View Full Version : Advice on digital playback solution - rDAC, iPad, Squeezebox, Appple TV, etc.

27-02-2012, 11:20
Aplogies for length of post and not sure if this is just raking over old coals that will reignite the flames of subjective analogue/CD/computer music wars, but...

I'm after advice on the best way to playback digital files residing on my network through my living room system and potentially the dining room system as well. By "best" I'm not after esoteric, high end solutions as they are way out of my budget, but the simplest, most cost effective way to integrate with what I already have and end up with a pleasurable solution that is both good sounding and easy to operate.

I have an analogue front end that I'm perfectly happy with for now, so I don't want to get into any analogue/digital debates. I've recently reverted to an age old vinyl obsession and do not need any encouragement in that area. I do however have a large digital collection and in a lot of situations love the convenience offered by digital playback.

Currently the main system comprises of Naim NAC72 & NAP250 with B&W CDM7NTs. I have an Arcam Solo that was intended as a downsizing option but is being used purely as a CD transport at the moment, though even that is really redundant that I'm playing digital input exlusively from hard disk these days. This is currently achieved by using a Windows laptop into an Arcam rDAC through the USD interface with a large proportion of files being lossless (FLAC), though I do have loads of 320 MP3 files through my Napster subscription.

I'm perfectly happy with the sound quality from the laptop/rDAC, especially with 24 bit files, but the laptop is setup for general usage (it's actually my wife's) so isn't always available when I want it. It also suffers from very occasional interuptions when other processes take over and cause momentary "glitches" in the sound. I could deal with this by setting up the laptop as more of a dedicated playback device, but as I say this is not it's intended primary function so an alternative is needed.

The dining room system currently comprises of an iPod Classic in an Arcam rDock, Icon Audio Stereo 20 valve amp and original Blueroom speakers. Sounds fine for lisening while cooking and dining but having direct access to the all files on disc would be a real benefit rather than being restricted to what's currently on the iPod.

I'm currently looking at 3 potential solutions that look like they may fit the bill. All include an iPad as a front-end controller, so the cost of this is a given (I'll be looking at getting a 2nd hand iPad 2 when the iPad 3 is released in the next couple of weeks). I'm also not that interested (at the moment) in streaming services or internet radio.

Squeezebox Touch

Connects wirelessly with my network to give access to my digital files, so no wires and more convenient to use as effectively a large romote control
Feeds directly into the rDAC for main system
Portability to allow usage in second system when required (dedicated 2nd unit may be option in future), feeding directly to the Icon amp through the analogue outputs
iPad apps allowing wireless control for convenience with no real processing occuring on the iPad so less chance of "glitches"
Greatest cost

Apple TV

Connects wirelessly with my network to give access to my digital files, so no wires and more convenient to use
Feeds directly into the rDAC for main system
Simple iPad connectivity but it will need to run playback software itself. I assume that it will be easy to setup so that there are no process interuptions and "gliches" in the sound.
Unable to use for second system without moving rDAC as well as there are no analogue outputs, so less convenient
Half the price of a Squeezebox Touch

Plug iPad directly into rDAC via USB cable

Connects with my network to give access to my digital files, but conveniencce restricted a bit by long wire to rDAC
Feeds directly into the rDAC for main system
Will need to run playback software on iPad. I assume that it will be easy to setup so that there are no process interuptions and "gliches" in the sound.
Unable to use for second system without moving rDAC, so less convenient (wired at dining table not so good either)
No additonal cost except for cable

This will be my first use of Apple hardware apart from an iPod. Will the iPad front end work as well as I am anticipating? What other advantages/disadvantages are there with the options I've listed? Are there any audio quality factors related to any of these options? Any other advice or anything else I should be aware of?

Sorry again for the length of this post but I would much appreciate any constructive advice from those here who have more direct experience in this area than I have.


27-02-2012, 11:22
And I can't even spell Apple correctly in the title, which isn't a good start! :doh:

Ali Tait
27-02-2012, 11:50
I'd go for a Touch, not having heard the Apple, but from what I've read the Touch is sonically superior. I use one myself, and with a good dac it's a very good playback system and better than some pretty expensive cd players I've heard. Another advantage with the Touch is it will play hi rez files. Also, all the Logitech stuff is compatible, so you could buy the Radio at a later date which is about £150 which could be used anywhere in the house wirelessly. The touch is often available on special offer under £200.

27-02-2012, 12:03
I would go for the squeeze box touch - it will work with the iPad (or iPhone/iPod) as a controller - it has a huge support/following on the net - and if in the future you wish you can upgrade your dac easily. (I have read its digital out is pretty much bit perfect)

27-02-2012, 12:55
Surprised that the Touch is considered sonically superior to the Apple TV as I thought the Apple would just be operating as a glorified wireless receiver and not doing anything to the actual flow of data itself. If anything I would have anticipated the iPad/Apple TV solution to be better as the player is located on a device with more processing power (the iPad).

Not disputing this but only trying to understand the reasons as to why the Touch would provide a better quality digital input to the rDAC than the Apple TV.

Ali Tait
27-02-2012, 13:08
Depending on how it is set up either the Touch or your computer can do the number crunching. The Touch uses TinySC, a stripped down version of Squeeze Center, so can operate as a stand alone player just with a HD or USB pen drive connected - another advantage in my book - or it can be set to use purely as a streamer, with the computer doing all the hard work.

Cheap one here -


27-02-2012, 13:41
So if the Touch is used purely as a streamer with the PC doing all the processing, what is the advantage over an iPad doing the work and the Apple TV receiving the output stream?

Obviously you get the graphics on the Touch itself, but if I'm planning to control via an iPad then this is pretty superfluous - I'll get full graphics either from the Squeezebox app or from whatever player I run on the iPad.

Will the actual signal going into my rDAC being any different?

27-02-2012, 13:46
Just been advised elsewhere that the Apple TV doesn't support 24 bit/96 khz above which is the critical point and which would rule option 2 out compeletly for me.

Looks like it therefore leaves the hassle of a wire directly connecting iPad to rDAC and no option for the dining room at all against the flexibility and convenience of the Touch.

Touch out in front at the moment...

Ali Tait
27-02-2012, 13:53
Yes, that's what I said in my original reply, the Apple will not do hi rez.

27-02-2012, 13:58
Missed that about hi rez :doh:

Touch it is then by the look of it with the iPad as a fancy remote control.

Ali Tait
27-02-2012, 14:22
Yes, will work well, especially with a good dac on the end of the Touch.

27-02-2012, 15:33
For the price of a Apple Camera Connection Kit and an HRT Music Streamer II, you could stream your files in 24/96 to your iPad in a second room. Just do home sharing between your PC and your iPad, attach the camera connection dongle to the iPad, run a usb cable from it to the music streamer and presto - you're streaming hi rez files. Obviously the same setup would work with your rDac too.

Here's an article by Benchmark that gives more info on how to do it:


27-02-2012, 18:17
+1 for the Touch and it responds well to tweaking as well as DAC upgrades.