View Full Version : Monday evenings just aren’t the same...

27-03-2012, 14:16
When University Challenge is finished for another series. :(

27-03-2012, 14:48
Second that, missing Paxos short shrift with the timewasters... Come on!

27-03-2012, 14:56
You may not confer, one of you may buzz! :lol:

Although I thought this series lacked so of the machines of recent ones such as Trimble and Guttenplan, they were great to watch.

I have to admit I use a cheeky pause on Sky plus to get my answer out before them. The Mrs really hates it but I make her watch it with me because it’s not the same getting them right when no one’s there to pat you on the head.

I love a quiz and to be fair UC is a little bit too challenging for me, Mastermind is a bit easy but there’s not much in between which is pure questions, not too much showbiz and none of the multiple choice nonsense. I used to be a huge fan of 15 to 1 before it was axed, that was right down the middle and plenty of questions.

The thing with UC is you can feel sufficiently smug every time you get one and even more so when the contestants couldn’t and you could.

But more than just the questions some of the characters are just great viewing too, more often than not it’s the most gifted out of the that are the most compulsive viewing. They often have some sort of tick or compulsion every time they get one right especially emphasised as the show draws to an end on a tight contest and the voice overs tone gets ever more manic and fast paced, great stuff!

27-03-2012, 22:22
yes that young spectacled captain from manchester made for compulsive viewing and Grinyer i think from Sheffied was also fairly quirky....

I'll have to remember that tip to hit the pause button on tivo :lol:

the wife tends to be good at the history stuff and art, I usually do better at the music, politics, philosphy and a bit of natural science. the maths leaves us both baffled!