View Full Version : Quad 909 brand new and boxed

22-06-2012, 17:59
I have for sale a brand new Quad 909 in silver which has had just 3 hours use.

I bought this to replace my 405-2 but it's going to be much cheaper than I thought to repair the 405, so this is now surplus to requirements.

As you'll probably know, these amps are now discontinued - I got one of the last. I am not looking to make any profit on this - I got an amazing deal which I am very happy to pass on -

Retail price was £999 - selling for £650.

Postage at cost or collection from Highgate, North London.
Bank transfer preferred or Paypal gift.

23-06-2012, 18:00
I can offer FREE DELIVERY ... :)

23-06-2012, 18:07
It might be better for you to sell the 405 once running and get the 909 re-capped in due course, since it will drive awkward loads better and sounds devilishly good once fettled with the component quality it deserves..

Just a thought - £650 is a bloomin' good price IMO as twenty year old 606's are little more than a couple of hundred quid cheaper usually..

24-06-2012, 16:38
don't confuse me Dave! :lol:

I hadn't even considered messing around with the 909 - thought it was only the older models that people try and hot-rod!

24-06-2012, 19:41
I speak too much, but the 606/707/909 is a good amp, limited only by ageing or cheapo caps originally fitted in China. The dada website gives you chapter and verse on all these amps so you can make your own mind up :)

24-06-2012, 22:26
SOLD, stp