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12-04-2012, 10:52
Now I've bought some Neat Motive 2's (should be with me Tuesday next week :D ) I'm after a DAC to go between my ATV2 (digital/optical connection) and my Alpha 10 amp...

Budget to £250 (ideally inc of postage) and interested in the likes of the Arcam rDAC and similar

If you have any other suggestions though I'm all ears :)

Ideally want the DAC to provide a better soundstage than the basic Lindy DAC I've got currently and to better define the bass weight & midrange etc... Dont want a DAC that'll make the sound brighter; it's bang on currently IMO

What have you got/what do you suggest?

12-04-2012, 11:43
Not sure when the Bushmaster is due to hit the streets but that would be in your budget and sounds really good via optical

12-04-2012, 11:56
Treat yourself, drop another nifty and get one of these:


12-04-2012, 13:18
If its of interest I've this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sonifex-Redbox-RB-DAC1-balanced-unbalanced-digital-analogue-converter-/130678879305?pt=UK_Consumer_Professional_RL&hash=item1e6d117449#ht_1535wt_922) for sale on eBay. Offers £250 or over accepted!

12-04-2012, 13:18
Treat yourself, drop another nifty and get one of these:


Yeah it's my initial aim but the Beresford Caiman gets some good mentions (plus it's got x2 optical in whereas the rDAC only has the one)!

I'm not desperate for it so will keep my eyes peeled

Werner Berghofer
12-04-2012, 13:38

it's got x2 optical in whereas the rDAC only has the one

no, you’re talking about a special edition Caiman here. The standard model has two coaxial, one optical and one USB input.


12-04-2012, 13:47

no, you’re talking about a special edition Caiman here. The standard model has two coaxial, one optical and one USB input.


Yeah that's the one; just didnt specify

This: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110856422358?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

12-04-2012, 13:48
If its of interest I've this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sonifex-Redbox-RB-DAC1-balanced-unbalanced-digital-analogue-converter-/130678879305?pt=UK_Consumer_Professional_RL&hash=item1e6d117449#ht_1535wt_922) for sale on eBay. Offers £250 or over accepted!

Thanks but it doesnt have optical in which I need for my ATV2

rusty bearing
13-04-2012, 13:38
Got one of these for sale to fund my new phono stage, see what you think.


13-04-2012, 13:59
Got one of these for sale to fund my new phono stage, see what you think.


Thanks for the post Mike; is that £175 for both boxes or just the USB?

I'm not familiar with this DAC; what's the soundstage like; any issues with brighter treble or muddy bass etc...

rusty bearing
14-04-2012, 08:32
The price is for the dac and PSU. Quite happy with the sound of the little beastie, as good as the Kandy I use for CD, I originally got when I put all the CD's on the laptop and played them back via the USB, does that really well.

15-04-2012, 10:50
Thanks for your efforts guys

Going to home demo the following over the next 3 weeks and will make a decision from there:

Rega DAC
Arcam rDAC again but with uprate PSU
Beresford Caiman
Possibly the Emotiva XDA-1 (a friend has one and swears its brilliant)
Potentially the C/A DacMagic (heard both good & bad reviews of this (i.e. making the mid and top end a bit brittle/bright at times)

They'll all be demo'd side by side with my £40 Lindy DAC and music from iTunes/Airplay via ATV2 and toslink cable...

I'll let you know my thoughts once all demo'd :D

15-04-2012, 13:50
What's a MF M-dac?

Ali Tait
15-04-2012, 14:07

15-04-2012, 14:15