View Full Version : Free DVD for Pink Floyd fans.

21-04-2012, 21:36
Brit Floyd
The British Pink Floyd Show
Free DVD


I have 3 copies of this promotional DVD, filmed at the Liverpool Arena on 22 January 2011. This is a commercial high quality DVD, produced by the band and covers the entire show of over 2 hours.
Brit Floyd are made-up partially of the former Australian Pink Floyd Show, with Damian Darlington on lead guitar - his Comfortably Numb is really superb.

Free for those that PM me with a UK name and address, sent by 2nd Class Post.
If I get a large number of requests for the 3 DVD's, I will give priority to established AoS members - if I get loads of requests, it will be names in a hat.
All I ask is that if I send you one, please don't put it straight on eBay.... thanks ;)

Here are some excerpts of the show from the DVD;

'Shine on You Crazy Diamond'


'The Great Gig in the Sky' performed by Ola Bienkowska


'Wish You Were Here'


21-04-2012, 21:41
Ill take one please

21-04-2012, 22:00
Please Tim. PM sent.


21-04-2012, 22:10
I'd love one if any left please!

21-04-2012, 22:10
Oooh me to please if there is one left.

22-04-2012, 08:01
Oh yes please, if l am not too late.:)

22-04-2012, 08:27
OK, this has generated a bit more interest than I thought it would! So what I will do is keep this open until 7.00pm tomorrow (Monday 23rd April) and then draw names for the DVD's. If you have already PM'd me or added your name to this thread, then you are in the draw - if not, just add your name to the post and I will include you.

I shall post the names of the winners tomorrow evening.


rusty bearing
22-04-2012, 08:41
I would be humbled should my name be put in your esteemed hat

Spectral Morn
22-04-2012, 09:09
Yes please, I would like to have my name put in your hat.

Regards D S D L

22-04-2012, 09:59
We saw these guys lasst year, they are really great... the dvd is quite well done and great freebie for them to give away at their shows.

22-04-2012, 10:20
Have you got one already Richard, or shall I put your name down?

Did you ever see Aussie Floyd, or just Brit Floyd - if you saw both, do you have a preference?

22-04-2012, 10:43
I would be grateful if you would stick my name in the hat.

22-04-2012, 15:08
Have you got one already Richard, or shall I put your name down?

Did you ever see Aussie Floyd, or just Brit Floyd - if you saw both, do you have a preference?

I've got a copy of the same DVD, thanks! My preference was for the Brit Floyd, but theres not much between them really. As a member of a Floyd tribute band myself I'm probably looking at more of the 'behind the scenes' stuff (such as equipment and how they deal with the samples) than the casual punter. Our band mainly does smaller venues so not on the scale of the Brit Floyd production. This allows our version of floyd to be more organic and a bit raw, we only have 5 bodies on the stage and try to create as many of our own samples as possible rather than ripping off the PF albums. One of the best PF tributes I've seen is The Pink Floyd Sound (from Netherlands) they tend to do a lot of the older and less well known stuff which is a real treat for the die hard fans, they are nice guys too and we had good chat with them about what we use in our respective shows. If you ever get the chance do check them out.

22-04-2012, 16:38
Hi Tim i would love one if you've still got some. :)


22-04-2012, 18:14
OK, this has generated a bit more interest than I thought it would! So what I will do is keep this open until 7.00pm tomorrow (Monday 23rd April) and then draw names for the DVD's. If you have already PM'd me or added your name to this thread, then you are in the draw - if not, just add your name to the post and I will include you.

I shall post the names of the winners tomorrow evening.


Please add me to your list for the draw.


22-04-2012, 18:31
Hi Tim i would love one if you've still got some. :)


And Me please


22-04-2012, 19:35
I would like to be added to your list please.

22-04-2012, 20:12
13 in the running so far :eyebrows:

23-04-2012, 08:44
Lucky 14?


23-04-2012, 10:30
Add me to the hat please ;-)

Reid Malenfant
23-04-2012, 15:31
Hi Tim, I just wanted to say that it's very generous of you offering free DVDs :)

Please don't add me to the list, I have enough to watch & listen to :eyebrows:


23-04-2012, 16:45
Hi there
Please include me also
Damian - dgdgdgdgdg

23-04-2012, 18:38
I have enough to watch & listen to :eyebrows:
I do believe you do Mark, I have seen your DVD collection ;)

OK, that's it then - no more names in the hat, I will collate who I have then post later with 3 names from those who have either sent me a PM or added their name here.

23-04-2012, 18:52
Have you got one already Richard, or shall I put your name down?

Did you ever see Aussie Floyd, or just Brit Floyd - if you saw both, do you have a preference?

I have seen the Aussie Pink Floyd several time now, last time a few weeks ago in Brighton and they have been Superb each time.

23-04-2012, 20:00
OK, I put the names in a hat (well, my cornflakes bowl) and came out with numbers 1, 3 & 7 which were are following members;

David (Snapper)
Andy (Tarzan)
Neil (Dalek Supreme D L)

If the winners will PM me their addresses I will post them off toward the end of the week.


Spectral Morn
23-04-2012, 20:04
:eek: :)

Thank you very much Tim

Regards Neil

23-04-2012, 23:21
Shit,missed it,thanks Windows 7 for forgetting my password,computers are dicks :lol:

24-04-2012, 16:21
Thanks for the PM's guys, I just need a PM and address from Andy (Tarzan) and I can post these out :)

25-04-2012, 17:50
Still not heard from Tarzan and as I have to walk to the post office and want to get these sent out soon, if I get no response by tomorrow I will redraw the last DVD.... where are you Tarzy, I need an address? :eyebrows:

26-04-2012, 17:46
OK, sorry Tarzan but you missed the boat. I just had a re-draw and the last DVD goes to André (F307).

These should be posted out tomorrow guys :)

26-04-2012, 18:41
A very kind gesture to give these away.

I've just been watching this

Money - Brit Floyd

The google pop up ad was for top brain damage solicitors. Made me chuckle at least :lol:

01-05-2012, 17:13
Really sorry that I have not managed to post these out yet guys, it rained all day Saturday here, so I didn't fancy the walk to the Post Office. Yesterday I went to London for a gig and I have another tonight.

Things are back to normal tomorrow, so I will be able to go to the Post Office on the way home from work. Thanks for your patience ;)

02-05-2012, 20:57
These are on the way guys, sorry again for the delay in posting. They may take a couple of days as they have been sent 2nd Class.


Rare Bird
02-05-2012, 22:21
Don't worry about it Tim, at the end of the day it's good of you..

Spectral Morn
04-05-2012, 18:45
Don't worry about it Tim, at the end of the day it's good of you..

Agreed 100% :cool:

10-05-2012, 13:02
Hi Tim

The DVD arrived earlier today, will try and watch it later.

Thanks very much for your generosity, it's very much appreciated.


Have a couple of virtual :cool: on me.

Spectral Morn
10-05-2012, 17:15
Hi Tim

My DVD also arrived. Thank you very much for being so kind to send it to me. :cool:

10-05-2012, 19:10
Excellent, that's them all accounted for... who said Royal Fail ;)

My pleasure as well guys and I hope they give some enjoyment.

Spectral Morn
10-05-2012, 20:00
Excellent, that's them all accounted for... who said Royal Fail ;)

My pleasure as well guys and I hope they give some enjoyment.

That would have been me lol, not this time thankfully :)

10-05-2012, 20:01
That would have been me lol, not this time thankfully :)