View Full Version : People can piss off in future

Rare Bird
06-05-2012, 16:10
I refuse to help anyone out in future, i'e ask three members on here to do a simple job for me that would take the whole of 5 mins. im not suprised tbh From now on i help no one.

06-05-2012, 16:13
Sorry, what's this about, dude, you've lost me...? :confused:


06-05-2012, 16:20
Yes what's happened André? I thought things were going well with your new deck and arm.

Please explain - perhaps we can then help.


06-05-2012, 16:22
I think this is the request Andre has made of me to take some measurements from my Rega Planar 3 - I have had house guests all weekend (mate up from Hertfordshire) and then today my wife is not doing too well, so she's currently in bed leaving me to look after the nipper - so not had a chance yet to dig out the deck - sorry Andre - but I hadn't forgotten.

06-05-2012, 16:23
I offered Andr'e an SME base. Not a blank plate as requested, but a base plate from an SME tonearm. Andr'e said it wasn't what he wanted, so I didn't send it along. Hope this hasn't sparked it off. I mean, you can readily have it if it would be suitable as a template or summat..

Oh gawd, I feel awful now :(

[edit] - I'm in the clear. Thank heavens for that........

06-05-2012, 16:50

Andre Did i remove the quote you asked me to?

i'm in the clear.

06-05-2012, 17:32
Anything I can do to help, Andr'e?

06-05-2012, 19:10
I refuse to help anyone out in future, i'e ask three members on here to do a simple job for me that would take the whole of 5 mins. im not suprised tbh From now on i help no one.

Well, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I buggered off and joined another couple of forums after the thread crap of my first (and last) tutorial on here.

However, on balance I think the people here are at least a bit more honest than on most forums so I still sort of gravitate here. I would try to explain this and probably fail massively so I won't. Suffice to say, Marco lets almost anything go but if it gets out of hand it's stamped on. I see from your post count that yuou have contributed heavily to the forum André and if I may be so bold, you have privately helped me with advice when you could have easily not helped, if you get my drift. I know for a fact that if I stop contributing to forums no-one will die and the world will not end but I have made a couple of good friends on here and my life would be a litlle less without them so if for no other reason than a selfish one, here I am:rolleyes:

Go for a walk, tell your close relatives you love them, hell, I don't know - bake a cake if you must - but take a big deep breath and come back to this later. From the posts above (and at least one of those people I strongly disagree with a view he holds but that doesn't mean he is going to start throwing rocks at me!) it is quite clear that your continued contributions are a welcome addition to this forum. I know, there will be other shit we aren't aware of but TBH and as someone else here often says, It's only a stereo!

Oh I know, that's not the point and I am also aware that it is really bloody annoying when you believe people are just ignoring you. God, I often think they do it to me ON PURPOSE sometimes! Imagine! You have some good friends here, it's not worth throwing that away over what appears to be a percieved slight. Easy for me to say but I can assure you, I really DO know the feeling. BTDT, have the T shirt.

06-05-2012, 19:34
Inhabiting an online forum can be an education. In general people tend to be less precious about hurting others feelings when hidden behind a keyboard. Oftentimes this is purely accidental simply because one doesn't have the luxury of expressions and body language to feed off, but some make a career out of it. It is often so, so easy to misinterpret the meaning behind a comment, I have done it myself and I'm sure I must have posted comments which have upset people from time to time, so while we are getting this all out in the open, I apologise if I have ever inadvertently pissed anyone off.. :o

06-05-2012, 19:54
Graham, I'm sorry to hear you thought your thread had been 'crapped' on (I hope I wasn't responsible); presumably, you mean your 'wiring a plug' thread. Unfortunately, I'm afraid thread drift is inevitable and if any thread is still 'on subject' after three pages it's a rarity (on any forum). I must admit that I didn't read the whole thread, as it did seem to drift into some pretty esoteric areas (and I do know how to wire a plug :)); I certainly wouldn't take it personally though.