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View Full Version : Checking in from West Yorkshire

30-03-2012, 20:57
In my 20’s I discovered Jazz. Ah, yes, in actual fact jazz was around long before me. But listening to jazz became one of my celebrations of life. In the residents lounge at our uni, a Marantz power amp drove some Bose 901’s, my first taste that sound could be better. Tchaikovsky rumbled and made me shiver (Ormandy’s 1812 rendition, complete with Russian choir).

Early in the decade of 1990 I now had some funds to pursue sound as it could be and was fortunate to find a dealer who loved music more than stats, and turned me on to new artists as much as he did to new gear. So over 4 years I built a pretty decent system that played satisfying music, not that I ever gave up on ways to tweak it further. I could easily have gone the analogue and valve route, but it turned out that I ended up with digital and SS.

Classe Audio was a Canadian company that put out some rather good balanced amps that were higher current than average, if I recall. Though SS, they put out a detailed and fairly refined sound, and were often compared to tubes for their warmth. In the early 90’s the only digital sound I liked seemed to be nearly £5k, which just seemed a bit OTT. So I was excited to find the Muse 2 DAC, which sounded to my ear very similar to the Theta Pro IV at a fraction of the price. Together with a Theta Data Basic transport I was pretty happy until, the drawer gear mechanism failed, followed by the laser unit a year later. So I moved to the ARC CD2 which I’ve been pretty satisfied with these last years.

I love the speed and openness of planar speakers, but never got around to putting some in my room. Von Schweikert Research put out their VR4, which was a very fast dynamic unit with a time-aligned crossover. They put out a smooth, detailed sound more coherent than most other speakers I’ve heard, even if their bass was a little boomy. But they are large speakers, not friendly to the size of most lounges, so I changed over to Proac Response 1SC’s. I warm romantic sound, great vocals, but I miss some of the detail and speed from my VR4’s. The Proacs were just a little more syrupy than I preferred, so after a little research and a look in my pockets, I replaced the caps with Ansar, which helped a good deal toward a more presentation that has a bit more balance and detail to my ears.

I am only mildly interested in the technology and theories of audio reproduction and am far more interested in how a change actually affects the sound rather than how one supposes it will affect the sound. I am also a little suspicious of some audiophile descriptions of sound, wondering if we are actually all using the same language, or if some are merely adopting language without using a common definition. What annoy me more than anything are those who demean others who have a different opinion or experience than their own. ‘Knowledge’ and ‘truth’ are often far more complex commodities than we give credit.

Ah well. More important that we are listening to music and enjoying it.

31-03-2012, 06:14
Hello Bruce and welcome to AoS.


Reid Malenfant
31-03-2012, 16:46
Hi Bruce, a warm welcome to AoS from me as well :) I still have a working Theta Data Basic, was my first CD transport & like yours the blasted gears stripped of of the draw cog & the laser packed up on the CDM9 Pro mech :eyebrows:

The laser failure was my fault as I forgot to reconnect something after stripping the unit. Lucky to find a better laser than the one that was already in it though. I fixed the cog myself by cannibalising a nylon gear from a crappy deck & welding the bits together :lol:

It got replaced by what in my sig pic :)

I also had a Classe DR5 pre amp until I sold it to another member on here...

So we have a few things in common :cool:

Hope you enjoy your stay here! Bests to you.

Wakefield Turntables
31-03-2012, 17:46
A warm welcome from another member of AOS from West Yorkshire! :cool:

31-03-2012, 21:23
A great intro post Bruce - particularly the last two paragraphs. Welcome to AoS - hope you enjoy the forum. :)

31-03-2012, 22:22

Looking back on that post, my editing was not nearly so good as I would have hoped.:doh:

Back when my Theta started having fits, I was wary of DIY at this 'exalted level of performance' ;) Otherwise i would have followed your approach and enjoyed the sound for several more years. I'm not well-read enough these days to recognise your current digital source.

For years I would be curious about this or that amp, wondering what might increase my level of nirvana. Would CJ valves have done it? Each time, my dealer friend would counsel me that I had something pretty special in the Classe. Plus, I would have had to double my investment to really do better.

To All,

Thanks to all for the warm greetings and encouragements!

I still have a working Theta Data Basic, was my first CD transport & like yours the blasted gears stripped of of the draw cog & the laser packed up on the CDM9 Pro mech ...

Lucky to find a better laser than the one that was already in it though. I fixed the cog myself by cannibalising a nylon gear from a crappy deck & welding the bits together :lol:

It got replaced by what in my sig pic :)

I also had a Classe DR5 pre amp until I sold it to another member on here...

So we have a few things in common :cool:

Reid Malenfant
01-04-2012, 17:27
I'm not well-read enough these days to recognise your current digital source.

To All,

Thanks to all for the warm greetings and encouragements!
It's a Krell DT-10 CD transport, rather rare to say the least. In fact you won't see any mention of it on the Krell site in the archived material :scratch: It's much more common top loading brother is there in the MD-10 though :)

You are more than welcome Bruce, get stuck in :D