View Full Version : Any MacBook experts on here?

littlest hobo
01-04-2012, 20:37
Bit of a desperate call for help. I gave my Mum my old MacBook when I upgraded mine 2 years ago, since then she's become a dedicated silver surfer. She installed an update 7 days ago and since then it's died. She's pretty devastated and I can't really afford another. Seems odd to me that she hasn't been able to start it up since running the update - black screen, no sign of life but battery seems ok.

Anything I can try? I'd love to sort it for her.


01-04-2012, 20:51
Take a look here. He's a moderator on AoS I think

http://www.macdoctornorwich.co.uk/Home%20-%20Mac%20Doctor%20Norwich%20-%20Help,%20tuition,%20advice%20and%20support%20for %20all%20things%20Apple%20in%20and%20around%20Norw ich%20and%20Norfolk.html

02-04-2012, 22:45
Hi Claire, Is this an Intel Mac? if so did she upgrade to Lion or Mountain Lion? There is an issue with these and battery recognition on older Intel MacBooks. Lion killed the battery on my back up MacBook

Best of luck

03-04-2012, 10:44
Question is, what was the update? I know someone who installed mackeeper and it killed his system.

Steer clear of that one.

03-04-2012, 10:52
Mountain lion isn't out yet.

Does it work off the mains at all?

04-04-2012, 18:08
Bit of a desperate call for help. I gave my Mum my old MacBook when I upgraded mine 2 years ago, since then she's become a dedicated silver surfer. She installed an update 7 days ago and since then it's died. She's pretty devastated and I can't really afford another. Seems odd to me that she hasn't been able to start it up since running the update - black screen, no sign of life but battery seems ok.

Anything I can try? I'd love to sort it for her.


Just to be on the safe side, make sure that the power cord you're using for the old MacBook is not the new one Apple is pairing with MacBook Air (the two power cords are incompatible). Similar symptoms happened to me -- got a MacBook Air and gave my MacBook to my daughter. But she was using the power cord from the Air, and when the battery on the MacBook got drained, the Air power cord wasn't able to kick-start the MacBook (black screen, unresponsive). Took it to the local Apple store, and they just plugged the old MacBook into its designated power cord, and everything went back to normal.

I'm not saying that's what happened to you, but it's worth checking it out, save you some hassle.

04-04-2012, 18:19
And of course, the local Apple store are usually pretty good and will get you up and running in no time!

Macs are generally very reliable and bulletproof (which is why I have one) so I would guess that the problem is easily solved.

littlest hobo
15-04-2012, 18:58
Hi Guys, been back to my folks and they're still scratching their heads trying to decide what to do. Thanks for the replies but don't think they will help me much. She doesn't know what the update was, she's using the same power cable it came with, she only plugs it into the mains to charge and I think it was operating on Snow Leopard.
But thanks, for the suggestions. Think my next step will be to take it away and visit the Apple store next wknd - pity I can only go when the shop will busy.

Just feel gutted that it's died after an update and can't pop out and pick up another.

20-04-2012, 15:33
If you can't get to an apple store I suggest you look up a mac support guy in your area. Someone really needs to see the machine to assess the situation. The info you've given here simply isn't enough.

Either way, good luck. Let us know how you get on.

littlest hobo
22-04-2012, 19:27
Bad news from the Apple store - the Logic Board is dead and will cost £350 to replace and fit. Oh well.