View Full Version : WTB: Mobile Phone.

10-06-2012, 21:48
Mods, hope this wanted thread is appropriate?

Looking for a decent mobile phone for making phone calls & texting with good signal quality. The mobile needs to be simfree to work with any network.


10-06-2012, 22:55
Surely Argos is your best port of call?
Your decent signal requirement has little to do with the phone, but much to do with the proximity of your nearest mast (network dependent) and geography (it all carries on analogue AM radio frequencies).

I've got an old Nokia 6310 if you want dependable :eyebrows:
It'll need unlocking, but if you want basic.....
Thinking about it, with fashion going in circles, it'll be back in vogue soon........

10-06-2012, 23:13
The 6310s had the best battery life ever!

The Grand Wazoo
10-06-2012, 23:21
Mods, hope this wanted thread is appropriate?

Well strictly speaking it isn't.
See the 4th item here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33)

10-06-2012, 23:28
Well strictly speaking it isn't.
See the 4th item here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33)

Have to disagree - phones are perfectly valid carriers of HQ music files (my own has a reasonably large library of HQ music upon it).
Couple that with a Blue Tooth receiving DAC, and you're straight into the realms of HiFi.

Thing Fish
10-06-2012, 23:52
Well strictly speaking it isn't.
See the 4th item here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33)

So my iphone Neco sound lab v3 amp and Sennheiser hd25 II headphones are not hifi?

The Grand Wazoo
10-06-2012, 23:57
Shane isn't specifying an iphone Neco sound lab v3 amp and Sennheiser hd25 II headphones, or any other hifi device, he's looking for "a decent mobile phone for making phone calls & texting with good signal quality".

He's also posted it in Abstract Chat - Discussions not about hi-fi or music.
So I'll say it again - Strictly speaking, it isn't.

Thing Fish
11-06-2012, 00:14
I bow to your superior knowledge...:)

11-06-2012, 05:25
Also, frankly, Shane will have more success perusing e-Bay which will have thousands of the things.

The Vinyl Adventure
11-06-2012, 06:25
I advertised my flat on here when it was for sale ... That was also in abstract chat ;)

Shane, get your self down Carphone warehouse you can pick up a fully functioning mobile phone for less than a tenner these days ... We have one at work, it's no iPhone, but it does texts and calls just fine! Samsung thing it is!
Either that or there are loads of options on contracts with free phones, and contracts really don't have to be expensive ... You can also get rolling monthly contracts etc! Te folks on the shops will tell you all about it at length if they think they are gonna get a sale ...

Just don't go to phones4u they are a bunch of target driven crooks ... Carphone warehouse for choice of provider, or just go direct to provider, get better service but pay a little more

As I understand it, 3 have the best data service and the phone service is very good but less so in rural areas. Orange have the best overall service

I'm on o2 as I always have been but I'd probably be on orange if I wasn't locked into to a seemingly never ending business contract (don't get a 24 month contract with 12 month upgrades as when they drop the 12 month upgrade your stuck with the same phone for 2 years and your very angry about it)

All just IME of course ... If you work in phones4u please don't have a go at me (I won't listen anyway, I don't have time for crooks)

11-06-2012, 07:45
I thought Shane was asking for a phone only (he stated 'simfree'), which is why I suggested e-Bay. There are lots of upgraded phones being dumped on there for bargain prices.

Hamish - you should try going over to O2 Simplicity (their SIM only contract) and buying the phone you want. It worked out well for me and I got exactly the phone I wanted (HTC HD7) for about half its list price.

11-06-2012, 08:46
Generally speaking, the cleverer a phone is, the worse it is at picking up signals. I get dozens of calls a day from proud new iPhone/Android/Blackberry owners who can't get a signal, whereas they never had a moment's problem with their old Nokias. For a good basic phone that's a real treat to use try a Nokia 6300 or 6301. Avoid The Nokia C2 and C3 series. They're lovely when they work, but they don't work very often!

11-06-2012, 08:53

You can advertise non-hi-fi items, in Abstract Chat, by first checking with admin. Such items do not belong in Private Exhibitions.

As far as I'm concerned, and that's what counts here, a mobile phone is primarily a non-hi-fi device, therefore whoever moved Shane's thread back to Private Exhibitions, please ensure that it now stays here - ta! :)


11-06-2012, 08:57
Generally speaking, the cleverer a phone is, the worse it is at picking up signals. I get dozens of calls a day from proud new iPhone/Android/Blackberry owners who can't get a signal, whereas they never had a moment's problem with their old Nokias.

Exactly... The performance of mobile phones, just like hi-fi systems, suffers with over-complication. We seem to have forgotten the reason why mobile phones were originally invented - you know, to TALK to people! :doh: :rolleyes:

Now, some folk could no more function properly without the use of their right arm, than their bloody mobile phone........


Mark Grant
11-06-2012, 09:30
I'm on o2 as I always have been but I'd probably be on orange if I wasn't locked into to a seemingly never ending business contract (don't get a 24 month contract with 12 month upgrades as when they drop the 12 month upgrade your stuck with the same phone for 2 years and your very angry about it)

The next time your business contract is up for renewal I would do as Martin suggests and go sim only, if there are a few phones in your business you will get an unbelievably cheap Sim only deal, they really want to keep you :)

Then buy your favourite phone and change it whenever you see a bargain or offer. Or just keep the one you have and save some money.

11-06-2012, 10:12
Yep - stay one generation behind and you'll get great deals. I'll wait until either the HTC Titan or Nokia Lumia 900 come down in price for my next purchase. Then my HD7 will go to another member of family.

11-06-2012, 21:24
LOL, chaps :)

Anyway, all sorted now.


11-06-2012, 22:18
Such items do not belong in Private Exhibitions.

Oops! My fault. It was in Abstract Chat and I moved it, cos I could :adminpower:

Shoulda just leaved it where it was ;)

12-06-2012, 06:00
Anyway, all sorted now.

Well, don't keep us hanging after all that! What did you get?

12-06-2012, 07:10
The 6310s had the best battery life ever!

Nowhere near as good as the motorola F3 that I used to have, the battery lasted so long it was given the nickname "the zombie apocalypse phone" :-)

Sent from my E10i using Tapatalk

12-06-2012, 08:35
Oops! My fault. It was in Abstract Chat and I moved it, cos I could :adminpower:

Shoulda just leaved it where it was ;)

Hehehehe... You're forgiven! :kiss:


12-06-2012, 12:17
Well, don't keep us hanging after all that! What did you get?

A very ''no thrills'' mobile phone.

Nokia 1100.


12-06-2012, 16:05
Now THAT is basic!! :lol:

12-06-2012, 16:11
Indeed :)

12-06-2012, 16:15
I had one of those until it broke. I makes calls and texts, and receives calls and texts. Can one ask for more. Fancy phones, gaudy trinkets.

12-06-2012, 19:44
Damn right, dude. Gadget freaks love all that pish, though! ;)

Enjoy your (perfectly adequate) phone, Shane :cool:

Marco (who hasn't even switched on his mobile phone for 3 days, 'cos he can't be arsed).

12-06-2012, 20:33
Thanks, Marco.