View Full Version : Experience with "Salas Simplistic NJFET RIAA"

12-03-2012, 00:50
I am in the progress of building the Salas Simplistic NJFET RIAA that I found on www.diyaudio.com. And I wonder if there are anybody here with experience with this phono? And if this is the case what kinds of components did you use, and what was the result?

With kind regards


14-03-2012, 20:40
Sorry no-one has replied to this, Martin. Could you post a link to the exact project pages so that we could take a look?

15-03-2012, 00:52
Her is the link to www.diyaudio.com


With kind regards Martin

15-03-2012, 07:29
Ah, it's no good as you have to be a member to view those pages. Never mind!

17-03-2012, 11:43
I havenīt but as it happens a mate has. He is in the process of rebuilding my already tuned hagerman Piccolo with the Salas Simplicity LV regulators after rebuilding my Puresound P10 under similar lines - teflons, SSHV regs . As it stands he reckons his salas NJfet one is slightly ahead although my teflons have not yet burned in. He is very pleased with it.
Anything in particular you wanted to ask ?

23-03-2012, 21:22
I havenīt but as it happens a mate has. He is in the process of rebuilding my already tuned hagerman Piccolo with the Salas Simplicity LV regulators after rebuilding my Puresound P10 under similar lines - teflons, SSHV regs . As it stands he reckons his salas NJfet one is slightly ahead although my teflons have not yet burned in. He is very pleased with it.
Anything in particular you wanted to ask ?
Every experience of the Salas Njfet Riaa and specially the components he used is interresting. When I burned in a bunch of the russian FT-3 0.1uF capacitors I put them in parallel and in series with a high wattage 8 Ohm resistor, this I connected to an stereo amplifier. As a signal source I used a white noise generator program I found on internet and used the soundcard output connected to the amplifier input. This set up I left running day and night for well over a month at a volume level that kept the power resistors slightly warm.

29-03-2017, 19:05
Yes, I have several for different needs of amplification. In my chain these are probably the last link I will delve into.
They just do what expected in the chain and have for the years I have used them not shown any degradation in SQ or else.
I do have a bunch of photos from a couple of my builds if anyone is interested.
I am quite baffled that there is so little interest in this marvellous design.

Regards / Seppo

29-03-2017, 21:20
You should try to contact member neskor here, he used to have a Salas RIAA, not sure though if exactly this one.

30-03-2017, 14:20
I also bought 4 Salas boards a long time back but have never got round to building the Phono stages so I will be interested in any information
I allready have a paradise Phono that sounds very nice, hence the lack of drive to build something else
