilla's face and Boris giggling behind oh god .

28-07-2012, 10:03
Ahh , here it is

Good grief, WTF was that :scratch:

28-07-2012, 10:07
Good grief, WTF was that :scratch:

I'm sure that you're all reading far too much into it :rolleyes:

28-07-2012, 10:11
:lol: maybe, but it sure don't look right to me. Anyway, a minor triffle ;)

28-07-2012, 10:12
Did anyone notice the strange salute the German delegate was giving his team ? Its on utube already , bizarre .

Reminded me of that Klaus Barbie dummy in rat race movie.


28-07-2012, 10:20
Really its Camilla and Boris's reaction that is shocking ! They should have been mortified :rolleyes:

28-07-2012, 10:46
Really its Camilla and Boris's reaction that is shocking ! They should have been mortified :rolleyes:
Maybe that's the right reaction?

28-07-2012, 10:58
Maybe that's the right reaction?

Maybe their reaction is highly offensive to Germans ;)

28-07-2012, 11:15
Maybe their reaction is highly offensive to Germans ;)
Now you're reading too much into it ;)

28-07-2012, 11:37
Now you're reading too much into it ;)

If I'm honest I think if I was sat next to Boris , I would be laughing as well ! It's wrong and we know it's wrong but .... Well they really shouldn't have started it :doh:

28-07-2012, 11:44
Gymnastics is good , Chinese men as good as ever but the British boys are doing us proud !

28-07-2012, 12:28
Meanwhile, Lewis is looking good for pole in the Hungarian F1 qualy. Lots going on today.

28-07-2012, 13:35
There are 24 new BBC HD Olympics channels on Sky HD. Wow!

28-07-2012, 14:43

NOW - Ladies' Weightlifting. :D

28-07-2012, 15:42

NOW - Ladies' Weightlifting. :D
I've been watching this, very interesting.

28-07-2012, 19:37
Thought the opening ceremony was well orchestrated, enjoyed it immensely and it even managed to impress a handful of surly teenagers last night ;)

However, really angry to see on TV the amount of empty seats at the Gymnastics, tried hard to get tickets and then to see so many empty made my blood boil...some free on the swimming I see as well... :steam:

28-07-2012, 21:25
Yes the amount of empty seats is not good.

Hope they sort it out in the next day or two.

28-07-2012, 22:58
I tried very hard to get seats in the Velodrome. I'll be even angrier with them than I already am if I see empty seats there.

29-07-2012, 07:38
You will always get empty seats when your give large numbers to sponsors and the corporate world, but with ticketing being such a sensitive issue, its another major embarrassment for LOCOG. They should have taken a lesson from Wimbledon, you don't see empty seats there.

On a more positive note, I thought the men's road race was gripping, despite the poor coverage due to lack of information. The finish was very exciting and we need to get over blaming everyone else for Team GB's loss - they cocked up and got their tactics wrong and got beaten fair and square. I think I may watch the ladies race today too, as the spectacle of the huge crowds which turned out to watch the guys was very uplifting. That's what we should be seeing at all the events, hoards of fans cheering and waving - not silent empty seats!

29-07-2012, 07:51
However, really angry to see on TV the amount of empty seats at the Gymnastics, tried hard to get tickets and then to see so many empty made my blood boil...some free on the swimming I see as well... :steam:

Yes the amount of empty seats is not good.

Hope they sort it out in the next day or two.

I tried very hard to get seats in the Velodrome. I'll be even angrier with them than I already am if I see empty seats there.
Bit on the news this morning highlighting the empty seats issue,
they might have been bought by/allocated to sponsors and other big companies as corporate seats but for some reason haven't been taken up on the day,
they said they'll look into ways of making them available to the public if they fail to turn up on the day.


29-07-2012, 09:04
There are masses of empty seats again for the swimming and I mean a lot! I guess Lord COE's threat to 'name and shame' the people responsible has got them so scared they daren't turn up. What a pigs ear and a crying shame for the thousands of disappointed people who couldn't get tickets. How could they get something so fundamentally important, so terribly wrong :scratch:

29-07-2012, 09:22
One thing's for sure, i don't remember seeing so many empty seats at any Olympics i've watched over the years. :scratch:


29-07-2012, 10:22
One thing's for sure, i don't remember seeing so many empty seats at any Olympics i've watched over the years. :scratch:


Only in Britain......what a laughing stock.

Oh yea, we lost the mens cycling too. However we are told "we did our best". Utter shite. I watched most of it and it was clear that they got the strategy completely wrong. When the "team" were 6 minutes behind the breakaway group (about 2 hours of racing left) you would have thought that they would have twigged that they had to do something. Oh no let's just enjoy the coutryside and the free drinks...:D

29-07-2012, 10:24
How many frustrated parents there must be around the Country, trying to explain to their children why they couldn't get tickets when they see this on the TV?


Image Source - Telegraph 29.7.12 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/london-2012/9434744/London-2012-Olympics-Empty-seats-on-the-opening-day-prompts-investigation.html)

Very sad really and our bid was based on the fact we promised it would be a legacy to inspire and influence generations of youth to engage in sport. However LOCOG dress this up with an explanation will not be good enough, its just wrong.

29-07-2012, 11:31
Utter shite

They cocked up their strategy and they paid the consequence. They are still great cyclists and calling them 'utter shite' simply demeans your post.

29-07-2012, 11:34
However LOCOG dress this up with an explanation will not be good enough, its just wrong.

It's clear to see that the upper seats for the 'proles' are packed, it's the lower seats given out to corporates that are sadly empty. I'm unsure why they thought this was a good strategy but I would like to hear Coe's explanation when asked directly why tickets were wasted on companies not interested enough to attend.

29-07-2012, 11:59
They cocked up their strategy and they paid the consequence. They are still great cyclists and calling them 'utter shite' simply demeans your post.

Should I have respect for them as athletes when their athletic prowess was rubbished by their strategy?

29-07-2012, 11:59
Surely they can count seats, you are told to be at the venue,in good time so why not say if you're not at the venue and scanned in half an hour before your allotted time your seat allocation is given up and handed to somebody queuing up outside. IE give the tickets away at the venue. It makes no sense to leave them empty........on the news now....

29-07-2012, 12:03
Wow theyve just suggested that on the TV, makes sense to me.....

29-07-2012, 15:03
An absolute thriller of a road race by the women, watched it from start to finish and I was riveted. Well done Lizzie Armitstead, richly deserved and shows what you can achieve with determination, as she didn't take up cycling until 2004. Cracking effort and look at that smile, despite being pipped at the post for a Gold medal :)


29-07-2012, 16:53
An interesting if candid response to the complaints - http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/londonspy/bbc-apologise-appalling-cycling-coverage-093432824.html

29-07-2012, 17:09
An absolute thriller of a road race by the women, watched it from start to finish and I was riveted. Well done Lizzie Armitstead, richly deserved and shows what you can achieve with determination, as she didn't take up cycling until 2004. Cracking effort and look at that smile, despite being pipped at the post for a Gold medal :)


Brilliant. I watched it all.

29-07-2012, 17:50
An interesting if candid response to the complaints - http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/londonspy/bbc-apologise-appalling-cycling-coverage-093432824.html
Didn't want to chance it, put to mute and put on Moby (play),Jason Mraz (live and acoustic) and Dead Can Dance (towards the within).......bliss. :lol:

Brilliant. I watched it all.
Agreed, watched it all as well, no Badminton today.

The most enjoyable woman's race for many a year, Marianne Vos showed what she's made of in what is difficult conditions,
must have resembled her Cyclocross World title, infact the whole dutch team rode really well i thought and shaped the race. :thumbsup:


29-07-2012, 17:55
Great, great race and richly deserved success for Armitstead.

I've been a fan of hers since I saw her race her heart out in a track points race at Manchester velodrome some years ago right at the start of her career. I was sat near Lizzie's grandma who was going mental shouting and screaming encouragement. Lizzie's grandma was a talented cyclist herself who trained and rode with the great Beryl Burton back in her youth.

29-07-2012, 18:34
Great, great race and richly deserved success for Armitstead.

I've been a fan of hers since I saw her race her heart out in a track points race at Manchester velodrome some years ago right at the start of her career. I was sat near Lizzie's grandma who was going mental shouting and screaming encouragement. Lizzie's grandma was a talented cyclist herself who trained and rode with the great Beryl Burton back in her youth.
Keith, thanks for the biopic on Lizzie A, she rode really well today and tracked everything to be in the right place at the right time,
must admit i know nowt of her till today, Cooke and Colley yes but not Lizzie, :o heard of and read about Beryl though. :)


29-07-2012, 22:21

Well, I had the sound turned down and music on. I had to admire the skill of the Spanish team in the competition.
Even the rain getting them all wet did not deter!

29-07-2012, 22:29
Even watching Rebecca Adlington getting bronze was excellent. It doesn't always have to be gold that impresses. Nothing wrong with being third best.

30-07-2012, 18:12
Well done to mens gymnast team , a silver medal 1st in a hundred years ! Well done lads .

30-07-2012, 18:39
Now a bronze , still a great effort.

30-07-2012, 18:45
Yes, it was quite superb. British gymnastics, who would have thought?

30-07-2012, 19:14
Lottery money made it possible but they still have to perform I guess. ? But I'm amazed they won a medal , never thought they'd be in front of both the USA and Russia ? I mean it's almost unthinkable .

30-07-2012, 19:43
Great to watch too. Real nail-biter waiting for the last Ukrainian ring score to come up.

31-07-2012, 09:22
Anyone watch the men’s hockey yesterday? GB vs. Argentina. Can’t say I’m in to hockey at all, I tried it once at school and got kicked out on the first day because apparently persistent hooking doesn’t show good form. I got quite in to it though, a convincing win over the Argentines in anything is likely to catch the imagination but watching the game played at that pace with that level of skill was quite something. As a football fan I really enjoyed the similarities in terms of movement and passing patterns.

31-07-2012, 10:20
A great first olympic win for the GB ladies volleyball team (that's proper volleyball - not that 'beach' bollox) against Algeria (3-2) late last night. Algeria are ranked 16 in the world - that's 53 places higher than our ladies.

I watched it in the local pub and managed to get quite a few of the locals interested in the game - though I got fed up with being asked to explain the rules every few minutes :) Paul, the landlord of the pub, wasn't quite so enthusiatic though - he'd wanted to close at midnight but the game didn't finish until nearly quarter to one :lol:

GBs men's volleyball team take on Australia at 8pm tonight - seeing as it's being played at Earl's Court, I'm not sure who the home team will be :)

31-07-2012, 21:09
Great time at the Olympic Park today, weather was a bit iffy but the atmosphere excellent. Got there early and enjoyed the relative quiet around the park, must say the organization was excellent and the Olympic staff and Army security teams where friendly and very helpful. Great to see a strong Police presence, it helped you to relax.

The park got really busy in the afternoon but everyone was in good spirits, we saw the women’s 10m synchronized diving and the two British girls where leading after the first round and a close second after the next, unfortunately they had a bit of a nightmare in the 3rd and fourth rounds but rallied in the last placing them 5th, just a few points behind third place,

Not so good was the number of empty seats again, really shocking , I just don’t understand it…tickets are difficult to get and yet even in the cheap seats as we where there were still many available…

The prices for the memorabilia where a bit eye watering….no very very eye watering ! I bumped into one guy Googling some prices on his iPhone and finding some great savings on Amazon!!!! A real shame but the tills where still ringing despite everything being mad in…ahem…China ;)

If you can get to go even if its just to see the park and experience the atmosphere do it!

31-07-2012, 21:13
Is it worth going with no tickets for a wander?

31-07-2012, 21:55
I thought you needed a £10.00 ticket just to enter the Olympic Park - either for a day session 10.00-15.00 or evening from 16.00-21.00. Unless of course you have an event ticket, which includes entry to the park. I was informed the Olympic Park tickets were also sold out from Friday 3rd, have I got this wrong?

Olympic Park (http://media.ticketmaster.com/en-gb/img/sys/tournament/london2012/oly-olympicpark-3.pdf)

Just checked and there are no Olympic Park tickets available for any dates. There are however some closing ceremony tickets at £995.00 or £1,500.00!
Lots of Boxing, some Beach Volleyball (only men's sessions, funny that!), some walking in The Mall and a few Swimming Heats for Friday morning at £95.00. Plenty of football and basketball too, but that's about all at the moment it seems, but it is changing all the time with a few odds and sods in lesser events popping up. You can now return tickets for resale, what a clever idea, I wonder why they never thought of that before :doh:

I may keep checking back for cycling and athletics tickets, just on the off chance?

01-08-2012, 07:43
Its worth going if you can get a park entry ticket IMHO, there's a large double sided screen in the center of the park where you can sit and watch some of the broadcast events and feel part of it but given Tim's post above even that may be difficult! Mornings seem to be the quietest....

01-08-2012, 08:48
There are plenty of tickets still available for the Paralympics. I may just treat myself as it would be good to actually attend and be a little part of history, as its not going to happen again in my lifetime. :)

Its a good job this post is here actually, as I had intended on just heading up there on Saturday, as I didn't realise you needed a ticket just to enter the park! Good job I checked.

01-08-2012, 15:08
Well done Bradley and Chris!

01-08-2012, 15:20
Well done Bradley and Chris!

Phenomenal effort from both of them :clap:

01-08-2012, 15:26
Watching that was superb. Also the two rowers earlier.
10th in the medal table is a lot better than 21st!

02-08-2012, 05:54
Agreed on both cycling and rowing, excellent stuff...

I wonder whether the sprinters will be allowed in though http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/londonspy/gemili-comical-case-mistaken-identity-201030696.html

02-08-2012, 16:03
Bloomin' heck, yet again there are spare seats to be seen...this time at the Velodrome :steam:

Spectral Morn
02-08-2012, 17:20
Well I said I would not be watching the Olympics and mostly I haven't but I have watched some of the Women's Judo and I must confess I have found it very compelling to watch. Its probably because I did Judo for awhile when I was a young teenager. I lost interest and stopped but watching this has brought some of it back.

Team GB has been doing quite well too, well done Gemma Gibbons on her silver medal.

It has to be said that the women's teams have been winning a lot of the medals.

The rowing today was also thrilling as two of the team that won silver come from NI :D :cool:

02-08-2012, 20:18
Anyone tried watching it with the BBC iPlayer an d listening to the audio via headphones? Give it a try if you haven't already.

02-08-2012, 20:30
At 21:30 - Thurs 2nd Aug 2012



03-08-2012, 09:51

Would love to see her win today , its a tough race but we know she'll give it everything ! feeling nervous for her :)

03-08-2012, 10:19
fingers crossed for her.

03-08-2012, 13:51
Think she will win it by 2 or 3 secs.

03-08-2012, 16:55
New WR for girls team pursuit cycling ....... sweet :)

03-08-2012, 17:13
...and Pendleton rode superbly in the Keirin, too. I simply cannot comprehend how fast they go on those bikes.

Isn't the Keirin a faintly bizarre spectacle?

03-08-2012, 17:27
Isn't the Keirin a faintly bizarre spectacle?
Very odd indeed, but also compelling.

Here we go then, the men's pursuit final :)

03-08-2012, 17:34
Yeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaa


and another WR to boot :)

03-08-2012, 17:39
F a n t a s t i c !!

03-08-2012, 17:45
That Men's Pursuit Team are awesome, they just destroyed the Aussies.

03-08-2012, 17:50
Yep - brilliant!

03-08-2012, 18:17
So pleased for Victoria Pendleton - go GB!

03-08-2012, 18:21
At 19:20 - Fri 3rd Aug 2012



This looks nice.

03-08-2012, 18:47
Anyone here excited by the Olympics?

I think the phrase has the words PIE, HUMBLE and EAT in it:o

I have really enjoyed a lot of the Olympics, especially the bike events.

03-08-2012, 18:56
[QUOTE=Puffin;344076]Anyone here excited by the Olympics?QUOTE]

I think the phrase has the words PIE, HUMBLE and EAT in it:o

I have really enjoyed a lot of the Olympics, especially the bike events.

Traitor! I haven't watched any of it :sofa:

03-08-2012, 18:59
Shame on you, call yourself British:)

04-08-2012, 04:47
I'm loving it :) It's early I know but I've just passed a dreadful night of sickness :( but feeling better !

You've got to love Becky , a bronze medal and so gracious and generous afterwards , the true Olympic spirit , great swim by Ledecky .

Feeling very proud of our team , so many great stories behind each medal .

04-08-2012, 07:51
Feeling very proud of our team , so many great stories behind each medal .
That's what I feel so many people miss. Yes its expensive, yes we cannot afford it and yes I would much prefer it if they could scale it back and cut out some of the BS. As impressive as the Opening Ceremony was, do we really need all that razzmatazz? Its the feats of human endeavour that leave me breathless and often quite choked. I guess as I used to run in my teens, I can relate to it more, but I never fail to be impressed by what a human being can achieve with determination and hard work - very humbling. For me it really is the greatest show on earth.

Above all that remains, I dearly hope this lady wins a medal - what a fantastic ambassador for sport and inspiration for our youth - go Jess :)


However, having said all that the one thing that really pisses me off about the Olympics is the IOC ..... Empty seats and the privilege of the Games (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19109997)

04-08-2012, 08:51
Seat allocation still continues to annoy but it was great to see the main stadium and velodrome packed to the rafters yesterday, go Team GB! and the sailing yesterday, really well done...don't piss of Ainslie :)

04-08-2012, 09:49
That's what I feel so many people miss. Yes its expensive, yes we cannot afford it and yes I would much prefer it if they could scale it back and cut out some of the BS. As impressive as the Opening Ceremony was, do we really need all that razzmatazz? Its the feats of human endeavour that leave me breathless and often quite choked. I guess as I used to run in my teens, I can relate to it more, but I never fail to be impressed by what a human being can achieve with determination and hard work - very humbling. For me it really is the greatest show on earth.

Above all that remains, I dearly hope this lady wins a medal - what a fantastic ambassador for sport and inspiration for our youth - go Jess :)


However, having said all that the one thing that really pisses me off about the Olympics is the IOC ..... Empty seats and the privilege of the Games (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19109997)

Yes , and I'm rooting for Jess too ! Also what an historic moment today for Oscar Pistorious .

04-08-2012, 11:09
I'm still raving about Pendleton! Fingers crossed for Ennis today.

04-08-2012, 12:17
The rowing has been fantastic, and I don't mind admitting I had a tear in my eye seeing how gutted Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter were to "only" get silver. :(

04-08-2012, 12:51
Nice to see most people enjoying the games.
After all the negativity before it.

04-08-2012, 12:58
I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing... big waste of money, blah, blah, blah... etc.

Just on a whim I thought I'd turn the telly over last week and see what the fuss was about with the opening ceremony...

I've been totally hooked ever since.

Completely lost count of how many times I've found myself "filling up", I've even stood for the national anthem at least once! :D

Utterly brilliant!

04-08-2012, 13:09
I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing... big waste of money, blah, blah, blah... etc.

Just on a whim I thought I'd turn the telly over last week and see what the fuss was about with the opening ceremony...

I've been totally hooked ever since.

Completely lost count of how many times I've found myself "filling up", I've even stood for the national anthem at least once! :D

Utterly brilliant!

You Like This:)

04-08-2012, 13:32
I really couldn't be arsed with the whole thing... big waste of money, blah, blah, blah... etc.

Just on a whim I thought I'd turn the telly over last week and see what the fuss was about with the opening ceremony...

I've been totally hooked ever since.

Completely lost count of how many times I've found myself "filling up", I've even stood for the national anthem at least once! :D

Utterly brilliant!


04-08-2012, 14:34
Thanks goodness, I have some time off until 1600 when the good stuff starts again. Despite it happening just down the road, I'm not really into the Sailing and I personally don't think Tennis (or Football) should be an Olympic sport - anyone else think that?

Nice to see that some of the naysayers are actually enjoying the action too ;)
Its not about money, corporate BS or all the other crap - its supposed to be about amazing human beings doing truly humbling things and pretty much sacrificing everything in the pursuit of excellence. If you could only get rid of all the BS and just leave the sport it would be great, as that's all the athletes really want, to compete and to have some fans cheer them on along the way - the rest is just window dressing IMO and most of it is totally unnecessary and a complete waste of money.

Still looking good . . .


04-08-2012, 14:49
Know i don't think footie or tennis should be in.

Was good to see how much it just meant to s williams in the singles though.

04-08-2012, 14:53
The rowing has been fantastic, and I don't mind admitting I had a tear in my eye seeing how gutted Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter were to "only" get silver. :(

And John Inverdale was blubbing after the interview , and so was I

I'd had it when the two girls got there golds .

Comon Jess and Mo !

04-08-2012, 15:10
Thanks goodness, I have some time off until 1600 when the good stuff starts again. Despite it happening just down the road, I'm not really into the Sailing and I personally don't think Tennis (or Football) should be an Olympic sport - anyone else think that?

Well despite your opinion on the football, there has been a football competion in all bar two modern Olympic games.
So it's not as though it's a new thing, is it? ;)

04-08-2012, 15:49
Well despite your opinion on the football, there has been a football competion in all bar two modern Olympic games.
So it's not as though it's a new thing, is it? ;)

New, no... but, well, I dunno. Just doesn't 'seem' like an Olympic sport somehow, can't explain it really. Just feels wrong in some weird way! :scratch:

04-08-2012, 15:57
New, no... but, well, I dunno. Just doesn't 'seem' like an Olympic sport somehow, can't explain it really. Just feels wrong in some weird way! :scratch:

Something to do with the BBC not properly covering the sport in previous games because we haven't had any teams participating? ;)

04-08-2012, 16:01
Something to do with the BBC not properly covering the sport in previous games because we haven't had any teams participating? ;)

No idea, matey! :confused:

04-08-2012, 16:12
No idea, matey! :confused:

It's just a thought.

Football is generally thought of as being more of a Winter game in Britain, which is again nonsense, 'cos the season starts next weekend for the lower divisions, and the weekend after for the Premier League.

Today is the start of the season in Scotland.

04-08-2012, 16:14
Ah, I've got it!

Football is shit! :D

04-08-2012, 16:18
Ah, I've got it!

Football is shit! :D


This is what I think of your comment :finger:

04-08-2012, 16:24

This is what I think of your comment :finger:

HeHe :eyebrows:

Sorry, bud, footy just ain't my thing most of the time. Too many "look at me" vastly overpaid Prima Donna's in there for my liking... Of course, when it comes to the World Cup! :eyebrows:

04-08-2012, 16:32
HeHe :eyebrows:

Sorry, bud, footy just ain't my thing most of the time. Too many "look at me" vastly overpaid Prima Donna's in there for my liking... Of course, when it comes to the World Cup! :eyebrows:

Fair do Mike.

I went to a game during the week http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/jul/31/manchester-city-oldham-athletic and I expected my team to lose.
The result was as expected, so all the football headlines the following day were along the lines of "Latics beat League Champions 2-1" ;)

04-08-2012, 16:43
Wel done to Andy Murray and Laura Robson for ensuring a guaranteed medal place...

04-08-2012, 17:34
What about those team pursuit girls, they break the world record yet again and get the Gold - outstanding.


04-08-2012, 17:37
Team GB cyclists have been absolutely on fire since the word go.... fan-bloody-tastic! :hairmetal:

04-08-2012, 19:55
Top totty too :)


04-08-2012, 20:11
Well done Jessica Ennis! Awesome Gold performance!

04-08-2012, 20:13
She blew them away, amazing finish. Utterly nailbiting. What's her total points now? Has she broken the 7000 barrier?

04-08-2012, 20:22
Not quite 7000 points, but she obliterated the opposition. What a way to finish, by winning the 800m outright. What a last few days the GBR team have had, simply outstanding.

Here's hoping for Greg Rutherford...

04-08-2012, 20:23

04-08-2012, 20:24
He was happy with that!

04-08-2012, 20:24

04-08-2012, 20:26
go Mo...

04-08-2012, 20:26
Thats 5! can Mo make it 6? Some pushing and barging going on....

04-08-2012, 20:48

04-08-2012, 20:50
Un-believe-able! Fantastic! What a day! :eek:

04-08-2012, 20:51
It looks like he could do it again as well!

04-08-2012, 21:00
I'm knackered just watching it!

04-08-2012, 21:01
Excellent 100m women's as well!

04-08-2012, 21:19
Definitely agree football shouldn't be an Olympic sport (now we're out! ;))

04-08-2012, 21:37
Definitely agree football shouldn't be an Olympic sport (now we're out! ;))

Team GB weren't good enough to win the game - nuff said.
I feel sorry for Danny Sturridge - the defeat doesn't rest solely on his shoulders, even though he probably thinks it does.

I hope this is a launch pad for a proper Team GB football squad to be assembled, with Scots and Northern Irish players too, and f**k the head up backside colloquialism of the respective FAs.

There will be a football tournament at the next Olympics, and I sincerely hope that there is a British presence on the field.

05-08-2012, 06:55
Was yesterday actually real? :mental:

SIX gold medals in a day, three in under an hour... surely that's it, it can't get any better than that, can it? :eek:

05-08-2012, 08:21
An amusing take.....

05-08-2012, 08:53
Fantastic performance from Team GB last night...

05-08-2012, 09:21
Surprised they let ramsey take the 2nd penalty after only just getting his 1st.

05-08-2012, 09:21
What a awesome night

05-08-2012, 09:59
It left me speechless, I've never experienced anything quite like that and I was at home - imagine what it was like inside the stadium! I don't think there would be many now that would claim London 2012 was anything other than a success. Win or lose, the sport has been fantastic.

05-08-2012, 10:10
It left me speechless, I've never experienced anything quite like that and I was at home - imagine what it was like inside the stadium! I don't think there would be many now that would claim London 2012 was anything other than a success. Win or lose, the sport has been fantastic.

I fully agree :)

05-08-2012, 10:42
An amusing take.....

:lol: Brilliant!

05-08-2012, 10:55
A word for the broadcast quality: the BBC HD pictures and sound have been quite superb (26 channels at times). Turning up my system to 'realistic', the cheers from the crowd have been awesome and very immersive. This is what we expect from the BBC and they have delivered. Not so some of the commentary, but never mind.

05-08-2012, 13:50
Ben Ainslie - yee har!!

05-08-2012, 14:44
Ben Ainslie - yee har!!

The atmosphere here (Weymouth) is electric. Thousands of people, sunny weather, Gold Medal winner, marvellous.

05-08-2012, 15:24
Even Andy Murrey has one

05-08-2012, 15:46
My favourite cycling event is on now - the Sprint. I love it :)

05-08-2012, 15:52
Me too, Tim. Pendleton is simply fab to watch.

05-08-2012, 15:53
Something's very wrong... that's twice in a week I've found myself standing for the national anthem. AND I don't even like tennis much :scratch: :lol:

05-08-2012, 15:56
Me too, Tim. Pendleton is simply fab to watch.

I'll have to catch up with this one quietly on iPlayer :D

05-08-2012, 16:29
Me too, Tim. Pendleton is simply fab to watch.
Do you mean watching her cycle, or just watching her Martin? :eyebrows:

that's twice in a week I've found myself standing for the national anthem. AND I don't even like tennis much :lol:

05-08-2012, 16:32
Do you mean watching her cycle, or just watching her Martin?

I think Nick's doing *that* kind of watching ;)
I just love her explosive acceleration.

05-08-2012, 17:04
I think Nick's doing *that* kind of watching
Ah yes, got it wrong it was Nick ;)

Victoria is very impressive indeed, she just seems to be able to turn the speed on at the flick of a switch - explosive is bang on.

05-08-2012, 17:28
The atmosphere here (Weymouth) is electric. Thousands of people, sunny weather, Gold Medal winner, marvellous.

Marvelous for Ben but who's idea was it to send a blabbering idiot to interview him though ? I loved his cool reaction though .

I keep watching Mo running that incredible last 200 metres , I will never forget that ! Just astounding .

05-08-2012, 18:26
Marvelous for Ben but who's idea was it to send a blabbering idiot to interview him though ? I loved his cool reaction though .

Just watched the recording of the race. The interviewer was extremely excited, and just a little OTT. :D

Have to add that the sailors have had exceptionally favourable weather, i.e.: winds, for the events.

05-08-2012, 19:25
Blake or Bolt ?? My mate just called to tell me Bolt is going to completely smash it, he's just playing around with everyone asking if he's still as good as he was, injury talk etc. According to him the stage is set just how Bolt wants it for him to destroy everyone and continue lapping up the global adoration he loves relishes and rises to - (We'll soon see - 9.45pm tonight) :)

05-08-2012, 19:40


. . . ;)

05-08-2012, 19:50
I think Bolt might run a 9.6 or better , it's going to be epic !

05-08-2012, 20:05
Is that to scale, Tim? ;)

05-08-2012, 20:48
Is that to scale, Tim? ;)
Yup, sure is..... we shall see, but that semi was something else from Bolt. Its his race to lose.

05-08-2012, 20:48
I just think Blake may surprise - dunno why... We'll soon find out!

05-08-2012, 21:00
9.63 . Wow !

Sad for Tyson though .

05-08-2012, 21:05
"legend" - absolutely!

05-08-2012, 22:06
Even Andy Murrey has one

He's obviously chuffed to bits, but he's being interviewed on BBC1 right now and he comes across like his goldfish has died! I think he needs positivity counselling!

05-08-2012, 22:12
I think he needs positivity counselling!
I can think of a few things he needs . . . . I'm afraid I have to turn the TV off when he is on, don't have the stomach for it.

05-08-2012, 22:12
Yes, Laura Robson should be pleased, too. At 18 she has a bright future ahead of her.

05-08-2012, 22:19
I was very impressed by this ladies demeanor, great sense of humour and extremely cool during interview immediately after her race.
I hope she does well, as I'm a fan :)


Perri Shakes-Drayton

05-08-2012, 22:26
I was pleased for Ohuruogu, too. Silver after a gold at the last Olympics is no mean achievement.

06-08-2012, 09:15
Got my fingers crossed for Beth Tweddle today , would love to see her finally get a medal on the uneven bars ! Comon Beth .

06-08-2012, 09:16
I was pleased for Ohuruogu, too. Silver after a gold at the last Olympics is no mean achievement.

Yes , she fought hard in that last 75 metres or so .