View Full Version : WANTED: HF1000 Tweeters

Jac Hawk
22-03-2012, 22:39
Just got a pair of Ditton 15XR's and one of the tweeters doesn't sound too good:( so if anyone has a pair they want to get rid of please let me know;)

24-03-2012, 12:18
There' some on the bay Mike

24-03-2012, 12:26
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CELESTION-DITTON-15XR-TWEETERS-HF1000-HF-1000-UNITS-/200727666632?pt=UK_AudioVideoElectronics_HomeAudio HiFi_HiFiSpeakers&hash=item2ebc4d1fc8

One's duff like yours but he might sell you the working one cheap you never know.