View Full Version : FS: Temple Audio MonoBlock digital power amps

14-04-2012, 18:02
You'll read a lot about Bantam T-Amps here on AOS, these however are a step up from the standard Bantam Gold and are the top of Temple Audio's amp line.
info and specs HERE:

Worked beautifully in my system feeding my Caiman dac working as a preamp.
They are a great upgrade for Caiman owners - the Caiman Preamp is VERY good.
The Caiman combined with the Bantam Mono's makes for a helluva amplifier - a "giant killer" as they say.
An £800 quid Naim couldn't beat the Bantam gold outright, the mono's sound even better.

Had a chance to compare my previous Bantam gold amp with the Caiman against a Naim Nait 5i v2...
The wee Bantam was better in a lot of ways, bit less grunt than the naim but played tunes better.
The AOS member who loaned me the amp thought so too, just wanted me to realise for myself that you should use yer ears and not just assume more expensive is better.

The Mono's are a step up from the Gold again, improved transparency, soundstage and mid clarity but with a lot more grunt and low end.
Genuinely I would not have changed from these amps unless I could spend £££.
My plan was to upgrade the Dac to Stan Beresfords Bushmaster, MDac or the other usual suspects.

As such plans put on hold, I'm having to sell off most of my kit.
Was hoping to be able to keep a hold of these but needs must... :(

£235 delivered

Thank you.

15-04-2012, 15:19
Why do these things always come up when I am skint? Good luck with the sale, these are a bargain!

15-04-2012, 19:25
Cheers Steve :)

15-04-2012, 20:53
PM sent ...

15-04-2012, 21:18

16-04-2012, 21:35
PMs replied to.

18-04-2012, 06:10

Thanks for the interest guys.