View Full Version : FS: Grado SR225i

25-02-2012, 21:03
One pair of Grado SR225i's for sale.

Absolutely mint condition, all original packaging, £100.

I'll do the postage at cost, please pm.


Rare Bird
25-02-2012, 21:15
What diameter are those ear pads Martin?

25-02-2012, 21:38
You just made me get out of my seat :D

End to end, they're 79mm - I never got around to doing it, but some people replace the stock pads with the larger ones.

Hope that helps?

Roy S
25-02-2012, 22:04
Just bought some SR80is or I'd have had these off you :doh:

25-02-2012, 22:09
There should definitely be a calendar of our members proposed upgrades vs sales, I've read too many threads where this occurs :(

Enjoy your new headphones Roy, I love the Grado sound and aim to get some of the top ones, once my main system's "done". Have you used them before?

Roy S
25-02-2012, 22:12
Just bought them on spec. from all the good reviews I'd seen to go with the Beresford DAC I just got Martin

25-02-2012, 22:27
I'd never heard of Grado until I did some research for a decent pair of headphones; that was pretty much my first step into my hi-fi journey. The reviews speak for themselves:

http://www.gradolabs.com/page_headphones.php?item=c56e04009f99e060f4c39dfda db98549

I reckon you'll be upgrading at some point Roy :eyebrows:

Roy S
25-02-2012, 22:38
Had Sennheisers for many years but these seem to be something special. You're probably right about upgrading & I'll stop treading all over your thread now Martin

25-02-2012, 22:49
Lol, I'm quite happy to chat to you about them; I've not really spoken to anyone about headphones on here.

Is the Dac a new addition to the system too then, have you had a go with it yet?

Roy S
25-02-2012, 22:55
Bought it off a fella on here, it's a 7520 but has had quite a few mods done. Just using it as a headphone amp from the laptop at the moment (why I purchased the Grados) and I'm really pleased with the results. Do tend to play it a bit too loud though, went to bed with me ears ringing the other night.

26-02-2012, 23:32

27-02-2012, 10:32
I'll take them Martin if still available?

Where in SW London are you, I could collect them as I come up for gigs in London often and have one in a couple of weeks time.

27-02-2012, 12:30
Provisionally sold.

Tim, I'm in Surbiton, post code KT6, I'll send you a more conclusive message later!

17-03-2012, 13:20
Picked up the 225's from Martin yesterday.

Many thanks Martin, nice to meet you and thanks for letting me have a demo and a peek at your system :)
Will try out those bands you played later too - thanks again for an easy and pleasant transaction.

(and the gig last night was quite astonishing, it was like going back in time to the 70's)