View Full Version : For Sale: CR Developments Romulus

12-07-2012, 09:59
OK guys, I'm selling the mighty Romulus. Not an easy decision to make.

For those not in the know the Romulus is a 35wpc valve integrated amp. Mine is the mark III version, bought just last year from our friends over at the Emporium. It's in very good condition with a few inconsequential scratches to the wonderful finish.

You'll find a great review here: http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/crdevelopments_romulus.htm and I'm hoping Jerry may come along later to provide his own endorsement (I know he owned one for a while - there's a thread about it somewhere). Note that my version is a later one than reviewed and has a slightly different spec, see the image below.

It's yours for £650 including a full complement of valves, plus an almost new set of Full Music 2xECC83 and 2xECC82s (these cost me a shade over £100) (it takes three ECC83s, but unfortunately I got a duff one!).

Why am I selling? Well I recently treated myself to a pair of Colin's amazing Edingdales, which are much more sensitive than the speakers they replaced and the Romulus barely makes it past go before it's too loud. A scrawny valve amp this is not! The sound is wonderful by the way - detailed, pacey, and coherent.

I can post it. But I warn you - it's a heavy old beastie!

By ashmasher (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/ashmasher)

13-07-2012, 06:32
Cor :drool: - a lovely amp.

I had a Romulus and it stopped my boxswapping adventures for quite a while. :eyebrows:

Did I do a review? ... errr ... yes! ... http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10575&highlight=romulus

15-07-2012, 17:57
Thank you Jerry, you're a gent.

24-07-2012, 21:29
little bump...

27-07-2012, 07:39
Some new pics.:

By ashmasher (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/ashmasher) at 2012-07-27

By ashmasher (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/ashmasher) at 2012-07-27

27-07-2012, 08:22
Wot? Still not sold? Ye gods. What a fine amp this is! :thumbsup: - more detail and transparency than your usual Audio Innovations and Quad II and similar stuff. Real insight into the music.
I'm trying to think of a valve amp I'd rather listen to at anywhere near the price .... Mmmmm , maybe my old Cary SET monoblocks, but they were more expensive and nothing else comes close!

Do yourself a favour, and snap this one up! :)

27-07-2012, 09:10
I agree 100% with Jerry, it's a superb sounding amp by anyone's standards.

My busking skills are rubbish, otherwise I would be outside the Odeon tonight trying frantically to raise the loot to by it :eyebrows:

31-07-2012, 07:38
Iv been directed here after posting a "what new amp should I buy" thread! Its a lovely looking and im sure sounding amp. Can I ask roughly where abouts in Kent you are located pls?

31-07-2012, 12:15
Hi Ben

That's very kind of whoever directed you. I must thank them!

I'm in Faversham. One town along from Canterbury. You're welcome to come along for a listen any time.


31-07-2012, 21:26
Hi Ben

That's very kind of whoever directed you. I must thank them!

:) My pleasure.

01-08-2012, 22:14
This is sold subject to sorting ou details. Thanks again to Jerry and others for signposting and generally thumbs-upping.