View Full Version : Jico styli-Question

27-03-2012, 19:02
This stylus I love – it lifts my humble M97xE into a different league - in fact (for those of you of a certain age) like the beer ‘it reaches the parts that other styli don’t reach’.

But it also reaches those parts in another way: I find it sticks and repeats on records where other styli surge happily onwards. (Any of you over about 60 remember the [awful] Frankie Howard 78 disc from childhood The Three Little Fishes? In that he repeats a word four or five times and then says ‘AH! Fooled you – you thought the needle was stuck, didn’t you?’).

My question is – would it help to use the brush down & therefore increase the VTF? I already have the VTF at the top end of its permitted range without using the brush, but have read somewhere that the Jico brush is not as efficacious as the Shure one.

Oh God, I hear you cry, why can’t the silly ass just try it for himself?

OK I can, but would like to hear your input as to these styli.

28-03-2012, 16:35
Bump! What NOBODY got a view on this? I meant the Jico SAS by the way; there must be some amongst you who use this & have come across the same phenomenon.