View Full Version : Led Zeppelin and The Stooges

24-03-2012, 13:57
This is an odd one so please feel free to remove it if it contravenes any rules at all.
I bought on a bit of a whim the following web site domain names for myself thinking I may do something with them at some point in the future.....I haven't and nor do I see myself.
The addresses are:


I checked when i bought them for the top 100 bands that domains like this were available for and these were the only band names like this that I could find available.

They would be ideal for anyone who is a fan of either of the bands to launch a forum, fan page, merchandise store or even just to say you have them and really complete a collection.

Once bought they will be signed over to the buyer but as with all domains you'll have to pay around a tenner each year to keep them in your name.

I have no idea of their value in monetary terms but i will keep hold of them unless i'm offered something interesting.

I would prefer swaps of hifi kit (The quirkier the better) and i'm after a decent Low Output MC cartridge specifically but will consider absolutely anything...music included!