View Full Version : Like a new life

Rare Bird
13-05-2012, 08:01
For near on 14 years us two have been paying off numerous amounts of debt from past relationships, CSA you name it. Now we are totally debt free it like a new lease of life, great to do things without being carefull penny watching..

Now myself & the wife have decided to go on a serious health eating scheme/diet, 2 weeks now we've been on the diet, ive gone from a 40'' waist to a 38'' waist which is good going, i have loads of energy.We even went out yesterday into a pub & had a bottle of wine each, a meal at less than 400 calories, it was great.. guzzling beer is a thing of the past with me as is fatty unhealthy food..i dont give a flying **** what the mates think. Lifes looking good.

13-05-2012, 08:13
I'm glad things are on the up Andr'e! I can imagine how liberated you feel. Debt is a horrible thing. Sometimes circumstances mean its unavoidable, like when you didn't run it up yourself, or if something unexpected happens and you have been making ends meet, with no savings to fall back on. My wife, when we met, always had a policy of save not borrow, and while that means we don't always have what we want - like fancy holidays, fancy cars and TOTL hi-fi - I wouldn't have it any other way.

13-05-2012, 08:17
Good to hear that Andre - nothing worse than having debts hanging over you: I suspect most of us have been there. Don't make too many rash promises about the beer swilling though! :eek:

13-05-2012, 08:34
For near on 14 years us two have been paying off numerous amounts of debt from past relationships, CSA you name it. Now we are totally debt free it like a new lease of life, great to do things without being carefull penny watching..

Now myself & the wife have decided to go one a serious health eating scheme/diet, 2 weeks we've been on the diet, ive gone from a 40'' waist to a 38'' waist which is good going, i have loads of energy.We even went out yesterday into a pub & had a bottle of wine each, a meal at less than 400 calories, it was great.. guzzling beer is a thing of the past with me as is fatty unhealthy food..i dont give a flying **** what the mates think. Lifes looking good.

Heartfelt congratulations Andre. My middle bit yo yos in size, especially during the bad weather months... I've found that a good 40minute, 5 days a week, walk (don't go mad on this) with the dog, a Yorkshire Terrier, helps keep the spare tyre flat, well almost flat :)

I'm also prone to a bit of depression now and again but this is only during winter months, and hey, when the sun comes out I'm just fine. You've got alot of mates on here you've never met face to face, I'd like to be counted amongst 'em :)

Good on ya mate

The Grand Wazoo
13-05-2012, 08:43
Brilliant stuff Andre - it sounds like you're out of a hole & can breathe again.
All the best to you mate.

13-05-2012, 08:45
Great news Andre Debt is really awful and glad you come out the other side

13-05-2012, 08:48
Nice one Andre. :) Only another 17 years for me until I'm debt free and the mortgage is paid. :(

Well done on the health kick, too.

13-05-2012, 09:11
For near on 14 years us two have been paying off numerous amounts of debt from past relationships, CSA you name it. Now we are totally debt free it like a new lease of life, great to do things without being carefull penny watching..

Now myself & the wife have decided to go one a serious health eating scheme/diet, 2 weeks we've been on the diet, ive gone from a 40'' waist to a 38'' waist which is good going, i have loads of energy.We even went out yesterday into a pub & had a bottle of wine each, a meal at less than 400 calories, it was great.. guzzling beer is a thing of the past with me as is fatty unhealthy food..i dont give a flying **** what the mates think. Lifes looking good.

Would not wish anyone having to go through the same terrifying ordeal of dealing with CSA et al to understand the full significance of your first paragraph.
Congratulations to you both on survival and transition to a 'normal' life, just go easy on the cucumber eh.....;)

Mark Grant
13-05-2012, 09:47
For near on 14 years us two have been paying off numerous amounts of debt from past relationships, CSA you name it. Now we are totally debt free it like a new lease of life, great to do things without being carefull penny watching..

Now myself & the wife have decided to go one a serious health eating scheme/diet, 2 weeks we've been on the diet, ive gone from a 40'' waist to a 38'' waist which is good going, i have loads of energy.We even went out yesterday into a pub & had a bottle of wine each, a meal at less than 400 calories, it was great.. guzzling beer is a thing of the past with me as is fatty unhealthy food..i dont give a flying **** what the mates think. Lifes looking good.

Great news Andre:)

About the wine :) a full bottle of wine each is about 500 calories so more calories than your healthy meal.
Enjoy your self though and don't over do the healthy as it gets boring.:cool:

If you or your wife like a bit of reading a book that will help a lot with changing to a more healthy lifestyle is: Greek Doctors Diet by Fedon Alexander Dr. Lindberg




13-05-2012, 09:53
Heartfelt congratulations Andre. My middle bit yo yos in size, especially during the bad weather months... I've found that a good 40minute, 5 days a week, walk (don't go mad on this) with the dog, a Yorkshire Terrier, helps keep the spare tyre flat, well almost flat :)

I'm also prone to a bit of depression now and again but this is only during winter months, and hey, when the sun comes out I'm just fine. You've got alot of mates on here you've never met face to face, I'd like to be counted amongst 'em :)

Good on ya mate

I was on Anti-Deps for years until the beginning of this year when I was made redundant :gig:from a job I loathed and tried to get out of 4 years ago and failed. I could see it coming and thought "what would I like to do" I registered with the Royal Mail, and 12 months later with the most brilliant timing I became a postie. I have a tough round with many many steep drives and steps (going down is as tough as going up!) I walk 8 - 9 miles a day, normally a 5 day week, but 6 days a week for the last 2.

The pay is poor, but my health has been transformed in every way imaginable. I was about a stone overweight, ate a lot of shit and drank every day. I have lost that stone and more and drinking at weekends. I now go on a quest to find all the supermarket "value" goods. After 40 years at a desk I would never go back to that life. Money is not everything. However I am concerned about the wear and tear on the old bod. But I can I wake up each day with a new zest for life. Hence the "mass clearout" of kit in the private exhibitions thread:D

Andre. great news, keep it up!

Rare Bird
13-05-2012, 09:55
About the wine :) a full bottle of wine each is about 500 calories so more calories than your healthy meal.

Thanks Mark but i made sure i didnt go over my allowed calorie intake for the day.. The meal was only 375 calories.. I only had weetabix for brekkie & a sandwich on brown for dinner

13-05-2012, 12:37
Nice to hear things are getting better for you Andre...

13-05-2012, 18:48
Great to hear Andr'e :)


13-05-2012, 19:00
Absolutely - great to hear that things are looking up for you, for a change, dude... Long may it continue! :cool:


13-05-2012, 19:45
hi Andre,
Thats great news, and long may your positive attitude continue...:)
Debt is a real killer for many people, especialy when all you do is go to work to pay off what you already owe with no light at the end of the tunnel year after year, then a break through and its like your life just began again!
Many people here have been in this very situation, me included, it took me a very long time to get where i am today ie; debt free with enough money to live a carefull but comfortable life, I value eveything i own, and try not to take anything for granted, strugling in those early days taught me that.
Good on you.:)

Reid Malenfant
13-05-2012, 20:06
Well done Andr'e :D

Things have changed for me to since I quit drinking so much & changed my diet.

Liver function is returning to normal, my blood pressure has dropped from nearly 170/90 to 135/83, resting heart beat has dropped & I don't know how as I haven't done a damn bit of exercise, but I have lost half a stone in weight :scratch:

Keep it up fella, all the best!

Fingers crossed for both of us :eyebrows:

13-05-2012, 20:26
Well done Andr'e :D

Things have changed for me to since I quit drinking so much & changed my diet.

Liver function is returning to normal, my blood pressure has dropped from nearly 170/90 to 135/83, resting heart beat has dropped & I don't know how as I haven't done a damn bit of exercise, but I have lost half a stone in weight :scratch:

Keep it up fella, all the best!

Fingers crossed for both of us :eyebrows:
Thats realy good news too Mark.:)

13-05-2012, 20:31
Drinking is an insanely easy way to put on weight. One for the calories you get from it but the whole lifestyle that can go with it; I'm not tarring all those that like a drink as lazy louts, but you know what I'm saying, a kebab with your mates at the end, fry up in the morning etc.

Well done man!

13-05-2012, 20:33
Wonderful news André - I'm really pleased you have been able to turn things around at last.

Keep up the good work re. diet. :cool:

All the Best

13-05-2012, 22:06
Pleased for you both, Andr'e.

Spectral Morn
13-05-2012, 22:22
Well done Andre :) best wishes to your both.

Rare Bird
14-05-2012, 13:18
Well cheers commrades, to top things off i should, with a bit of luck have a turntable up & running within a week.


14-05-2012, 13:26
Yay! Andr'e goes fuzzy! :)

14-05-2012, 16:15
Now myself & the wife have decided to go on a serious health eating scheme/diet, 2 weeks now we've been on the diet, ive gone from a 40'' waist to a 38'' waist which is good going, i have loads of energy.

Good on you André.

Next, you'll need to start doing a bit of jogging, but first you need to look the part.




Seriously, well done, I'm really chuffed for you and Cheryl.


14-05-2012, 19:56
Well cheers commrades, to top things off i should, with a bit of luck have a turntable up & running within a week.


:lol:You old turncoat you...nah seriously welcome back to the land of fuzzies..:eyebrows: