View Full Version : Cart & Stylus Advice - limited budget

12-04-2012, 07:56
Well after listening properly to the Ortofon DJ S cart and stylus I am really not happy with it at all. To much distortion on the high end and vocals for my liking! It has to go!

So i've decided on the Sumiko headshell for my little 1210mk2.

But I am at a loss with the choice of cart and stylus for this headshell.

I am looking at a budget of approx £60 for the cart and stylus, something lively.

I can not afford the high end ones at all.

Thanks in advance for any advice to a cart/stylus noob.

All the best


12-04-2012, 08:13
A little left field, but keep your Techie headshell- upgrade the headshell wires, get a Stanton 520, then bolt a Stanton 500 stylus on it, full, musical and great fun! l tried the 520 cart/500 stylus in the Sumiko headshell, and it was noisy- but not so in the Techie, so l am thinking it does not need a heavier headshell, this will be around the £60ish mark.

12-04-2012, 08:25
A little left field, but keep your Techie headshell- upgrade the headshell wires, get a Stanton 520, then bolt a Stanton 500 stylus on it, full, musical and great fun! l tried the 520 cart/500 stylus in the Sumiko headshell, and it was noisy- but not so in the Techie, so l am thinking it does not need a heavier headshell, this will be around the £60ish mark.

Hi, thanks for the advice, however I don't have the Techie headshell at all.

So in effect what you could be saying is buy a technie headshell and try it with a Stanton 520 yeah?

12-04-2012, 08:59
Yup, then get a Stanton 500 stylus(£18) and bolt it to the 520:)

12-04-2012, 09:11
Hi Tarzan,

Is it better than the AT95e?


12-04-2012, 09:26
not sure about upgrading the wires.

Think I will go for the Sumiko headshell as i've heard many a good report. Just got to find a suitable cart/stylus.

I was looking at the Sumiko carts as well, in particular the blue or gold pearl ones, maybe the blue oyster one too.

12-04-2012, 10:33
Hi Tarzan,

Is it better than the AT95e?


Er, would not know as l have not heard the AT, sorry.

12-04-2012, 12:22
It is different to the AT - not necesarily better. the Stanton is much more 'balls out'. The AT does not have the same bass weight or overall fun factor but is more detailed, more open in the upper frequncies, generally less fun but more sophisticated.

12-04-2012, 12:30
It is different to the AT - not necesarily better. the Stanton is much more 'balls out'. The AT does not have the same bass weight or overall fun factor but is more detailed, more open in the upper frequncies, generally less fun but more sophisticated.

you rate the AT? may save me some money rather than go for a Sumiko cart (blue oyster).. bit undecided :(

12-04-2012, 12:38
I just got one last week and fitted it to a pal's Rega 3 - for £30 it is ludicrously good - but it is very differrent in presentation to a DJ cart like the Stanton or Ortofon that you were using. You will lose some bass and 'oomph', but you will gain sweetness, detail and sparkle.

12-04-2012, 12:42
I just got one last week and fitted it to a pal's Rega 3 - for £30 it is ludicrously good - but it is very differrent in presentation to a DJ cart like the Stanton or Ortofon that you were using. You will lose some bass and 'oomph', but you will gain sweetness, detail and sparkle.

that is what I am looking for!! cheers for that! AT it is!

12-04-2012, 18:49
Well I've pushed the boat out a little and just purchased the Sumiko headshell and a Nagaoka MP-100.

Will let you know how I get on with it all.

Beans on toast for a month now :)

12-04-2012, 21:00
Do let us now how you get on (the beans on toast that is):)

12-04-2012, 21:56
no bean Tarzan not like beans ;)

16-04-2012, 18:02
well thats the sumiko fitted and the nagaoka mp100 set up and aligned using the vinylengine protrator, bloody fiddly for my sausage fingers.

I am in love with the sound already and I know it hasnt even worn in yet, but Carol King's voice sounds like I am there with her, bass is perfect and mid ranges float around the room.

Highly recommend sumiko with nagaoka on the techie!

17-04-2012, 07:58
Did you have any issues with getting the Sumiko level with the record?

17-04-2012, 10:07
I have an MP150 on my Techie, with a Sumiko headshell, and don't have any problems setting VTA. I use a bubble level resting on the headshell.

17-04-2012, 12:05
I have an MP150 on my Techie, with a Sumiko headshell, and don't have any problems setting VTA. I use a bubble level resting on the headshell.

Using the stock arm?

17-04-2012, 12:52
Yes, sorry Martin, I thought that was implied. :lol:

18-04-2012, 07:53
Yes, sorry Martin, I thought that was implied. :lol:

Weird that some of us are finding it impossible with the Sumiko then. I have swapped my Stanton back to the issued Technics headshell yesterday evening - no problems getting this parallel, bubble right in the window. :scratch:

18-04-2012, 07:57
Weird that some of us are finding it impossible with the Sumiko then. I have swapped my Stanton back to the issued Technics headshell yesterday evening - no problems getting this parallel, bubble right in the window. :scratch:

Am not sure I think I have it level but have asked for help in another post. :(