View Full Version : HDD on the way out?

29-02-2012, 18:11
Some of my music has vanished from my Foobar selection, when I look in Windows 7, it's still there, but I can't open it any player.

I know that these tracks were previsouly playable, now they're not. Nothing has changed.

I first became aware of this when Foobar told me it couldn't write to change update (the genre name) of certain files.

Can anyone recommend any good utilities to check the health of my HDD?

29-02-2012, 18:16
Doesn't Windoze have a built in program?
Here you go

29-02-2012, 18:20
This is pretty good and one of the utilities I use;


29-02-2012, 23:17
I ran checkdisc and it said everything is fine; yet more files have been corrupted though. I think I might just bite the bullet and get a new hdd; I'm not re-ripping everything to have to do it again in the near future :doh:

Vincent Kars
29-02-2012, 23:23
Most computer parts have error correction.
One of the very few parts that doesn’t is the memory.
If your HD is fine but the data is corrupted it might be flakey memory
Before you buy a new HD test the memory first e.g. http://hcidesign.com/memtest/

01-03-2012, 11:15
Have you tried tools such as Recuva to see what's on your drive. Tools like that are remarkable, and you might spot your missing files using that tool.

See http://www.piriform.com/recuva. Free to download and use.

PS: This and similar tools are also used for forensic purposes, for example by the police. If you've ever thought of naughty things, then programs like this will show you how easy it is for the law enforcement people to see what you've been up to. I'm not recommending naughtiness, btw. I suspect that there are even more powerful tools, but it is amazing what you can find out with that tool.