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View Full Version : FS - SWAP VDH The Wind speaker cable 2m pair

Lee Henley
22-06-2012, 09:55
Hi all

I recently brought this cable and its just got a bit too much bass for me, otherwise a very good cable so thus I have put it up for sale. The cable is unterminated (I do have some screw on plugs which I can let go with the set), this retails at £200 and Im looking for £65 delivered which is what I paid for it, alternatively I would be interested in a swap for a 2m pair of biwire speaker cable

Drop me a PM if interested


22-06-2012, 18:30
Hi Lee,

Too much bass? That's an interesting one... It must be purely in the context of your system (perhaps highlighting a problem?), as the VDH cables don't do that in mine. I use huge 15" Tannoys, with a very powerful valve amp, so any overblown effect in the bass would be shown in all its glory! :scratch:

The only reason I'm mentioning this is so that potential buyers aren't put off by thinking that these speaker cables are bass-heavy. They aren't - they're just extremely revealing of the music signal they're being given! :)


22-06-2012, 20:01
yep I concur,I use "The Wind" on my 15" bass drivers and have had no such issues.
great cable good luck with the sale £65 is a steal

22-06-2012, 21:06
It ain't got too much bass, just a very refined and CLEAN treble. In fact, the bass is superbly articulate I found and the sense of unravelling reverb and venue ambience from the music is very real in comparison with cheaper cables I think still.

P.S. If anything has too much bass in your system details above, I'd point a stern finger at the 834P phono stage, unless you've done some severe tube rolling on it. Full and phat sounding is my own experience of it in comparison with more neutral ones like the Croft and Albarry for instance :)

22-06-2012, 21:49
Hi Lee,

Sent you a pm earlier.



Lee Henley
24-06-2012, 11:32
It ain't got too much bass, just a very refined and CLEAN treble. In fact, the bass is superbly articulate I found and the sense of unravelling reverb and venue ambience from the music is very real in comparison with cheaper cables I think still.

P.S. If anything has too much bass in your system details above, I'd point a stern finger at the 834P phono stage, unless you've done some severe tube rolling on it. Full and phat sounding is my own experience of it in comparison with more neutral ones like the Croft and Albarry for instance :)

FWIW I use Chord epic at the moment and to my ears this sounds much better than the VDH cable in my system

The 834P has been seriously modded and has some very nice tubes in it, here is a link to the actual one that I brought


I was a bit disappointed with the VDH in my system after reading good reviews on it, just did not work out, the manufacturers of the Totem Forrests actual recommend bi wiring so this is the route i will more than likely go down


24-06-2012, 13:17

All you can do is call it as you hear it, in the context of your system :)

The sonic effect of cables is very system-dependent, so if you prefer the Chords, in your system, then that's all that matters.

Like I said, the only reason I wrote what I did was to let people know that the VDH cables are not intrinsically bass-heavy, so that potential buyers weren't put off. I've used the VDH cables in question in three very different systems, including my own, and bass-heavy they were not.


24-06-2012, 13:39
Agreed, but I must admit that comparing the Wind with Chord Oddysey, the latter either single or doubled up, made such a fundamental difference in sonics as to make any "cable debate" pointless in my eyes and ears :lol:

The Wind speaker cable is one speaker cable I'd have like a shot but a couple of 9m pairs ain't cheap sadly, and not knowing the speakers, it would be unfair to make a judgement on that score. Glad the 834P has been breathed on, as Dave W's stock unit has the "EAR tone" in spades and IMO to excess - in my opinion of course :)

The thing is, you've tried it and at the present time found it unsuitable for your needs. keep an open mind on it and hope the new owner of this wire likes it in their system :)

24-06-2012, 13:41
Agreed, but I must admit that comparing the Wind with Chord Oddysey, the latter either single or doubled up, made such a fundamental difference in sonics as to make any "cable debate" pointless in my eyes and ears :lol:

Could you expand on that, Dave? Perhaps it's the way you've written it, but I'm not quite sure what you mean :scratch:


Daniel Quinn
26-06-2012, 13:11

ive just noticed this is a sale thread. please feel free to remove it Lee/Marco.

I will find time/place more appropriate

26-06-2012, 13:45
Hi Dennis,

Not to worry... Now moved to its own thread, here:




26-06-2012, 20:46
Could you expand on that, Dave? Perhaps it's the way you've written it, but I'm not quite sure what you mean :scratch:


Sorry... Here goes -

I was lucky enough to sell a very kindly gent a rather nice system costing a few tens of thousands. The best speaker cable we had was Chord Odyssey, which, at £36 per doubled-up metre, certainly ain't cheap. We lent him our demo set while the London store's recommendation of The Wind was ordered and made up. The difference in sound on substitution was incredible, the Chord sounding scrappy and rather crudely trebly in comparison - fine for livening up Spendors, but not for the top line Sonus Faber Amati Homage and Krell amp.

The difference for me was that The Wind cable was much clearer in the bass, well recorded organ music having a palpable sense of the recorded venue using The Wind cables. The midrange opened up in the same way too and the very slight ssssparkle in the tweeters used was held well in check so as not to become unduly noticeable after a minute or two.

What this was meant to conclude is that anyone who still doubts the more than subtle sonic differences between some cable types should try a similar comparison.

Hope this clarifies what I was trying to say.. :)

26-06-2012, 21:05
Yep, gotcha now... Most interesting! :)


Lee Henley
26-06-2012, 21:37
Sorry... Here goes -

I was lucky enough to sell a very kindly gent a rather nice system costing a few tens of thousands. The best speaker cable we had was Chord Odyssey, which, at £36 per doubled-up metre, certainly ain't cheap. We lent him our demo set while the London store's recommendation of The Wind was ordered and made up. The difference in sound on substitution was incredible, the Chord sounding scrappy and rather crudely trebly in comparison - fine for livening up Spendors, but not for the top line Sonus Faber Amati Homage and Krell amp.

The difference for me was that The Wind cable was much clearer in the bass, well recorded organ music having a palpable sense of the recorded venue using The Wind cables. The midrange opened up in the same way too and the very slight ssssparkle in the tweeters used was held well in check so as not to become unduly noticeable after a minute or two.

What this was meant to conclude is that anyone who still doubts the more than subtle sonic differences between some cable types should try a similar comparison.

Hope this clarifies what I was trying to say.. :)

I played No Quarter by Led Zeppelin which has a great organ intro and still the bass was all over the place, I then tried Since I've Been Lovin You by Lef Zep and Jones's Hammond organ still doesnt sound right in the bass department.

Thus its definately a gonna, as a final check I might fetch my mothers Tower Ballroom CD where that old geezer really let's it rip on that old Wurlitzer organ

26-06-2012, 21:49
Hi Lee and others,

I could be interested in these for my system (see below).

I'm using chord carnival silver screen cable at the moment and am looking to further improve on the bass and also take a teeny bit off the top end. Would these offer a decent upgrade on the chords?

For the connections at the amp, are the bananas offered any good or would I need to budget for some replacements? I use bare wire at the speaker end.


P.s. is this the mk II hybrid?

Lee Henley
26-06-2012, 22:07
Hi Lee and others,

I could be interested in these for my system (see below).

I'm using chord carnival silver screen cable at the moment and am looking to further improve on the bass and also take a teeny bit off the top end. Would these offer a decent upgrade on the chords?

For the connections at the amp, are the bananas offered any good or would I need to budget for some replacements? I use bare wire at the speaker end.


P.s. is this the mk II hybrid?


There almost gone mate, I've had a few offers and a kind chap is gonna send me some cables to play with


26-06-2012, 22:30
I played No Quarter by Led Zeppelin which has a great organ intro and still the bass was all over the place, I then tried Since I've Been Lovin You by Lef Zep and Jones's Hammond organ still doesnt sound right in the bass department.

Thus its definately a gonna, as a final check I might fetch my mothers Tower Ballroom CD where that old geezer really let's it rip on that old Wurlitzer organ

Just a quickie, Lee... I presume that you're using the VDH cables the right way round, in terms of directionality? :)


Lee Henley
26-06-2012, 23:07
Just a quickie, Lee... I presume that you're using the VDH cables the right way round, in terms of directionality? :)


I wouldn't know, there are no arrows on them from what I could see

26-06-2012, 23:22
Lol... Never mind any arrows, try listening to the cables both ways round, starting with the writing 'Van den Hul The Wind, etc', running from the amp to the speakers, then swap round, and use the cables the other way.

You might not be able to hear a difference, but if you can (as I can), it might help sort out the bass when the cables are used the 'correct' way round :)

Let us know how you get on.


P.S Did you also lightly twist both cables together on each side?

27-06-2012, 20:15
Have you tried reversing the cables, Lee? :)


Lee Henley
28-06-2012, 05:54
Hi Marco

I tried reversing them and twisting them together but there was no difference to be honest


28-06-2012, 07:22
No worries, Lee - I was just curious. At least you tried it!

Hope you sell your cables soon :)
