View Full Version : My new amp

30-04-2012, 08:08
Hi all,

I thought I would post up a quick photo of my new addition, something I bought on a bit of a whim on saturday. Iv always fancied seeing what all the fuss about valves was and so i picked up this Audioromy valve amp
on saturday whilst at a little music / audio fair in Ewell.

I cant say that I know much about the amp other than its chinese in origin, a few years old and puts out about 30 watts in class A apparently. Its in decent condition with the odd minor mark but it sounded very nice in the
limited time I heard it so I handed over the cash and struggled home with it (its certainly no light weight!).

Im not sure what I was expecting in terms of sound quality but once I had disconnected my Roksan Kandy and plumbed the Audioromy into my system I was pretty much impressed from the get go. On a purely visual level all those glowing valves look so cool :):).

Im not great at putting down onto paper the differences that I heard but it seems that the amp has added an extra dimension to the sound. Music has now become more realistic, treble is more delicate and shimmering, the mid range is very pleasant indeed and the bass has a lovely rounded fullsome clout to it. Initial impressions (at sensible volume levels at least) are that it beats the Roksan hands down which I certainly wasnt expecting.

So given that I know nothing really about this amp, does anyone have any experience of it or can offer any insite into it at all? Is there anything I should know about valve amps in general?

I am really looking forward to spending some time "getting to know" this amp now!


ps sorry for the cr*ppy camera phone pix.

30-04-2012, 09:05
Congrats! A nice looking amp there. Here is a fella that have checked out an Audioromy amp in detail:


Ali Tait
30-04-2012, 09:27
Not had that particular amp, but I did have the Audioromy 813 amp. It was a pretty good amp until the mains trannie fried itself. Did last a good while though.

30-04-2012, 09:47
The only downsides so far is that it does not have a turntable imput so I'm having to use it with a £25 el cheap-o Richer Sounds phono pre amp. Oh and no remote control is a bugger but hey I guess the extra exercise will do me good eh.

30-04-2012, 12:41
Out of interest, what do you make of the Roksan Kandy?

I had it for about a week and then decided to upgrade to the model above. I was very impressed with what it could do (from what I can remember)

30-04-2012, 13:01
Out of interest, what do you make of the Roksan Kandy?

I had it for about a week and then decided to upgrade to the model above. I was very impressed with what it could do (from what I can remember)

Yeah, I've been very happy with my LIII model, especially considering what it cost me (2nd hand) i think its pretty good. A lot of my listening is at fairly low levels and sometimes I feel the roksan volume needs to be whacked up a bit to hear it at its best (which generally is not something I can do living in a flat :()

30-04-2012, 16:59
Yeah, I've been very happy with my LIII model, especially considering what it cost me (2nd hand) i think its pretty good. A lot of my listening is at fairly low levels and sometimes I feel the roksan volume needs to be whacked up a bit to hear it at its best (which generally is not something I can do living in a flat :()

Nice amp m8, but watch the electricity bill ;)

30-04-2012, 17:07
Nice amp m8, but watch the electricity bill ;)

Hey Steve, thanks mate - hope your well. Its turned off at the mains when not in use but on the plus side its gonna be great at heating the living room in the winter!

02-05-2012, 11:34
This is my new amp :lol:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/321193_10150489573999832_528289831_11174164_186581 847_n.jpg

Reid Malenfant
02-05-2012, 17:11
PMSL :rfl:

02-05-2012, 17:47
what's it sound like?:D

02-05-2012, 18:11
I got the next model up


03-05-2012, 11:02
That's brilliant, especially your mod there Keith! :lol:

03-05-2012, 11:07
There is no WIFE MUTE function, which is a major shortcoming of the design.

03-05-2012, 11:28
I think it also needs a "blacker blacks" button! :D

03-05-2012, 12:05
I think it also needs a "blacker blacks" button! :D

It is hiding beside the transparency button:D, just to the left of the resolution control....;)