View Full Version : What do you watch on TV?

24-04-2012, 06:46
Over the past few years I have watched less and less telly. Apart from the news I make a point to watch Silent Witness and The Syndicate. Might watch a film at the weekend.
Is there anything I am missing?

24-04-2012, 09:16
I watch football..and the news and the odd music doc and then my wife watches all the soaps..which gives me a chance to dig out me headphones. I hardly ever watch any of my dvd's and have over 100 still sealed in cellophane ..I much prefer to listen to my music.

24-04-2012, 09:16
Is there anything I am missing?

Naughty Nurses, on The Adult Channel.


24-04-2012, 09:52
After collapsing on the settee following my daily 8-9 mile "mountain" walk, I will gratefully watch any daily crud that is thrown at me. 60 Minute Mankover is hilarious, Helicopter Heroes is great, but not if I have a late lunch. Best one so far was where this poor young chap was clearing a blockage from an auger that cleared chicken shit from a chicken house, the auger was still spinning at the time!. His legs were mangled and they were considering amputation at the scene, problem was the devastating infection potential. Not a happy ending to that one as weeks later he was still in hopsital with the threat of amputation.

Evening viewing is over the top of this laptop, dipping in and out of whatever is on and wasting time with the scallys on this site:D....oh and others:eek:

24-04-2012, 10:05
More seriously, one of my favourite things to watch is Facejacker (or Fonejacker), on Channel 4. Bloody hilarious!! :D

I rarely watch 'serious' programmes, other than occasionally, The News, as when I watch TV, I like to be entertained, not bored or depressed.

Live football is also a favourite, but sometimes, depending on the result, that can be more depressing than anything else!! And I also like some of the good cookery programmes, such as Two Greedy Italians, The Hairy Bikers and Saturday Kitchen. I also always watch The Apprentice, and when it's on, Shameless.


24-04-2012, 10:59
When my better half and I first started seeing each other the first time she came to my house she thought it "odd" there was no TV in the living room (later confessing she figured it was upstairs). When "upstairs" finally entered the scheme of things - she was not a little surprised to find there was another Hi-Fi set up in the bedroom!
The next week she brought me a "gift" - yes, a TV. I never switched the thing on and she learned, or rather relearned, the art of conversation and the ability to sit, relax and "listen to some music".
Some years later and we have a feck off telly in the living room which is always on to keep the dogs entertained (and they watch some real sh*te) while we talk, cook and generally enjoy each other's company.

I do enjoy Scott and Bailey and Silent witness though little else. I would enjoy Question Time but politics is strictly banned when I am home.

I still call the thing the 'Instrument of the Devil'

24-04-2012, 11:01
Forgot to say, for various reasons we get Movies before they are generally available so we get to watch some great movies occassionally. We also endure some crap occassionally too:-(

24-04-2012, 11:13
I do enjoy Scott and Bailey and Silent witness...

Yes, I like that, too. I also like some of the antiques programmes, as both Del and I love collecting old things of value.

Politics? Never - unless I want a cure for insomnia! Bores me to tears, that pish :D

I'm like you, though, and spend much more time listening to music, than watching TV. I also take your point, regarding one's partner, about talking, cooking and enjoying each other's company. Not enough couples (or indeed families) do that these days, as folk are either glued to the goggle-box, or their bloody iPods or computers, and so the art of conversation is dead! :rolleyes:

One of the things that Del and I enjoy doing most is having long, lazy lunches outside in the garden, in the summer during the warm weather, where we can spend hours just chatting, drinking some wine and enjoying scrumptious food.

Often, I'll bring the small Celestions out into the garden and feed them with tunes from my system upstairs, and music will be playing outside until it gets dark! There's nothing like it, providing that you get on well with your partner, enjoy each other's company and have plenty in common, which sadly isn't always the case.... ;)


24-04-2012, 12:10
I confess to watching the Apprentice, other than that it is just late night stuff once it is too late to play music - Wheeler Dealers, South Park, anything to do with Hitler and the war on the History channel, that sort of thing. Also quite enjoy Pawn Stars and Storage Wars. Basically it needs to be mindless entertainment - I can't watch the politics shows anymore as they make me too angry.

24-04-2012, 12:23
Basically it needs to be mindless entertainment...

Those are sentiments I also share. I can't be arsed with anything 'serious' or 'intellectually taxing', when I watch TV (other than occasionally watching Eggheads - if one can call that intellectually taxing). I just want to mong out in front of the fire, sipping a glass of something nice, without having to concentrate hard on anything, and be entertained (and preferably made to laugh).

I forgot to mention Jools Holland, which I also watch and enjoy. Can't wait for Dr Who to start up again, too! :)


24-04-2012, 12:28
I forgot to mention Jools Holland, which I also watch and enjoy.

That show has gone downhill - okay Holland was always irritating but I could live with that - however in the past couple of years they have had some right rubbish selections of artists (well okay nothing to my taste then ;)) and the sound quality has gone from impressive to dire.

24-04-2012, 16:39
I don't watch much these days, not an awful lot on TV that I enjoy. I detest anything 'celeb', soap, game or reality show oriented.

I do enjoy foreign crime drama's, The Killing, Wallander & The Wire etc and select films, especially foreign cinema. Music shows like Jools Holland and BBC4 on a Friday night, plus documentaries, Click and factual programs.

For sport F1 and Rugby, but that's about it. I also never watch anything 'live' apart from sport. I set my hard drive recorder for the week at the weekends and watch TV when it suits me to watch something, not when the schedule dictates it. One of these days I'm going to get rid of it and buy a projector and just watch films and the odd catch up TV show on the PC. I think the only thing stopping me from doing it at the moment is Rugby.

Reid Malenfant
24-04-2012, 16:47
Nothing! Not a sausage & I'm proud of saving over £150 a year :)

BBC license :finger:

Just re-filled out the online form to state no license needed here about a month back, interestingly there is now the option of only using the TV to watch blu rays, DVDs & videos which I had to knock through their thick skulls previously :rolleyes:

24-04-2012, 21:45
I watch the tele as little as possible. It's simply a monitor for DVD's. I'll watch whatever she's watching late at night before turning out the light; but, usually I'll just go in the other room and listen to music OR surf the web. (For example, if I want to watch Wipe Out, I'll do so at my convenience by going to their website.) Having done this for so long, even if a movie is on the toob that I like, my tolerance for commercials is at such a low point that I simply cannot stomach the interruptions to sell me pharmaceuticals with a mile long list of side effects which may include, in some cases, irreversible death. WTF. All I had before was a headache.

24-04-2012, 21:48
Over the past few years I have watched less and less telly. Apart from the news I make a point to watch Silent Witness and The Syndicate. Might watch a film at the weekend.
Is there anything I am missing?

Apart from football and the odd game of rugby, no!!

Jac Hawk
24-04-2012, 22:26
Not much really mostly movies and documentaries however a series called The Game of Thrones was an exception and bloody brilliant too

24-04-2012, 22:33
I much preferred TV in the 70s and 80s. IMO, in general, it was far better than it is now...


Reid Malenfant
24-04-2012, 22:34
I much preferred TV in the 70s and 80s. IMO, in general, it was far better than it is now...

Amen brother :D

24-04-2012, 22:39
I much preferred TV in the 70s and 80s. IMO, in general, it was far better than it is now...


Amen brother :D

And another, Amen.

Though I'm not sure what was up with "The Love Boat". Was that on in the UK?

25-04-2012, 06:09
my tolerance for commercials is at such a low point that I simply cannot stomach the interruptions to sell me pharmaceuticals with a mile long list of side effects which may include, in some cases, irreversible death. WTF. All I had before was a headache.

Yes, bloody adverts do my head in. Somebody please shoot that Meerkat! And Go Compare some-bloody-where else, ffs. Gives me a headache. :steam:

25-04-2012, 07:54
And another, Amen.

Though I'm not sure what was up with "The Love Boat". Was that on in the UK?

Yep - Sunday afternoons for years. Seen em all. My father was a big fan.

25-04-2012, 08:02
I wasn't a Love Boat fan, but my mum was. Stuff like that was rather un-cool, if you were a teenager back then.

Some of the programmes in those days were cheesy in the extreme, but somehow they just seemed more 'right' than a lot of the pish that is made now... For starters, the actors were generally better and story lines in programmes/films/serials more engrossing, even if some of the sets were somewhat 'primative' looking :eyebrows:

The background music, which often accompanied programmes in the 70s and 80s, somehow added a certain charm, too.... It's not the same now.


25-04-2012, 08:48
I put it on when i get up to listen to the news and weather while i'm getting ready for work, evenings I spend more time surfing than watching telly it's always on in the background though as the wife and kids like their soaps, i record Jools Holland and also American Pickers to watch on Sunday mornings, i hate game shows and especially Noel Edmunds with his stupid boxes but enjoy Total Wipeout, i like the car programs on Discovery Turbo and Scrapheap challlege is always entertaining.

I tend to be working or fiddling with something outside every day apart from days like today when it's pissing down usually spend a couple of hours when i get in during the week listening to music in my office whilst trying to do a bit of paperwork.

25-04-2012, 12:19
I wasn't a Love Boat fan, but my mum was. Stuff like that was rather un-cool, if you were a teenager back then.


Sunday in the 70s: One telly in the house, only 3 channels to choose from, freezing cold and pissing down outside, shops closed all day, video games had not yet been invented and the telephone was for messages and emergencies only. It might have been uncool but what else was there to do? :lol:

Fantasy Island was another Sunday afternoon staple - I recall pointing out to my father that it was exactly the same format as The Love Boat, except set on an island instead of a ship but he wouldn't have it. 'De plane, Boss, De plane...' etc

25-04-2012, 17:41
Yes, bloody adverts do my head in. Somebody please shoot that Meerkat!
Get yourself a hard disk recorder? I never, ever watch adverts . . . it's fast forward every single time for me :)

Roy S
25-04-2012, 19:05
Liking 'Four Rooms' at the moment

25-04-2012, 22:21
No TV, but on the iPlayer I watch Have I Got News For You, plus the documentary series about the 1970s, and some BBC4 music progs.

01-05-2012, 16:31
At the moment, lots of Motorbike racing - and that's about it (great start to MotoGP, World and British Superbike seasons) a bit of footy, and then trying to ignore what the wife is watching (Eastenders/Coronation Street :rolleyes:)

01-05-2012, 17:14
great start to MotoGP, World and British Superbike seasons

Yes, love the Motorbikes. That's about it really. So much dross on the dreaded box.

01-05-2012, 17:33
Aye, much better than F1! ;)


01-05-2012, 18:17
Yes, F1 is okay, but ultimately not exciting enough (for me anyway). Having ridden quite a few motor cycles in my time (and fallen off several times), is where my interest in MotoGP lies. If I was fit would defo still have a motor cycle. :)