View Full Version : Scammer alert

13-03-2012, 20:13
I thought I'd let you all know, there's a scammer being discussed on PFM http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/showthread.php?t=116113

He's using the names

Avonessense *

So be careful people.


14-03-2012, 09:38
Yes, be very vigilant towards this, folks!


14-03-2012, 09:39
thanks for the heads up, an interesting thread, if not a bit scary...

especially where these guys are posing as legit and trusted members.

14-03-2012, 09:42
Yes, be very vigilant towards this, folks!


FWIW I have recently communicated with someone using the name 'gints' but I can't recall the details - I do know that it came to nothing so no probs here, but he is around.
Thanks for the heads up but all the bar steward has to do is use another name so be aware folks.

14-03-2012, 13:52
I dealt with this guy on here a little while ago for some black treasure tubes, Recieved them fine one went pop and he refunded.
He went under the username Avonessence

14-03-2012, 14:08
Looks like he's changed a letter in the username avonessence to avonesense! Obviously a different guy.

14-03-2012, 14:39
This is the same guy, who's been buying Ebay accounts with feedback

That's really scary, I didn't know you could do that.

On AVforums, they had a situation, you agree buy off someone with a certain name, then someone would PM you with user name with a full stop after it requesting payment to them.

Eg. Richardl

14-03-2012, 16:42
I remember that on av forums

15-03-2012, 09:39
So you can trade eBay and PayPal accounts, so where does that lead us? I think it makes buying or using PayPal untenable. Are eBay and PayPal doing anything to stop this. Just another reason not to use their services. Arghh!

15-03-2012, 10:39
Hi y'all,
Can I suggest that we all navigate our way to this page (not very easy to find :( ): -


and express your feelings in (very polite but very firm language;) ) - this is what I've done - remind them of their obligation to their customer as well as to their shareholders.

EDIT I've just received the following platitude of an automatic and thereby meaningless response from PayPal: -
"Thank you for contacting PayPal.

We appreciate the time you've taken to write us with your comments about our service.
We continuously strive to provide you with the highest quality website features and navigation system. We carefully consider every feedback email we receive and appreciate your suggestions.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

16-03-2012, 10:26
FWIW I have recently communicated with someone using the name 'gints' but I can't recall the details - I do know that it came to nothing so no probs here, but he is around.
Thanks for the heads up but all the bar steward has to do is use another name so be aware folks.

PLEASE all be very careful what we are saying - "gints" without a full stop is a perfectly legitimate member - what the scammer is doing is using names very SIMILAR to respected members, (i.e adding a full-stop) to give the illusion of being the legitimate member... very sneaky and I hope this scamming toss-pot gets banged to rights... but, in the meantime, we don't want any legitimate users getting tarred and feathered!

16-03-2012, 12:14
So you can trade eBay and PayPal accounts, so where does that lead us? I think it makes buying or using PayPal untenable. Are eBay and PayPal doing anything to stop this. Just another reason not to use their services. Arghh!
I think we are over reacting a little here guys - there are millions of honest users out there and you will always get scammers. There are many protection policies in both eBay and PayPal and paying by credit card has a level of protection too.

Always read the feedback, always be careful and don't get lazy..... I think too many folk these days forget about personable responsibility and are very quick to blame someone else when mistakes are made that could have been avoided by taking a little care. Let the buyer beware and lets keep this in perspective eh? ;)