View Full Version : RIP The Word Magazine

30-06-2012, 07:06
Walked into the kitchen last night and said to my wife 'the Word is closing'
'ah well, why don't you renew the subscription then?' she said
No... The magazine is shutting down.
I am bereft.. Terribly sad.
The monthly publication and it's podcast had become part of my life. Where I read about all my favourite music, musicians, gigs, new albums and and not least of which introduced to new music, especially from the free cd.

And the irony? I can only blame myself. Ok I suscribed, but I have a kindle, I download stuff, and here I am typing this on an iPhone, and Spotify is about the only source for checking out new music.
Doesn't pay the bills for people does it?
A bleedin brave new world all right.