View Full Version : Possible Virus Alert (key logger)

30-04-2012, 20:00
I think I might have picked up a key logger virus this morning, ironically from a driver download link site from a member of an audio forum. It blocks off all access to the internet and warns that you have 5 major and 5 serious mal-ware infections. It makes it so that the only way to get back on the internet is to purchase their US$80 software.The site is called Microsoft High End Security Essentials and looks very similar in layout to the genuine Microsoft site with a similar name so easy to be persuaded. It only seemed to affect the User Account of the user on the PC when the link was opened.
The only way I could get rid of it was to log on as a different Administator, delete my own account and then set myself up with another account with a different name.
Just be aware out there.
Hope this helps,

30-04-2012, 20:33
That's what you get for surfing porn! :D

30-04-2012, 20:48
....from a driver download link site from a member of an audio forum.

That's what you get for surfing porn! :D

You tell me of an audio forum that does links to porn and I'll join :lol:

30-04-2012, 21:00
<matron voice> You dirty old man! :lol: