View Full Version : Improving an AR eb101

20-02-2012, 13:19
Have had this turntable for a years now, other than fitting a Goldring 1042, nothing else has been done.

Can anyone suggest some improvements I could make?

Rare Bird
20-02-2012, 13:22
Have had this turntable for a years now, other than fitting a Goldring 1042, nothing else has been done.

Can anyone suggest some improvements I could make?

Can you get a new mounting tonearm collar made.. You could ask Hugo (Shuggie) he may be able to help!!

http://homepage.mac.com/beechwoods/AOS/library/Teledyne%20Acoustic%20Research%20'Legend'%20&%20EB101'%20Fitting%20Alternative%20Tonearms%20Man ual.pdf

The internal corner blocks may need gluing back in place (I prefer hot Glue, it's stronger than PVA & dry's in no time).. you could replace the hardboard base board & fit some substantial feet ...

The Grand Wazoo
20-02-2012, 13:51
It will stand a much better arm than the one that came with it

20-02-2012, 14:14
Thanks for the suggestions. A better arm and cartidge would be fairly pricey so would I be better off selling and starting afresh with something more substantial

20-02-2012, 14:26
The EB101 is, in my opinion, a stormingly under-rated turntable. Add to this the fact that it has a good arm and you've fitted one of my favourite MM cartridges to it and, frankly, my recommendation would be to buy more LPs and enjoy it!

20-02-2012, 14:43
The EB101 is, in my opinion, a stormingly under-rated turntable. Add to this the fact that it has a good arm and you've fitted one of my favourite MM cartridges to it and, frankly, my recommendation would be to buy more LPs and enjoy it!

This man is talking sense. Listen to him. Ignore the others. :)

20-02-2012, 14:59
I used to like the 1042 and sold plenty with Rega's, but outside of this, I just couldn't get on with it at all - too spiteful in the treble and leaden-footed in the bass. The massive price hikes also finished it off for me :(

Having lived with one in a Linn Basic + arm I do not recognise that description. It was detailed but smooth with excellent full bass. I suppose this could sound different in the wrong system as with most components.

Ian. Why not try a Project Speedbox at £105 to improve pitch and speed stability. You could also experiment with different mats. Also what is it standing on ? Try some Isopods or Mitchel points to see which approach impoves things. Someone here who has used this table may point you in the right direction here. I would only see an arm change worthwhile if you were upgrading to a moving coil cartridge.

20-02-2012, 15:09
Had one of these when l was an audiophile apprentice, and even then l remember it being smooth warm and full sounding, quite a lot of scope for upgrading, mat, feet, arm, cable etc :)

20-02-2012, 17:05
I agree with Adam, Mark, and Andy - Keep it, do a few enhancements and have fun spinning some licorice pizza!


The Grand Wazoo
20-02-2012, 20:07
I would only see an arm change worthwhile if you were upgrading to a moving coil cartridge.

I strongly disagree with all those who dismiss changing the arm - a better arm will allow any cartridge to perform better - whether you're talking about a £20 Ebay casualty or a Koetsu. This is how these things work, guys.

There are lots of small changes you can make to this thing without costing a lot & please don't overlook Andre's suggestions - they're are spot on.

21-02-2012, 12:45

modding AR decks seems to be quite a business in the states - I think there are at least 3 guys specialising in it, going by the AK boards.

21-02-2012, 12:54
They have some pretty prices for their upgrades. How much would you be willing to spend on your tt?

Rare Bird
21-02-2012, 13:20
I've owned one 'Legend' & two 'EB101'..I remade the plinth for one of the latter out of ply, veneered it in birds eye maple..3/4'' base..Looked fantastic against the black lid..Adapted to mount a Mayware 'Formula 4' (mounted that arm on everything at the time :lol: ) you just have to be creative like i used to be :lol: These days i wouldnt touch anything like this but that's only because my preferences are totally reverse to what they used to be..

I recently bought the guy i look after an 'EB101' to replace his Rega 'Planner 3'/'RB300'..

21-02-2012, 14:18
They have some pretty prices for their upgrades. How much would you be willing to spend on your tt?

not sure if you mean me, Mark, or the OP, but I've had a bit of 'road to Damascus' regarding t/tables, although I sincerely wish it had happened some time to go, to be sure.

as regards modding, unless you can do it yourself, and know what you're doing, I think it's unwise / excessively expensive.

I've just got an old sl-5 linear job for next to nowt - yes it'll go t**s up all too soon I expect, but it's giving me a good 90% of the sound I've ever managed to get from any other deck combination I've messed around with, and prevents any fiddling / fettling on my part, due to it's nature.

21-02-2012, 14:46
Sorry, mixed you up wit the op.

I reckon the SL-5's could be half decent with the right cartridge. Never tried one, though.

I agree with you about paying someone to do the upgrades. Might as well save the cash and buy something better imho.

21-02-2012, 19:47
The bloody EB101 is pretty darned good in stock form, so why not lube the bearings, set the thing up carefully for good bounce, maybe a fresh exit lead depending on what's there, a new belt and a modern take on a mat (one of the £20 acrylic ones on ebay?). Shouldn't need any more than that I reckon.

12-04-2012, 21:40
HI, never got round to doing any work on the AR, but noticed recently it is quite noisy when putting ear close to platter. I checked the bearing and it has a small ball bearing fitted. What type of oil should I use and is it worth updating the psu at all.
Don't notice noise through speakers so doesn't seem to be affecting the tonearm.

Also whats the best way to clean the stylus, the goldring 1042 seems to be clogged up with gunge