View Full Version : Recording Vinyl

10-05-2012, 09:43
I have a very good friend of the family that has lots (200) of soundtrack LP's that he'd like to digitise.

He has a HHB Burnit CD Burner and a KAM BDX280 turntable.

He's asked me to help him out which I'm happy to do, however, I've never recorded vinyl before.

I think the HHB is probably decent enough for his needs if we choose to record straight to CD. I'm not sure about the KAM though, but I do have my Rega Planar 2 that we could use instead if it get's better results. I also have a Rega mini phono amp if that helps.

Of course, we could choose to bypass the Burner altogether and go straight to hard disk using Audacity.

I'm looking for a bit of advice to backup my limited knowledge on the subject. Perhaps a link to a viable solution.


p.s. Is this in the right forum?

10-05-2012, 12:56
Is this the recorder http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar01/articles/hhbburnit.htm ?
Should be fine.
You might try experimenting with the turntable - you might get better results with your P2, and you'll need a phono preamp too, so your Rega pre might also be useful.

Other than that, buy some decent CDRW discs, and transfer the files to computer for editing.

10-05-2012, 13:06
Is this the recorder http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/mar01/articles/hhbburnit.htm ?
Should be fine.
You might try experimenting with the turntable - you might get better results with your P2, and you'll need a phono preamp too, so your Rega pre might also be useful.

Other than that, buy some decent CDRW discs, and transfer the files to computer for editing.
I haven't seen it yet but I assume that's the one. I don't know what other equipment he's got, but I've also got an Audiolab 8000a with phone stage, so I could use that.

So, you're saying burn to cdrw with the HHB, then just rip to the pc yeah?

Pretty straightforward I suppose. Just need to prepare and get the setup as good as we can. Then I'll leave him to it heh heh :)

10-05-2012, 13:12
I haven't seen it yet but I assume that's the one. I don't know what other equipment he's got, but I've also got an Audiolab 8000a with phone stage, so I could use that.

So, you're saying burn to cdrw with the HHB, then just rip to the pc yeah?

Pretty straightforward I suppose. Just need to prepare and get the setup as good as we can. Then I'll leave him to it heh heh :)

Yes :eyebrows:
Especially the leaving him to it bit ;)

I do the direct recording to HDD path myself, and you need to know properly what your playing with.
The process is simple enough to do, but you can't beat personal experience with regard to doing it.

Your friend might need to consider using attenuators if the signal from the phono stage is too hot for his recorder's inputs.

10-05-2012, 13:17
I do the direct recording to HDD path myself, and you need to know properly what your playing with.
The process is simple enough to do, but you can't beat personal experience with regard to doing it.

Yes, this is my opinion too. I'm sure he probably wants them on CD too, so doing it this way just reverses the straight to pc then burn to disc method.


10-05-2012, 13:50
I think if your friend wants best sound quality he should compile on a hard drive and then burn CD's as required. First you need to know what his budget is (I suspect it isn't big). You will need an A to D converter if you have a phono stage. Otherwise there are some combined phono stage/converters on the market at various price points. Superfi have A to D converters for £30. For all in one at a low price and decent quality try this.


Better quality (does 96khz ) and more expensive but very reaonable -


10-05-2012, 14:48
I think if your friend wants best sound quality he should compile on a hard drive and then burn CD's as required. First you need to know what his budget is (I suspect it isn't big). You will need an A to D converter if you have a phono stage. Otherwise there are some combined phono stage/converters on the market at various price points. Superfi have A to D converters for £30. For all in one at a low price and decent quality try this.


Better quality (does 96khz ) and more expensive but very reaonable -

I think we'll probably just use the HHB Recorder, although I wonder if that has a pass thru thingy?
