View Full Version : Twitter Spam/worm

17-04-2012, 09:30
I'd like to take this opportunity to alert people to some insidious Twitter spam that is doing the rounds just now. It arrives in the form of a direct message from one of your contacts. The message will read something like: 'Someone is posting nasty things about you' followed by a shortened link. DO NOT CLICK THE LINK!!! If you do you are giving the host permission to access your Twitter account and your account will be used to send the code on to all your contacts...

If your account has already been infected you will need to change your password ASAP...

The Vinyl Adventure
17-04-2012, 10:02
Alex (alexuk) ... i noticed something like this coming from your account

17-04-2012, 12:54
Serves you daftees right for using juvenile and mindless pish, like Twitter! :eyebrows: ;)


17-04-2012, 13:03
I will change my password but I have to agree that Twitter is the biggest pile of time-wasting arsewipe that I've ever used. I only have an account because of work :eek:

17-04-2012, 14:00
I don't do social networking sites - period, simply because I have no use for them.

Good luck to those who enjoy that kind of bollocks, though! ;)


The Vinyl Adventure
17-04-2012, 14:35
Twitter is very good for seo ... I tweet because google likes me tweeting (I'm talking about my user RealPhotogForum)
I don't have a personal twitter account ... Everything I have to say is far to important and interesting to fit into 140 characters ;)

17-04-2012, 15:08
Everything I have to say is far to important and interesting to fit into 140 characters ;)

I couldn't agree more...!!!

17-04-2012, 15:19
I just find all these 'chat sites' mind-numbingly banal. Even their daft names evoke utter banality...

I guess it takes all sorts!!


17-04-2012, 16:20
Password now changed. Thanks for the alert, Dave.

17-04-2012, 18:38
I'm not a mad fan of Twitter either, but it can have its uses - I use it purely to track a few of my favourite bands and artists, plus Bob Harris. I only follow 15 people in total and all the time I have had an account I think I have only 'tweeted' twice and got replies from Bob Harris and Gretchen Peters. So in this respect I think its OK - it does give a direct conduit to some good people. Also, some artists do surprise gigs, Charlene Soraia for instance turned up at a pub recently, got her guitar out, tweeted and did a free gig for those that turned up - now that's a great use of social media I think.

Mind you I am totally baffled by the folk that spend all day on there and post about what they are doing, eating, watching and thinking all the time. And tweeting whilst a TV show is on about the show is just wrong IMHO. How can you watch the show if you are tweeting :scratch:

Mind you I am a dinosaur :wheniwasaboy:

17-04-2012, 21:45
Hi Tim,

Nice one on Bob Harris and Charlene Soraia :)

Mind you I am totally baffled by the folk that spend all day on there and post about what they are doing, eating, watching and thinking all the time.

Answer: they're sad puppies (and attention seekers) who don't have a life ;)

And tweeting whilst a TV show is on about the show is just wrong IMHO. How can you watch the show if you are tweeting :scratch:

Idiocy of the highest order, and a shining example of how some forms of modern technology have turned people into complete morons.


17-04-2012, 22:11
Password now changed. Thanks for the alert, Dave.

And? What's your new password?

17-04-2012, 22:13
Idiocy of the highest order, and a shining example of how some forms of modern technology have turned people into complete morons.


Which begs the question: is it better than staying at the incomplete moron level?

17-04-2012, 22:17
There are a few interesting people on Twitter (I'm not one of them). You just have to find those who of interest to you and ignore the rest.

17-04-2012, 22:24
You just have to find those who of interest to you and ignore the rest.
Absolutely Nick :thumbsup:

19-04-2012, 13:26
I use it in relation to my forum and to send updates to friends and acquaintances abroad and that is about it. It is the only social networking site I am signed up to if one disregards forums...

I'm sure there are those out there who consider people who faff about on forums to be morons too Marco. Social interaction in its varied digital forms can be very useful, and yes, that does include Twitter... ;)

19-04-2012, 19:05
That's a different ball game altogether, Dave, and perfectly reasonable.

I'm referring to the idiots who are on these things all the time 'tweeting' about what they're eating, where they're going that day, who many farts they've had, and bullshite like that :mental:

Like I said, banality and idiocy of the highest order... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


19-04-2012, 19:18
Alex (alexuk) ... i noticed something like this coming from your account

Yep - it came from Dave!

19-04-2012, 19:19
Like I said, banality and idiocy of the highest order... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

19-04-2012, 19:32
Twats twit or twits twat - you decide! :D


19-04-2012, 19:58
Yep - it came from Dave!

If you haven't already done so Alex you will need to change the password on your Twitter account, I got caught out too... :doh: