View Full Version : New cartridge time

02-04-2012, 08:20
At the moment I am using a Project RPM-4 with its standard tonearm and an Ortofon OM30 Super cartridge but the cartridge needs a new stylus and so I am thinking about a change. I would like to change to a moving coil type and to make the most of the moving coil sound I would prefer a low output cartridge but unfortunately haven’t a clue what is available. I have considered high output types like the Sumiko Blue Point Special and the Dynavector DV10X5 but can’t help but think that a low output type would be much more ‘moving coil’ in its presentation.

What do you all think...?

02-04-2012, 09:17
I have quite a lot of hours listening to the DV10x5........it sounds like a well controlled mm cartridge to me ........that was on a Linn Ittock / lp12 and on an rb250 with various TT's.

It replaced my mates G1042.......which was a great all rounder for my ears, but the DV10x5 was more dynamic.....(also more surface noise was heard).....oh and it was an early one with no threads and was a pig to set up!

I'v been down the mc route a few years back (when I had twice the salary and a quarter of the freetime;))..........Benz Micro Ace sl...Lyra something or other, Kontrapunkt A (yuk)....etc......benz had a fantastic mid range for brass.....

I came to the conclusion that for the type of music I listen to.....Jazz, Funk etc.....the mc's were a bit wasted as I think they are voiced for classical music / tone / timbre etc.......I would rather spend £600 on vinyl:eyebrows:
looking at the sort of stuff you listen to, then a low priced high OP might be great.....just be aware of the pitfalls of expensive low op MC's

Never heard a Sumiko so can't comment.......I am sure lots of people will sing the praises for MC's.....if sounds right for you then it is right:)

Oh.....and if you like Ozric Tentacles.....try Gaye Bikers on Acid....you might be the only other person that likes them...

02-04-2012, 12:32
The Super OM30 is a very good cartridge and actually sounds fairly MC like (if there is such a thing).

I suspect it would be fairly difficult to beat if you like the sound your hearing for sensible money, you would be looking at say an Ortofon 2M Bronze or Black or similar level.

Do you have a phonostage suitable for LOMC?

I'm not sure about the mechanical match to your tonearm but we have had very good results from a Goldring Eroica LX LOMC into a CA640P. It's certainly not 'high end' but sounds very good across a broad range of music and is fuss free.

02-04-2012, 13:06
You see, I really like the sound of the OM30 Super as it is just so delicate in the treble and has a very well controlled bass so maybe I should be putting my hard earned into a much better phono stage. At the moment I am using a Musical Fidelity VLPS which is a cheap and cheerful, eighty five quid phono stage. In a few weeks I would be in a position to afford something along the lines of a Graham Slee. I value all of your input and am very grateful for the comments so far.

02-04-2012, 13:24
As a side note, the Super OM30 sounds very good indeed through an EAR834P;)

02-04-2012, 13:29
As a side note, the Super OM30 sounds very good indeed through an EAR834P;)

Rob, I used to have an EAR 834P years ago when they cost around five hundred quid brand new. Sadly, this time around, I shall only have around four hundred to spend but was thinking about a Graham Slee Era Gold V with wall wart PSU at around £420.

I worked for Sevenoaks Sound and Vision at the time and so got a pretty good discount on the EAR. I doubt they ever were five hundred quid brand new...!

02-04-2012, 14:04

I used to own a brand new 834P and I think your right they were around 500quid ish.....hard times hit and thankfully my Dad bought it off me, so it's still in the family,my hifi has never recovered to it's former glory unfortunatly :(

02-04-2012, 14:08

I used to own a brand new 834P and I think your right they were around 500quid ish.....hard times hit and thankfully my Dad bought it off me, so it's still in the family,my hifi has never recovered to it's former glory unfortunatly :(

I've had that problem in my life twice so far as my finances and businesses have crashed. I also doubt that my hi-fi will ever recover from it. I am working hard at the moment to try and start an upgrade this summer. I can either upgrade the vinyl system with a good phono stage or new cartridge or I can upgrade the CD system with a Rega DAC ! Choices...!

02-04-2012, 14:19
Never listened to the VLPS........

I have also "downgraded" some of my hifi over the last few years my present budget favourite phono is my Bellari vp129.....I have the older model with socketed I/C's for easy op amp rolling and a sovtec lps valve fitted. Not the ultimate in hi fi but sounds great with my garrard 301 and i prefer it to my 640p and the built in phono (valve) of my Copeland pre amp.

I sold a Bel Canto phono and a Dino because the Copeland sounded better.......so it says it all really......maybe its just got good synergy with the rest of my kit :)

02-04-2012, 17:02
maybe its just got good synergy with the rest of my kit :)

I know just what you mean. My turntable has a fabulous synergy with the Icon Audio valve amp which seems to have a wonderful synergy with the cheapy Celestions. I was very lucky putting together this sytem. All I now wish to do is fine tune things to add a little extra and that will either be a new cartridge, new phono stage or DAC.