View Full Version : My B&O cd7000

22-02-2012, 15:11
Just added to my ever groaning rack, plugged in without my DAC and first impressions are very very nice, its very smooth very like the sugden master class, very detailed with that really good silence in the background if you know what i mean, it has a nice soundstage very deep front to back with nice seperation of instruments. Thing i have noticed is it takes a bit of extra volume from the pre ( passive TVC if that matters i dont know) but guess that is just the way t is. I've had some kit that you would be scarred to touch the volume pot others take a bit more, no issue just noticed it. really nice sound, listening to some lambchop right now and john martyn, lush!
Have had a good 2 hour session and im loving it to be honest. another little point is the remote only works when this unit is attached to the matching integrated amp so you only have drawer open and play and next track, which is accessed via the front of the player with a very light finger touch. Thing is its a bit like Vinyl you pop a cd in and let it play because you cant be annoyed getting up and pressing next, so like vinyl you let it play, which is rather good actually as im now listening to the whole thing and saying to myself why did i skip that track so many times before? bit of a habit ive got into with the SB touch and 1500 cd's loaded on a hard drive and like sky TV with so many choices you are flicking through so many you actually dont get a session together.
Right! just popped it on with my DAC running and, JHC! what a revelation, seriously good i mean the best cd replay i have ever heard bar none, was SACD on my shanling cdt200 ( cd replay was excellent but SACD was in a universe of it's own), this is bloody spine chillin! bass is sooooo deep and the blacky background (if thats a description) is spooky! lovely treble detail and never harsh, detail in spades too so nothing getting left out.
Im trolling through some cd's that i would consider to be finger nails on a blackboard, if you know what i mean, this renders these very very listenable indeed. Very analogue sounding, no sibilence at all even on these bright recordings where the sound engineer got is wrong or hyped for MP3 reply. Im very very impressed, its a great player in its own right and as a transport should you have a good dac its bloody brilliant!
very inoffensive both in looks and sound and that drawer mech is a delight. Pity about the remote but im a lazy fat git.
One of my test tracks is John martyn "My creator" from on the cobbles, there is a ringing from start to finish from those wee row of chimes you see hanging on a rack some percussionists use and in a less that perfect replay this just sounds like a faint hiss, i test every cd player with this track for treble detail, seperation and soundstage its a great track for this and im not dissapointed here they sound every bit like it should, every tinkly bit can be heard cleanly and clearly. Any way early days and i dont usually make me mind up so quickly but im loving this.
Will keep you informed how it goes as i get more listening done.

22-02-2012, 15:34
I nearly bought one the other day £230 on the bay.I'm going to hold off until I've got the new dac from Mr Beresford see how my Rok 1 sounds with that.I do like the look of mine but i like the look of the B&O,which looks better? Only one way to find out

22-02-2012, 15:36
Congrats with your new player. That Martyn song sounds like a fine test track. :)

22-02-2012, 15:49
The whole 7000 stacker system was superb and brought B&O's "separates" systems back into the HiFi fold IMO. To improve the CD7000 unit, have a look at the output IC's and any signal coupling caps that may be in series, together with possibly the clock and power supply "stiffening."

Contrary to what some may have you believe, B&O did and do LISTEN to their products, but maybe their listening teams don't have the same priorities that audiophool nutcases like us do :lol: Their basic designs from this period are good, but you may well just find the sonics can be tweaked a tad without spending a fortune..

One final thing on the wafer-thin loading "drawer." Please make sure any disc you play is carefully seated before the drawer whisks closed. The metal edges are superbly done, but they're MUCH harder than the soft plastic of a CD caught in the gap - cough - .....

23-02-2012, 06:23
Photo needed so we can :drool:!!

23-02-2012, 15:35
you can drool on the wam pictures Jerry, but i'll get some posted soon

23-02-2012, 15:58
Did the output lead have Phonos on or was it a din. The one I was looking at seemed to have a din on it