View Full Version : CJ Walker CJ55 Turntable

20-04-2012, 11:23
Beautiful little British turntable - well regarded belt driven deck in it's day.

Asking around £120

Has Linn mounting and is running silently.




CJ Walker's design philosophy was to control resonances by using organic materials so that colourations that couldn't be eliminated would not sound out of place with the music. This includes the use of thin cork feet.

Lid has a few scratches as would be expected for its age which don't really show from a distance. There is some feathering to the bottom edges of the deck too where the medite used there has worn of the years as you can see which could just be shaved off and blacked up to get it closer to perfect.

I'm happy to pack well and ship if need be with all precautions taken with the platter, bearing and lid etc.

I've more photos I can send if people like.

Rare Bird
20-04-2012, 11:46
Great decks these
four point suspension that is dead easy to adjust, the sub chassis is wood frame, tufnol platter, no ringing frm these babies..

Come on chaps & chapesses

20-04-2012, 14:41
Four point suspension adjustable from above no less!

08-05-2012, 20:29
Still available and now I've neatened up the base for you all - new photos to come.

21-05-2012, 11:41

Have you still got the Walker CJ55 turntable? Please, let me know.

Thanks a lot!

21-05-2012, 19:24
<sigh, again...>

Great that you've joined AoS Norbert - but not so great that you've been a bit of a silly billy and completely ignored the instructions in the email when you signed up, and not introduced yourself before wading in after a bargain... ;)

Best keep a look out over your shoulder - they're coming for you (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17333)!

If you could do the honours on your next visit that will prevent you from doing bird. :)

23-05-2012, 04:11
Hi Norbert

I do still have it for sale yes.. Let me know if you're still interested (send me a Private Message if you're familiar with forums).

Sorry for the slow reply - notification emails have been going in the spam.

23-05-2012, 04:17
<sigh, again...>

Great that you've joined AoS Norbert - but not so great that you've been a bit of a silly billy and completely ignored the instructions in the email when you signed up, and not introduced yourself before wading in after a bargain... ;)

Best keep a look out over your shoulder - they're coming for you (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17333)!

If you could do the honours on your next visit that will prevent you from doing bird. :)

"Hi, I'm Norbert and I was searching for a CJ Walker CJ55 and google gave me a link to this advert. I couldn't show my interest in it without registering with the forum (I got some automated emails from the forum but I only wanted to quickly ask if the turntable was available but as I don't like spending ages on the internet I doubt I'll be reading the forum or taking part so I didn't bother to read them). I asked my question and was told to write something here about myself first.

I sware, that's how it happened!"

Would that do? Doesn't sound particulary interesting to me... :lol:

Being a relatively shy person myself, I'm not particularly keen on the rule (and thankfully never HAD to do it - although I did eventually some 2 years after joining ).

23-05-2012, 10:57
"Hi, I'm Norbert and I was searching for a CJ Walker CJ55 and google gave me a link to this advert. I couldn't show my interest in it without registering with the forum (I got some automated emails from the forum but I only wanted to quickly ask if the turntable was available but as I don't like spending ages on the internet I doubt I'll be reading the forum or taking part so I didn't bother to read them). I asked my question and was told to write something here about myself first.

I sware, that's how it happened!"

Would that do? Doesn't sound particulary interesting to me... :lol:

Being a relatively shy person myself, I'm not particularly keen on the rule (and thankfully never HAD to do it - although I did eventually some 2 years after joining ).

Well Norburt, you're not shy really, are you?: especially when it comes to Walker turntables. :lol:

24-05-2012, 18:48
Well Norburt, you're not shy really, are you?: especially when it comes to Walker turntables. :lol:

I think you're confusing posters..

Norbert hasn't been back and hasn't followed up his enquiry into the deck either - think he's probably been frightened off when all he wanted was a nice deck to play his vinyl.

Perhaps just someone who is interested in enjoying music rather than jaw jawing about it - not too disimilar an ethic to the forum other than the chatting bit (of course I'm projecting this onto the unsuspecting Norbert who might be nothing like that :))

28-06-2012, 03:32
New photos! I've reconditioned the black part at the bottom:





28-06-2012, 06:22
Looking very good and apologies for my earlier comments, I was only joking. :)

The Grand Wazoo
28-06-2012, 06:37
These are great little decks and badly overlooked in my opinion. A bit of a bargain at the price folks.

28-06-2012, 07:19
+1. Can't see it being too far off a basic LP12, TBH...

As for this:

Norbert hasn't been back and hasn't followed up his enquiry into the deck either - think he's probably been frightened off when all he wanted was a nice deck to play his vinyl.

Rules are rules, Nat. We expect all members to follow the instructions they're given when joining - simples. I've seen you moaning about this before, so please give it a rest and just accept that's how we do things.

AoS is not, and never will be, just anyone's free audio 'Exchange & Mart'!


30-06-2012, 23:59
+1. Can't see it being too far off a basic LP12, TBH...

As for this:

Rules are rules, Nat. We expect all members to follow the instructions they're given when joining - simples. I've seen you moaning about this before, so please give it a rest and just accept that's how we do things.

AoS is not, and never will be, just anyone's free audio 'Exchange & Mart'!


True - I'll give it a rest I promise!

I never read instructions emailed when joining a website that requires registration - far too many sites need that to read every one when all you want to is make one single comment in an impulsive way.

Must be a lot of work chasing people up and frustrating fighting against human nature on the web. Also disrupts threads a little I suppose.

Wont mention it againt though :cool:

01-07-2012, 12:12
I never read instructions emailed when joining a website that requires registration - far too many sites need that to read every one when all you want to is make one single comment in an impulsive way.

Well, Nat, instructions are given for a good reason. If others and you are too bloody lazy to read them, then expect to suffer the consequences for your laziness! ;)

As for your other point, we're not interested in people joining here simply to make one single comment in an impulsive way, or simply to buy or sell something. We're building a community here, and so are only really interested in those who wish to become an active part of that, and give something of themselves, rather than simply just taking. I've told you before, in terms of our membership, we'd rather have quality here, than quantity!

Must be a lot of work chasing people up and frustrating fighting against human nature on the web. Also disrupts threads a little I suppose.

Hey ho, whatever is needed is what will be done, if only not to give into the lazy, selfish fuckers who can't be arsed reading what's in front of them and doing what they've been asked to do! :rolleyes:

Human nature? Not in my world it isn't.

Wont mention it againt though

Good. Therefore, I don't expect to see a reply from you to what I've just posted! ;)


01-07-2012, 15:43
Good. Therefore, I don't expect to see a reply from you to what I've just posted! ;)


Hurrmph! :lol:

As a general thing about life in general in using the internet and the modern world in general, with T&Cs coming on for 20 pages these days for every email account, every purchase, every social media site, every wifi hotspot etc any person who is able to adapt well to new technology will learn quickly not to read such things or face being bogged down to a point of the new tech being unusuable. That will be fine for the 99.99'/. of sites and for that 0.01'/. - you don't know which site it might be - that asks something specific of you are bound to politely let you know in due course if you go wrong!

Internet behaviour becomes homogenised as ways of doing things become standardised, in the same way that people interact or expect to interact with doors in the same way everywhere - natural and efficient adapation to the environment - that if one opens in an unusual way then even with instructions nearby most people will try the usual way first.

To paraphrase the philosopher Seneca, frustration and anger come from wrongful expectation.

01-07-2012, 15:46

Roll up roll up! Lovely turntable looking for a new home - will you be the lucky one?

Great with lighter arms I've experienced : Hadcock and Audio Technica AT1100 spring to mind - both were used with an AT33 cart to good effect.