View Full Version : Wanted Asr Emitter 1 or 2

20-03-2012, 18:40
Am thinking about a complete change from Linn and as such am considering an ASR Emitter 1 or 2...don't think my budget will stretch to an Exclusive...ideally boxed in mint condition can collect anywhere in the UK really


20-03-2012, 19:01
Am thinking about a complete change from Linn and as such am considering an ASR Emitter 1 or 2...don't think my budget will stretch to an Exclusive...ideally boxed in mint condition can collect anywhere in the UK really


I think you'll find these as rare as hens teeth in the UK.

The only place I've ever spotted one s/h is Audio Emotion, so you might want to try giving Mark and Gary a ring and asking them if they have any ideas.

20-03-2012, 19:08
I think you'll find these as rare as hens teeth in the UK.

The only place I've ever spotted one s/h is Audio Emotion, so you might want to try giving Mark and Gary a ring and asking them if they have any ideas.

Have tried Audio Emotion,they did have one but it was sold...there a few on Audiogen but I don't fancy taking the risk...

20-03-2012, 19:13
i often see them for sale and have seen one recently but can`t remember where ! hifiguy often has them

20-03-2012, 19:34
i often see them for sale and have seen one recently but can`t remember where ! hifiguy often has them

Have checked hifi guy he doesn't have anything..

21-03-2012, 19:52
no been searching but cannot for the life of me remember where i saw it !!!!

21-03-2012, 21:12
UK distributor worth asking them?


and also audio-markt.de of course

21-03-2012, 21:31
Checked with Mangers the UK distributor for ASR but the prices are a bit out of my league
thanks though

21-03-2012, 21:49
I'll keep an eye open for you Paul. I use the Emitter 2 excl., and recommend them wholeheartedly if you have space. You have tried all the likely dealers, so of I spot one I'll let you know.. Good luck!

23-03-2012, 19:14
I'll keep an eye open for you Paul. I use the Emitter 2 excl., and recommend them wholeheartedly if you have space. You have tried all the likely dealers, so of I spot one I'll let you know.. Good luck!

thanks :thumbsup:

26-03-2012, 10:25
Still looking for an Asr Emitter 1 or 2 (non exclusive)...though maybe would be able to stretch to an Emitter 1 exclusive if the price was right

27-03-2012, 02:03
No longer looking for