View Full Version : Pioneer plc590 any good

07-05-2012, 20:10
Just wondering how good the pioneer plc 590 is, it was supplied without
tonearm, you could fit the sme 3009 or pioneer pa 1000 or 5000 or others,
the meter was to set speed, looks great direct drive and a choice of arms.

The Vinyl Adventure
07-05-2012, 20:12
Look at that!
I want one!!!!

07-05-2012, 20:20
Another pic with the pa 5000 arm

07-05-2012, 21:01
I likey... :drool:

07-05-2012, 21:55
Don't know if it's any good but love the look of it.

07-05-2012, 22:17
Some interesting reading here,


I think hifi news/world uses one for demo purposes.

07-05-2012, 22:22
Don't know if it's any good but love the look of it.

Agread looks great, just thinking were i would go from my pioneer pl71, and
this looks interesting.

The Vinyl Adventure
07-05-2012, 22:27
the motor looks like the motor in mine ... not that you can tell an awful lot from that picture, but it does ... my tt is ace, an this thing has got to be a step up!
theres a s few quid on it, but if you can afford it id go for it... you will certainly make me envious just based on how much I like my pioneer!

07-05-2012, 23:00
the motor looks like the motor in mine ... not that you can tell an awful lot from that picture, but it does ... my tt is ace, an this thing has got to be a step up!
theres a s few quid on it, but if you can afford it id go for it... you will certainly make me envious just based on how much I like my pioneer!

Yes hamish i must say it looks very nice, i do like the look of it, ill be watching
to see what happens, theres not many turntables i like the look off, not that
thats the important part of it but i do like the roksan xerxes 20, but i prefor
the direct drive design.

The Grand Wazoo
07-05-2012, 23:04
Nice looking thing.
Though the arm on the one in your first picture looks like it would snap if you showed it the slightest warp!

The Vinyl Adventure
07-05-2012, 23:19
I used to have a xerxes ... Not the 20 mind ...
Moving to a techie from was a revelation ...
My pioneer is (from memory) not quite as hard sounding as the techie which even after chucking a lot of money at I was never quite happy with ...
My pioneer is a lot more tuneful than the techie ever was ...
But I've changed a lot of gear since then, so it's not perhaps that fair a comment to make ... But one way or another this pioneer is the turntable that's given me the most pleasure so far (since I've set it up properly at least)
Good luck!

Rare Bird
07-05-2012, 23:29
Nice looking thing.
Though the arm on the one in your first picture looks like it would snap if you showed it the slightest warp!

Chris Arm: Infinity 'Black Widow'.

I bought one of these decks about eight years ago, gave £300.00 for it armless..

The Grand Wazoo
07-05-2012, 23:32
Chris Arm: Infinity 'Black Widow'.

Oh yes, so it is! So why does it look skinnier to me on that deck than it ever did anywhere else?

08-05-2012, 12:47
Some interesting reading here,


I think hifi news/world uses one for demo purposes.

That would be Hi-Fi World - Noel has a pair of them. I keep telling him that this is very greedy and that he should let someone else 'look after' one of them but he just grins whenever I suggest it!

Very nice decks. Good solid DD performance and a nice metal armboard that makes them an ideal review tool for when regular arm swappage is required. They also, most importantly, have a big VU meter for speed monitoring!

Interestingly two have recently appeard on eBay from the same seller - both immaculate and apparently unused. The first was, I believe, offered for £100 as a BIN but the second was left to sell by conventional auction - it sold for £745...

The Vinyl Adventure
08-05-2012, 18:10
Did you win???????

08-05-2012, 18:38
Just wondering how good the pioneer plc 590 is, it was supplied without
tonearm, you could fit the sme 3009 or pioneer pa 1000 or 5000 or others,
the meter was to set speed, looks great direct drive and a choice of arms.

Matching weight for it :)


08-05-2012, 19:38
Did you win???????

Hamish, once over the £600 mark i was out, my money was for a cartridge and
not another turntable, still gutted though.

08-05-2012, 19:39
Matching weight for it :)


And arm (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320890802190?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648)

The Vinyl Adventure
08-05-2012, 20:54
Ah a shame...
Dunno if Jerry still has a pl600x like mine he might part with ... Could be worth an ask ...

16-05-2012, 00:19
Just saw this as have been without BBand at home for a while.

I decided, during my long stint in the trade, to keep a few turntables that I thought were good - not that the magazines liked them at all in the 80s.

About 2002 I thought of trying to find a museum that might want my t/tables, but having had them for so long they just sat. One of them is a PLC590. It will be one of the last things I sell, and would definitely recommend to anyone that had the chance to get one. They also came with Signet XK50 or Audio Technica AT1100, same arm as both had dampers.

The only thing that tussles with it, is a full blown SL1000 IMHO, but the 590 comes very very close, and considering the price differential then and now, that says a lot for it. Couple that with something like a Transrotor Puck (vacuum) and it is amazing. Best bang per buck you will find IMO, and it does it effortlessly. The other t/tables I saved were an Oracle/PU3 and a CT Dragon, but it is decades since I compared them.

It has been interesting to see how these DD's are now sought after and feel that my thoughts on them were justified at the time. Being Linn dealers also was a little conflicting, but like they say "Some things are for keeping and some things are for selling."


16-05-2012, 11:57
The other t/tables I saved were an Oracle/PU3 and a CT Dragon, but it is decades since I compared them.


If you want, you can send the Dragon CT to me and I'll compare it to....well, anything you want me to!


16-05-2012, 13:51

Never heard one but a technicaly brilliant concept. Would love to own one. :stalks: