View Full Version : Wanted - Digital switch box...

Reid Malenfant
19-04-2012, 18:14
I reckon I'm trying to find snake oil, though these things appear to be available on the other side of the pond :doh: Something like this even with AES/EBU inputs etc would be perfect (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Z-Sys-Digital-Detangler-8-AES-EBU-S-PDIF-Coax-Digital-Audio-Router-Switch-MINT-/230685984053?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b5f4c535), I just don't like the shipping charges or the extra that Gus Thoms & Heck Size would add on to it for import duties etc :(

What I'm after is something to switch between coaxial S/PDIF inputs to a single output (AES/EBU input would be handy to). But it needs to be high quality, so ideally it needs to have BNC connections & a fully screened case ;)

If anyone sees anything like this please let me know :)


Reid Malenfant
19-04-2012, 19:52
Stop press

If anyone knows where I can find one of these (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230427209221?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649) on this side of the pond then let me know, or I'll be forced to import one... Should get away with it customs wise though I reckon :scratch: :eyebrows:

19-04-2012, 20:01

Description is a bit vague, but it looks the same?

19-04-2012, 20:04


19-04-2012, 20:06
a bbc sca-1 would probably do the trick I think if you can find one

Reid Malenfant
19-04-2012, 20:14
Thanks guys, all much appreciated even if I don't end up going there :)

I have found exactly what I'm looking for, it's similar to those boxes, but it's of a vastly higher quality & more money :lol: The thing is though I'd really like the best switch possible in the position it's going to be in!

If I don't happen to win the thing tomorrow then I'll be looking at one of those that you have linked to Keith ;) Yes they do look the same don't they :D

Once again cheers!