View Full Version : Ear worms

17-03-2012, 15:07
Have you ever had a song or tune rolling around inside your head that won't go away? Has it kept you tossing and turning for hours in bed driving you nuts and you cannot sleep because of it?

I have one at the moment which has prompted me to start this thread to see if anyone else is currently similarly afflicted. It is the "Uptownship" track from Hugh Masekela's Hope album and it's like the "repeat" button on my CD player has been pressed so all of today whatever I have been doing it is playing constantly like some perverse lift music :steam:

Scientists have given this trait a name called "Ear Worm" which is hardly a nice epithet, but named it has been, so now you know.

Reid Malenfant
17-03-2012, 18:57
:lol: I know what you are on about Frank, the problem is it's usually something I'm not that keen on. Wouldn't be too bad if i really liked it :D

The only way to get rid of the offending tune is to think pretty hard about another, then your off with that for a while :rolleyes:

The Grand Wazoo
17-03-2012, 19:10
We've got a thread about that here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2494) - see my post number 5 about The Earworm Project (http://earwormery.com/)