View Full Version : New Plinth

06-07-2012, 11:19
A mate of mine in Spain had just forked out for a heavy 2-part wooden Sapele or Wenge plinth for his Denon DD deck when the optical speed control went bust and is in need of some unobtainable integrated circuits to get it to work again. So itīs goodbye Denon and he has bought a Heybrook TT2 which he is very happy with after much tweaking and now he is thinking of what might be fittable into his lovely plinth. What say an SL1200 or similar ? - is it on and is it the done thing ?
Suggestions, links to threads etc.- etc. would be gratefully received.

07-07-2012, 07:25
Hello Chris,
There are far fewer integrated circuits which are truly unobtainable/irreplacable than the internet would have us believe.

If your mate would like to attempt resurrection of the Denon post back with the part numbers and I'll see what I can track down. (No guarantees, and a true killer can be if it is an early microprocessor-based system - not because of the chip, but the lack of access to the firmware for programming.)

As an example the MN6042 pitch control for the Technics SL1300MK2 series is widely touted as unobtainable. I have two (new, unused, bought last year) - one will be a spare for my SP15, but if anybody really needs one get in touch.



08-07-2012, 19:12
Hi Angus,

Thanks for your offer - I spoke to my mate and it appears itīs not the chips he needs - he sourced them in Singapore - but the main PSB is knackered so he needs a replacement. He has never seen reference to one on Internet despite searching for months and is at a dead end.
Any ideas would be gratefully received. Itīs a Denon DP59L - Iīll ask him for the serial number if itīs any use.

08-07-2012, 19:24
Do Denon not have one at all? I know it's a long shot but sometimes, smaller firms keep the odd bit and piece, unless the bean-counters come along and force a major clearout every few years or so :(

08-07-2012, 19:31
Hello Chris,
I've had a look at the manual and although the main board looks complex I would not expect it to be a multi-layer board based on the age. If it is and there are genuine board issues then it gets pretty difficult.

If it's just single or double sided then it's quite hard to completely destroy a board. About the only thing that would do it would be severe over-heating over an extensive area.

Try to get some more detailed info about the fault and we'll see if we can work out a course of action - the DP59L looks too good to be abandoned without a fight!



Edit: I've just re-read your first post, where you say that it's the speed control that has died. The speed control is by a magnetic detector (tape-head basically) reading a magnetic pulse signal 'painted' on to the underside of the platter. If the magnetic stripe is damaged then it is pretty well over for the DP59L

08-07-2012, 20:12
Hi Angus,
Yes, itīs the magnetic stripe that has been damaged or rubbed out somehow and itīs absence was what burnt out the chips.

So, as I was saying heīs got a rather nice plinth looking for an occupant. As I was saying with a 1200 I guess there would be no lack of parts - the question is, should a 1200 be dismantled into its component parts or better to transplant it lock, stock and barrel into what will be an oversized plinth ?

09-07-2012, 07:33
Hello Chris,
I think the path to follow is completely dependent on your mate's skill level, or the depth of his pockets if he's having someone else do stuff for him.

Planting a complete SL1200 Mk2 top plate with motor, controls and arm on the new plinth is probably the simplest if he is wedded to the DD approach. Physically simpler is to mount a (Goldring)Lenco (G)L75 top-plate and mechanism on the plinth (details at Lenco Heaven forum).

Beyond these you are into significant design/development activity which is great fun if you have the know-how, and a money-pit otherwise :lol:.

I hope this helps.



09-07-2012, 13:53
After losing his Denon the way he did, I think he rather fancies a DD again. Heīs already got a Heybrook TT2 so I think the 1200 will make a nice alternative. Letīs see what he decides.
Thanks for your time, Angus.

20-11-2012, 23:07
Hello Chris,
There are far fewer integrated circuits which are truly unobtainable/irreplacable than the internet would have us believe.
As an example the MN6042 pitch control for the Technics SL1300MK2 series is widely touted as unobtainable. I have two (new, unused, bought last year) - one will be a spare for my SP15, but if anybody really needs one get in touch.



ok phonomac the board will not let me PM you, if you still have an mn 6042 chip please let me know I am interested. I really want to go back to my SP 15 turntable and sell my modded sl 1200. I cannot let my EPA 250 sit unused and I do not want to sell it. I want to keep the SP15 as my turntable for the forseeable future, as it is my favorite.

21-11-2012, 08:51
Hello Kentech,
Sent you a visitor message.

