View Full Version : Turntables

Thing Fish
04-06-2012, 10:31
A nice 1/2 hour video collection of turntables.

Interesting plinth at 26:12


04-06-2012, 10:47
Had a quick look at 26.12, seems some sort of exotic hardwood. Very interesting. Thanks for the video. :)

04-06-2012, 11:07
Well, there's at least one significant omission ;).

A lot of those decks belong to AoS members though.

04-06-2012, 11:33
I think a few pictures from AOS included

04-06-2012, 11:34
Well, there's at least one significant omission ;).

A lot of those decks belong to AoS members though.

Well mine is in;)

04-06-2012, 11:51
Thanks for the video Dave. Nice one!:)

04-06-2012, 15:29
I think that plinth at 26'12" could have come from here . . (http://audiowood.com/gallery.html)

Thing Fish
04-06-2012, 16:27
I think that plinth at 26'12" could have come from here . . (http://audiowood.com/gallery.html)

I like wood...:eyebrows:

05-06-2012, 08:38
Is that what she told you last night? ;)


Spectral Morn
05-06-2012, 09:04
Well, there's at least one significant omission ;).

A lot of those decks belong to AoS members though.

Indeed Copyrighted material as well. :steam:

Spectral Morn
05-06-2012, 20:21
Formal complaint made to You Tube re Copyright Theft.

He has also stolen images from Northwest Analogue, Pure Sound Audio, Mains Cables R Us, Martin T, Anthony TD and numerous others from AOS and elsewhere

Reid Malenfant
05-06-2012, 20:36
I could swear that at least 4 TTs from AoS were up there inside of about 8 minutes :eyebrows:

I only watched to about 10 mins..

Spectral Morn
05-06-2012, 20:38
I could swear that at least 4 TTs from AoS were up there inside of about 8 minutes :eyebrows:

I only watched to about 10 mins..

I have watched it twice now and noted the times for as many as I could identify. All he had to do was ask permission and credit but he chose not to.

05-06-2012, 23:20
12:02 - 12:04

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It would have been nice to have received some recognition considering re-plinthing is part of a side business. However, I don't really want to squelch the enthusiasm of the person responsible. Maybe he can be convinced to add annotations?

Lot's of AOS member TT's represented there.

07-06-2012, 01:58
I can never understand what drives people to make these YouTube videos. Why do they think others might be the slightest bit interested in their latest lawnmower, car or turntable? What was the motive for compiling this video?

Like Mark, I got bored after about 10 minutes, but agree during that time I recognised at least four turntables belonging to Forum members.

07-06-2012, 07:04
I can't believe anyone is whinging about having an image included in this video, FFS it's not like he's using it to steal business from anyone, he's just some guy who loves turntables.
I'm always amazed how petty minded people can be.

07-06-2012, 07:04
To be honest, it seems like a bit of harmless fun to me. Whoever has made it has gone to a lot of effort; with a different turntable every three seconds that is a hell of a lot of images (about 600 I would guess).

I watched the whole thing and rather enjoyed it.

07-06-2012, 07:33
I guess that in some ways we should be honoured, as once again it shows how popular what's posted here is around the World Wide Web! ;)


07-06-2012, 07:54
Personally I do not mind someone using an image I posted. I might feel different if I had a buisness and someone took the image

07-06-2012, 07:59
Manufacturer names aren't obscured though and he doesn't claim the decks are his. It's a bit of free advertising in a way (well, three seconds of it).

A question (to all); If you found that the maker of this vid had subsequently deleted the image of your turntable, would you be happier?

tannoy man
07-06-2012, 10:26
I can't believe anyone is whinging about having an image included in this video, FFS it's not like he's using it to steal business from anyone, he's just some guy who loves turntables.
I'm always amazed how petty minded people can be.


07-06-2012, 13:28
I think if we post pictures of our kit on AoS, or anywhere else, it's because we want people to see it. If you want to carefully control the copyright to an image then the internet is the last place you should put it!

The guy producing the video is obviously an enthusiast gaining no personal benefit from it - other than a warm glow from seeing how many views it gets. :D

07-06-2012, 13:42
Three of mine are on there. No problem for me, quite liked it in fact.

Thing Fish
07-06-2012, 14:46
I can't believe anyone is whinging about having an image included in this video, FFS it's not like he's using it to steal business from anyone, he's just some guy who loves turntables.
I'm always amazed how petty minded people can be.


08-06-2012, 06:19
A nice 1/2 hour video collection of turntables.

Interesting plinth at 26:12


Frankly I think it is terribly sad that this video has been blocked. The guy who uploaded it is obviously an enthusiast and went to a great deal of trouble to create it. I enjoyed watching it, especially as there is an STD 305M near the beginning which sports an SME III and Goldring G900IGC. We're in danger of looking like a bunch of pr*cks here. Seriously Neil, was he really hurting anyone? :scratch:

Thing Fish
08-06-2012, 07:42
Frankly I think it is terribly sad that this video has been blocked. The guy who uploaded it is obviously an enthusiast and went to a great deal of trouble to create it. I enjoyed watching it, especially as there is an STD 305M near the beginning which sports an SME III and Goldring G900IGC. We're in danger of looking like a bunch of pr*cks here. Seriously Neil, was he really hurting anyone? :scratch:


08-06-2012, 07:46
I'm afraid I can't see that anything of value has been gained by having this video blocked :(.

08-06-2012, 07:48
Another vote for it being a great shame the video is gone.

Frankly, I was only thinking of complaining if one of my decks WASN'T on it!

08-06-2012, 07:51
Agreed, a couple of mine where on there, wonder if Google Images will receive the same objection ;)

08-06-2012, 09:09
Sorry guys, I'm not going to jump on Neil for this. He is a "publisher" outside of AOS who has a copyright notice at the bottom of his webpage (as most websites do). Copyrights were infringed upon, even if innocently. Neil's complaint, if seemingly uncool, is valid. Neil is one of our own, who I believe had a sincere wish to protect members of the AOS community. I think we need to cut him some slack and grant a little respect.

08-06-2012, 09:31
It's a valid complaint, it just seems a shame - in this case, I can't really see that anything is lost by the use of the images, or anything gained by the banning of them; after all, it's not a derogatory piece, it's an homage to turntables of all types and makes.

08-06-2012, 09:38
If I know youtube, the video was most likely not deleted and can go back up provided an agreement is reached.

As an aside, I asked him if he wouldn't mind including my "info" some way and he seemed perfectly willing to do so.

08-06-2012, 10:14
Sorry Neil you are being rather over zealous even if you are correct by the letter of the law. This type of amateur enthusiast video is harmless and is good free advertising for any product featured. Perhaps if the poster agrees to remove your images the video can be reinstated Neil as it appears nobody else has been offended.

08-06-2012, 10:29
Hi Paul,

Sorry Neil your being a twat...

Please delete the personal insult above, as we do not permit that here, no matter how much we might disagree with someone.



08-06-2012, 11:02
Hi Paul,

Please delete the personal insult above, as we do not permit that here, no matter how much we might disagree with someone.



Deleted/amended so as not to cause offense - not meant as an insult just my view on heavy handed cencorship. Think Neil realy didn't think this through before hasty action. Just enjoy this type of Youtube video which is pretty harmless.

08-06-2012, 16:54
Thanks, Paul. I realise that you didn't mean any offence, and I appreciate you deleting it :)
