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View Full Version : Haufe trannies for 103Pro

24-12-2008, 14:01
I have finally sorted my little aluminium box around the Haufe T-7883 transformer capsules that someone said on another thread are the heart of the Auditorium 23. I have never heard the Auditorium, only having ever used my AT-650 on its 40 ohm setting with my 103Pro and after a tantalising but stuttering start (hum and radio breakthrough, now solved) all I can say is that with my 103Pro in my brass weighted Ittok LV111 it pisses all over my NOS AT. Cymbals shimmer like never before and vocals are much clearer, I dunno, but something like when you finally home in on a radio station after having been just a bit off the exact tuning frequency - you know, the same but different. Bass lines are much more agile yet easier to follow and the whole stage has also just widened up.
I have read on Vinyl Asylum that this sort (in my case) of DIY lash-up can take up to 200 hours to run in so at my rate I´ll let you know more in about 3 months´time.

24-12-2008, 14:13
Way hey, Chris - excellent news! You're now beginning to hear just what your 103Pro is capable of :)

People who incorrectly and unfairly slate the 103 a) need to hear the Pro (or 'SA') version, and b) what the Haufe trannies do to either of them. It's a whole different league to how a standard 103 sounds through your average active MC phono stage!

Keep us posted on how things continue to develop.


Dave Cawley
24-12-2008, 16:56
Hi Chris

Where on their website are the Haufe T-7883 ? Did you have any trouble getting them?




24-12-2008, 17:04

Who's Steve? Did you mean Chris? ;)


24-12-2008, 17:46
I'm happy that it worked perfectly out with the Haufe capsules that are in the Auditorium 23.
This debate started up on the qualified german AAA-Forum (Audio Analogue Forum) as someone wrote how the german transformers were assembled with the cheap capsules.

Dave Cawley
24-12-2008, 17:57
Yes, Chris!! Or anyone who can help me??


24-12-2008, 17:59
Dave, I'm sure Chris will be along soon enough to advise :)


25-12-2008, 13:29
Hi Dave,
Trouble no - it was just a bit surreal.
I had to have them delivered to a mate in Germany who then sent them on to me. I got the impression Haufe are very small and don´t "export" or even post abroad - their invoices are actually hand-typed - in fact I got the impression they are not into how their trannies might be best implemented, they just build the bloody things !!!!
If you pm me your email I will attach a copy of their email reply to me and you can take it from there.
Basically it is 2 thimble sized capsules (with 6 wires leading out of each one) which you bolt onto a box (mine is aluminium) and solder 4 wires to RCA terminals also fixed to the box (red +, green - as inputs) and (blue´+, white - as outputs), then I had to link the green and white terminals to get rid of hum/radio breakthrough. The other 2 wires-yellow and black and black(solo) go to an earth post screw as in preamps and you are away.
Get in touch.

Dave Cawley
25-12-2008, 15:19
Hi Chris

That would be great, could you forward it to Dave@SoundHiFi.com please? Marco keeps on at me, but without the proper transformers I'm in no-mans-land!

Just waiting for the sprouts to be ready before opening another bottle of wine, on second thoughts....



26-12-2008, 10:25
Marco keeps on at me...

LOL! On at you in terms of what? :)

It would certainly be good if you can get hold of the right trannies for the 103 and supply your own SUTs along with the 103s you sell. You would then be able to sell the whole 'package', 1210 mods included.

Incidentally, I'm finding that the Jelco tonearm cable (when plugged into the A23 SUT) is a bit of a hum magnet. When you move the cable about hum comes and goes and gets louder, then quieter, but never fully goes away, leaving an audible underlying low-level hum in the background permanently. I've tried all sorts of things to fix it, but it seems like the Jelco cable is acting like an aerial for hum. I never had this problem before with the cables I used with the Technics arm.

I meant to mention this before, as I discovered it when I got the deck home after visiting you, but then the hum went away for a bit, however recently it's come back again. I can live with it just now but if you can have a look at it for me when I come down in the New Year that would be appreciated :cool:


Dave Cawley
26-12-2008, 10:48
Well I have the Denon agency now, Dave has his lathe and mill set up from yesterday (when he had some big mates round to help him move things). Now I just need the information from Chris, then a few more weeks and we are there!.

There should be less than no hum, so we need to look at this carefully. I'm tempted to run the Haufe in fully balanced mode, that should be good!


26-12-2008, 11:23
Good news, Dave!

I may have an Earth loop somewhere, I'll bring my preamp (and SUT) as well as my T/T when I come down. At the moment it appears that the Jelco tonearm cable is particularly sensitive to hum pick-up when connected to the A23. As I said, I didn't have this issue with the previous cables that were used on the Technics arm.

I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it, though :)


26-12-2008, 11:47
Hey Marco
I had a bit of hum with my new Jelco arm running into the A23, after a few failed combinations I ended up connecting the tonearm cable earth fly lead to the earth lead on the A23 and it killed the hum stone dead. I'm a happy camper now.

Happy new year

26-12-2008, 11:52
I have sent you the details. Nice to know someone technical is on to them and hopefully will get even better results. Floating balanced earths are not my forte. I prefer bacon sarnies.
Keep in touch,

P.S. A public thanks to Historicus for having put me on the trail.

26-12-2008, 11:53
Hi Scoobs,

I was hoping you'd be on so I could ask how you managed with your Jelco/A23. I hadn't thought of doing that with the Earth wire, so I'll try it and let you know :smoking:

Hope you had a nice Christmas - and yes, have a very Happy New year :)


26-12-2008, 13:53
Tried connecting the T/T Earth wire straight to the Earth wire on the A23, bypassing the preamp altogether - it's better, but I still have intermittent levels of hum depending on how and where the Jelco tonearm cable is positioned (it can get really loud when the cable is positioned a certain way, or reduced to a faint hum when the cable is at its 'optimal' position in terms of placement). Weird... :scratch:

I guess there may be an issue with the particular cable I've got. Not to worry, I'm sure Dave will be able to sort it :)


Dave Cawley
26-12-2008, 16:02
Hi Chris

Yes, I will investigate thoroughly, some people call me obsessive...

And Marco, yes I can sort anything out! See you soon?

Thanks guys


26-12-2008, 16:49
Hi Dave,

I'll pop down when you've got the new mounting plate thing sorted. The armlift still isn't quite right, so we can kill two birds with the one stone. Just let me know when you're ready :)


26-12-2008, 17:21
Tried connecting the T/T Earth wire straight to the Earth wire on the A23, bypassing the preamp altogether - it's better, but I still have intermittent levels of hum depending on how and where the Jelco tonearm cable is positioned (it can get really loud when the cable is positioned a certain way, or reduced to a faint hum when the cable is at its 'optimal' position in terms of placement). Weird... :scratch:

I guess there may be an issue with the particular cable I've got. Not to worry, I'm sure Dave will be able to sort it :)


Have you checked that the tonearm cable is pushed to the hilt into the arm base socket, it's a tight fit and needs a good push. Additionally check the small spade connector on the end of the arm cable earth fly lead as it may not be soldered very well (if at all), mine simply fell off when I handled it, so I left the fly lead bare ended and wrapped it around the end of the A23 earth.

26-12-2008, 18:44
Good tips, Scoobs. I'll double check both and let you know :)
