View Full Version : My 1947 Admiral is back.

24-03-2012, 04:34
My Mom bought one of these new in 1947,I found one just like her old one I had in my room growing up till 1980. So I picked it up and a good friend went through it.No tubes where replaced in our old one and it worked still when I left home.
This one is still using the original power tube and 3 of 5 had to be replaced along with the capacitors, a realignment, light bulb,but the original power tube is still going strong!
A good friend Paul did the work.
I am listening to it tonight.
The cool thing is there is no power transformer the 5 tubes are wired in series to
total 120 volts! either AC or DC. It gets loads of stations and it still gets pretty loud, for a 1.2 watt output!


Spectral Morn
24-03-2012, 07:47
What a beautiful looking radio.

Regards D S D L

24-03-2012, 11:22
+1. That's quality, Geoff! :respect:


24-03-2012, 12:03
Takes me back to little boy days when my grandpa (now long gone) had one and I had to keep quiet whilst he listened to the news bulletins.... funny how objects like this can bring back gentler times and fond memories :)

Ron :)

24-03-2012, 15:14
I can't believe the original 50A5 power tube still tested with in spec from 1947!
That's pushing 65 years!