View Full Version : The U.K. would do well to learn from Obama

01-06-2012, 02:45
Obama has figured out how to stimulate the economy and get us on the road to prosperity.

Tax the Hell out of successful people and company's , if they leave the U.S. seize there assets.
Barrow 60 cents of every dollar from China.
Print money when ever we need it.
Stop producing and exporting goods to the world, it is yesterdays way of building a country's economy we can achieve more wealth by manipulating the markets.
Stop producing our own energy or selling coal,we can use our peace keeping troops to get it from other country's by spreading our good will.
Continue to spend trillions in tax dollars over another 4 years on company's that will go bankrupt or be sold to foreign investors for .10 on the dollar.


01-06-2012, 06:05
So what is Mitt proposing to do about it?

This sort of article published on a website paid for by the Mitt Romney campaign is worthless and may be damaging for Mitt. As we know, statistics can be manipulated to show anything.

I personally would like to see politicians show what they would do, rather than whinging about the opposition.


01-06-2012, 06:06
Fair enough Jeff, could Obamaitis work in the uk....?
Tax the Hell out of successful people and company's , if they leave the U.S. seize there assets.
- Too many millionaires in government, but tax the hell out of everybody else, sure.....
Barrow 60 cents of every dollar from China.
- Not yet, just shift production over there....
Print money when ever we need it.
- Yep, done/doing that....
Stop producing and exporting goods to the world, it is yesterdays way of building a country's economy we can achieve more wealth by manipulating the markets.
- That has been the case for many many years already....
Stop producing our own energy or selling coal,we can use our peace keeping troops to get it from other country's by spreading our good will.
- Sounds familiar.....
Continue to spend trillions in tax dollars over another 4 years on company's that will go bankrupt or be sold to foreign investors for .10 on the dollar.
- Not quite the same scale, but again familiar

So what exactly are the UK to learn from Obama?

01-06-2012, 07:12
I was unable to open the link but it appears to me that many of the statements do not apply to Obama as such as it has been US policy all the way back to Reagan... Maybe not the official policy but defacto.

And the reason that jobs have moved from West to East can not be blamed on the politicians; the Companies decided to move because of cost; workers in the East earn next to nothing.

And what does a company like eg Apple pay in taxes in California... it is my understanding that it is close to zero.

01-06-2012, 08:55
I don't like Romney , arrogant , selfish man and cold hearted .

01-06-2012, 11:49
I was unable to open the link but it appears to me that many of the statements do not apply to Obama as such as it has been US policy all the way back to Reagan... Maybe not the official policy but defacto.

And the reason that jobs have moved from West to East can not be blamed on the politicians; the Companies decided to move because of cost; workers in the East earn next to nothing.

And what does a company like eg Apple pay in taxes in California... it is my understanding that it is close to zero.

Jobs moved from West to East due to huge tax intensives for setting up outside U.S. shores read about G.A.T. and N.A.F.T.A.
It actually started with Bush SR.

01-06-2012, 11:52
So what is Mitt proposing to do about it?

This sort of article published on a website paid for by the Mitt Romney campaign is worthless and may be damaging for Mitt. As we know, statistics can be manipulated to show anything.

I personally would like to see politicians show what they would do, rather than whinging about the opposition.


Reduce spending and lower taxes on business start up.
So far, that's a good start.
We need to compleatly rethink our tax code.

01-06-2012, 12:33
I don't like Romney , arrogant , selfish man and cold hearted .

Sounds almost like you've been out on a date with him ;)


01-06-2012, 13:06
Reduce spending and lower taxes on business start up.
So far, that's a good start.
We need to compleatly rethink our tax code.

That's easy to say but harder to do. The uk public sector is in cost cutting mode, but I'd be surprised if they've saved a single penny so far! Useless ?!£&@ers! :(

And don't forget that our governments are pretty much controlled by big business and the media, so they don't have much room for manoeuvre.

The main reason that were in the poo is that western governments and people are too much in debt. How we get out of this is not easy.

I realised the huge benefits of having no personal debt 15 years ago and have been debt free since then. Work out how much interest you pay on a 25 year mortgage and you'll see.:eek:


01-06-2012, 15:36
That's easy to say but harder to do. The uk public sector is in cost cutting mode, but I'd be surprised if they've saved a single penny so far! Useless ?!£&@ers! :(

And don't forget that our governments are pretty much controlled by big business and the media, so they don't have much room for manoeuvre.

The main reason that were in the poo is that western governments and people are too much in debt. How we get out of this is not easy.

I realised the huge benefits of having no personal debt 15 years ago and have been debt free since then. Work out how much interest you pay on a 25 year mortgage and you'll see.:eek:


Almost totally agree with that Martin, and absolutely so on the final comment.

I may be out of touch, but the total tax burden (local/national/services/duty/tax) that are paid in the uk are horrendous, at the last count I recollect 55% of income. :eek:
So much for efficiencies....

01-06-2012, 16:33
Almost totally agree with that Martin, and absolutely so on the final comment.

I may be out of touch, but the total tax burden (local/national/services/duty/tax) that are paid in the uk are horrendous, at the last count I recollect 55% of income. :eek:
So much for efficiencies....

And while we've been living in our credit-fuelled spending spree bubble, we've made huge pension and health care commitments that we just can't afford.

I am afraid for our children because at the age of 21, my son will start his adult life with around £40-50k of student debt, no guarantee of a job, no job for life, no gold-plated pension, probably have to work until he's 70 or 80 etc. what a change from when my parents were working.

Gotta stop now, because I'm getting depressed.

01-06-2012, 21:00
I don't like Romney , arrogant , selfish man and cold hearted .

What ever gave you that impression,he has saved so meany failing company's and preserved close to a million jobs by restructuring and re marketing businesses that had good bones but where being run badly.

He has given community service his whole life helping others with no T.V. cameras of fan fair and dose not brag about the hundreds of people he has helped.
Selfish and cold hearted he is NOT.
Obama is not arrogant?

01-06-2012, 21:09
Our govenment came up with a skip tax.
Probably one of the most stupid taxes ever.

They have done a u turn on it today as they realise they are twats.

01-06-2012, 21:22
What ever gave you that impression,he has saved so meany failing company's and preserved close to a million jobs by restructuring and re marketing businesses that had good bones but where being run badly.

He has given community service his whole life helping others with no T.V. cameras of fan fair and dose not brag about the hundreds of people he has helped.
Selfish and cold hearted he is NOT.
Obama is not arrogant?

Sounds very refreshing indeed Jeff. Do you think he'll be able to make a difference?

I still believe that the uk is the land of opportunity - its unbelievably easy to start a business here. There are very few barriers to doing business too.

As a small business owner, I've found it easy to deal with the relevant gov departments (with 1 or 2 exceptions) as most of the stuff can be done online now.

My main gripe is that gov deptartments come down heavily on any minor discrepancies (even when it's their cock up), while the cheats and cowboys seem to get away scot free. It's easier to milk the good guys than chase the bad ones.

I hope that the uk can move away from the current benefit culture and back to one of entrepreneurship and pride in our country - wouldn't that be great?

02-06-2012, 10:48
There is only one candidate who makes any sense in my opinion and that person is Ron Paul.

02-06-2012, 17:15
Elected office has the dubious distinction of being externally partisan yet ineffective in the face of entrenched governance once in position.
You don't see Lobbyists being replaced, as the essential machinery remains the same, both sides of the pond....
Just think of it as it is in the UK, an expensive opera, which intrudes but briefly on normality... Rather like Seagull Management - Flies in, squaks loudly, shits on people then leaves...

Reid Malenfant
02-06-2012, 17:18
Rather like Seagull Management - Flies in, squaks loudly, shits on people then leaves...

Very good :D

02-06-2012, 18:55
There is only one candidate who makes any sense in my opinion and that person is Ron Paul.

He dose make perfect fiscal sense but his foreign policy is compleatly crazy.
Idealistically wonderful, realistically tragic.

The point of this thread is Obama has failed miserably, an has gone to the U.K. to tell Greece, Ireland,France ect... to forget Austerity and continue to spend even more on social programs.
Seems to me his brand of socialism calls for complete global financial collapse before he can transform the U.S. into Cuba like government.
He is following this book to the letter.


We really should debate Capitalism vs. Communism openly so people will understand the difference here, some how young people think it is the governments job to provide everything for them,so they are easily used break to down a country from with in.
It doesn't help that our government has been high jacked by Wall Street and foreign power brokers.
If we don't change coarse soon the U.S. will go down taking the civilized world with it.
I am truly worried for my sons future.

03-06-2012, 09:29
Seems to me his brand of socialism calls for complete global financial collapse before he can transform the U.S. into Cuba like government.
He is following this book to the letter.


We really should debate Capitalism vs. Communism openly so people will understand the difference here, some how young people think it is the governments job to provide everything for them,so they are easily used break to down a country from with in.

Exactly. People think that the reason our economies are collapsing is mis-management by stupid, incompetent politicians. These people are far from stupid and they have a well thought out long term game plan. They are quite happy for us to think they are stupid and incompetent, though, as it is part of the disguise.