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20-03-2012, 23:50
A quick post to say hello.

I joined quite a time ago now but haven't introduced myself and this is actually my first post.

I joined the forum when I had decided to get surround sound in my living room for HT use, and also music. After researching every component to build a complete set-up I realised that I was actually looking for kit that would play music well, and also (possibly) movies.

That was it. 2 channel system is the order of the day. I love the feeling that special tracks give you, where you can't help but smile :)

I'm coming to the game late though and I'm starting from scratch with regard to equipment. I'm wanting to stream digital music and pass it through DAC then amplify with valves. I'm going to build some speakers that will be highly efficient so power shouldn't be a problem.

I like a very wide range of music but am currently listening to Nike Drake or Angus and Julia Stone mostly.


The Grand Wazoo
20-03-2012, 23:51
Hi Paul,
Here's a very warm welcome to The Art of Sound from me.

21-03-2012, 00:57
Hi Paul,welcome!
Just down the A19,in Easington :)
Quite partial to a bit of Nick Drake myself..

21-03-2012, 21:27
Thanks for the welcome guys

Reid Malenfant
21-03-2012, 21:33
Have another one :D Hi Paul, welcome from me to - hope you enjoy the forum, get stuck in fella :cool: