View Full Version : My new bit of kit

23-05-2012, 10:17

Only sound I can get is a sort of whirring and wind noise

Nice though

Audio Al
23-05-2012, 10:21
Split personalty

= sore bum

= hard work

= not for me :D

but would be a nice ornament :lol:

23-05-2012, 10:36
£1000 for a push bike - sheesh!!! :stalks:
No criticism intended :) - whatever turns you on, your money you're spending. Hope you get what you want out of it, that's all that really matters.
I guess it's the same as spending mega bucks on a pair of wooden boxes to give you some sounds when folks managed for years with single ones :lol: .
Enjoy, but not while you're listening to music on a portable set up, eh?

23-05-2012, 10:47
Split personalty

= sore bum

= hard work

= not for me :D

but would be a nice ornament :lol:

Very light too

23-05-2012, 10:49
£1000 for a push bike - sheesh!!! :stalks:
No criticism intended :) - whatever turns you on, your money you're spending. Hope you get what you want out of it, that's all that really matters.
I guess it's the same as spending mega bucks on a pair of wooden boxes to give you some sounds when folks managed for years with single ones :lol: .
Enjoy, but not while you're listening to music on a portable set up, eh?

Bit like hifi you can spend way more.
That's a middling bike and price.
My first new bike since about 1985.
Cost me a lot less too with the "ride to work", no Vat and the tax back !
It's the only time there is no music on. I have to amuse myself

23-05-2012, 11:18
Bike + Headphones = Suicide.

Nice ride mate, stay safe tho!

23-05-2012, 11:19
Cost me a lot less too with the "ride to work", no Vat and the tax back ! :)

Whass'at all about then? - news to me and always interested in keeping costs down :) .

23-05-2012, 11:37
Bike + Headphones = Suicide.

Nice ride mate, stay safe tho!
100% agreed
I need all my wits about me as it is

23-05-2012, 11:41
Whass'at all about then? - news to me and always interested in keeping costs down :) .

Has to be a new one

23-05-2012, 14:12
Nice bike. I had a Giant mountain bike a few years ago. Nice bike, but it was Giant by name and nature....it weighed a fricking ton. After much neglect and abuse I dumped it last year. Have now got a nice Saracen Hybrid. Nice and light and comfortable. I don't do any off-road stuff now.....must be getting old:rolleyes:

23-05-2012, 14:38
Nice bike. I had a Giant mountain bike a few years ago. Nice bike, but it was Giant by name and nature....it weighed a fricking ton. After much neglect and abuse I dumped it last year. Have now got a nice Saracen Hybrid. Nice and light and comfortable. I don't do any off-road stuff now.....must be getting old:rolleyes:

This one weighs very little
I have a Scott off roader, full suspension from the bike shop that had just taken it in for PX. Borrowed it while they serviced my Holdsworth.
£50 after they serviced it and put a new saddle on !
Weighs about as much as my car, but goes over the fields a treat

24-05-2012, 09:29
I used to ride to work through heavy traffic with headphones on and on the mountain trails doing downhill MTb, no worries. It depends on the skill of the rider.

24-05-2012, 09:33
Giant are great bikes I've had two of their mtbs,

24-05-2012, 09:34
I used to ride to work through heavy traffic with headphones on and on the mountain trails doing downhill MTb, no worries. It depends on the skill of the rider.
Don't think I ever would
Cycling is my only non music break of the day

24-05-2012, 09:37
Giant are great bikes I've had two of their mtbs,
I had various recommendations for Giant from different people. Rode one then another 3 to check for the right model and bought a 2011 model at a nice 27% discount, less vat, less tax !

24-05-2012, 11:55
I used to ride to work through heavy traffic with headphones on and on the mountain trails doing downhill MTb, no worries. It depends on the skill of the rider.

Sorry to disagree with you but I'm afraid I do, big style :ner: . There are often more than one person involved in accidents and it doesn't matter how skillful you are if the other(s) are not fit to be on the road, end of!!
I sincerely hope you never find out the hard way. Just think of the 'experts' who have 'slipped up' while doing the things they're expert at. Extending your logic would suggest that you don't wear a safety helmet either?
Just MHO :) ,

24-05-2012, 15:24
Sorry to disagree with you but I'm afraid I do, big style :ner: . There are often more than one person involved in accidents and it doesn't matter how skillful you are if the other(s) are not fit to be on the road, end of!!
I sincerely hope you never find out the hard way. Just think of the 'experts' who have 'slipped up' while doing the things they're expert at. Extending your logic would suggest that you don't wear a safety helmet either?
Just MHO :) ,
Nope I always wear a helmet, extension of logic illogical :ner:

24-05-2012, 15:26
Just a thought , what if the music you listen to helps you concentrate?

24-05-2012, 20:56
Nope I always wear a helmet, extension of logic illogical :ner:

OK, I'll bite ;)I - if your skill on a bike can keep you out of accidents why do you need a helmet? - or is it because your head is the most fragile part of you? :lol: ;)

25-05-2012, 06:14
If you fall then skull smash, if helmet on then other bones hurt, not end vegetable . Ugg Ugg :)

25-05-2012, 06:31
Mine's a Gary Fisher Capitola. I don't cycle very often but when I do I love this bike as it's perfect for my style of casual country lane cycling. An out and out performance bike just wouldn't be any good for me.


25-05-2012, 08:24
Here's mine - a mint Marin Eldridge Grade that I bought for £500 in around 1990 ish.


Its designed for downhill trail riding, but is also excellent on the road.

Might get her out later for a spin.

25-05-2012, 08:29
Mine's a Gary Fisher Capitola. I don't cycle very often but when I do I love this bike as it's perfect for my style of casual country lane cycling. An out and out performance bike just wouldn't be any good for me.

Mine shouts at me to go for it
I knew that when I was deciding. Journey times cut by around 5 minutes maybe as much as 10. Just getting into the groove with it now

25-05-2012, 08:30
I'm currently rocking my 2009 Scott Sportster P3 hybrid (also bought through the bike to work scheme so i pushed the boat out a bit more than i otherwise would have spent on a bike), with helmet and no heaphones... the main concern here would be personal safety from other road user

25-05-2012, 08:36
I'm currently rocking my 2009 Scott Sportster P3 hybrid (also bought through the bike to work scheme so i pushed the boat out a bit more than i otherwise would have spent on a bike), with helmet and no heaphones... the main concern here would be personal safety from other road user

I'm still toying with adding a mirror as on my Holdsworth so I can see who might be trying to run me over.
I feel partially sighted without one
Helmet yes.
I did a 'Blackmore bargain' with Sally.
I had to wear a helmet and she went veggie.
Was quite useful when I was knocked off in 2005. Helmet mashed and big graze all the way down the right side of my face