View Full Version : Fluid damper for SME 3009 II - fitted with difficulty

16-02-2012, 18:52
Why does nothing go to plan? :eyebrows:

Having finally obtained a FD200 damper kit for my SME 3009 II improved in good condition but at what I think is a silly price I set about fitting it today. How difficult can it be? Well pretty difficult actually.

All the required bits were in the box and all installed a treat in about 30 mins - all smiles :) until I tried to raise the arm with the (new) arm lift handle. Despite it being offset compared to the original one I removed as per instructions it fouled the underside of the new fluid tank before fully lifting the arm :scratch:

I was forced to put a crank in the arm and reduce the thickness of the metal rod by about 50% in order for it to be able to rotate sufficiently to lift the arm and not foul on the tank! Bloody odd methinks. The kit was made for my arm so really can't figure out why it won't fit properly.

Anyway, all works fine now and the damping has improved the SQ of the AKG still further. SME claim it improves low frequency response and imaging. Bass is tighter with a tad more "bite/control" and I am hearing more background detail in low/mid range frequencies. I wouldn't say there is a night and day difference - more a refinement of presentation with more control and detail - it's definitely better but not convinced it £200 better :rolleyes:


16-02-2012, 18:59
Why does nothing go to plan? :eyebrows:

Having finally obtained a FD200 damper kit for my SME 3009 II improved in good condition but at what I think is a silly price I set about fitting it today. How difficult can it be? Well pretty difficult actually.

All the required bits were in the box and all installed a treat in about 30 mins - all smiles :) until I tried to raise the arm with the (new) arm lift handle. Despite it being offset compared to the original one I removed as per instructions it fouled the underside of the damper tank before fully lifting the arm :scratch:

I was forced to put a crank in the arm and reduce the thickness of the metal rod by about 50% in order for it to be able to rotate sufficiently to lift the arm and not foul on the tank! Blood odd methinks. The kit was made for my arm so really can't figure out why it won't fit properly.

Anyway, all works fine now and the damping has improved the SQ of the AKG still further. SME claim it improves low frequency response and imaging. Bass is tighter with a tad more "bite/control" and I am hearing more background detail in low/mid range frequencies. I wouldn't say there is a night and day difference - more a refinement of presentation with more control and detail - it's definitely better but not convinced it £200 better :rolleyes:


Hi Steve

Yes, that is very odd indeed! Does the handle of the new lift arm have a ribbed finish? I have had a look at my SME 3009/FD 200, and the lift arm clears the tank easily.

I wonder if the crank angle of your new lift arm is less than it should be? Did you buy the kit new from SME?


16-02-2012, 19:09
Ah - I've just seen your photos.

The lift arm you have had to modify is NOT the same as the one that has to be used with the FD200.

The one supplied by SME has a ribbed finish on the plastic handle. The far end, nearest the lift/lower mechanism, has a black conical shaped piece and the rod joins this axially. Yours has a more rounded and pointed shape and the rod joins this at an angle. This is the WRONG version to use with the damper.

You might be able to obtain the correct version from eBay.

I use my damper without the 'lid' on the tank and always use the smallest paddle, regardless of cartridge used.

Light damping seems to benefit most cartridges, but I'm not sure if it's really worth £200.


16-02-2012, 19:10
Hi Steve

Yes, that is very odd indeed! Does the handle of the new lift arm have a ribbed finish? I have had a look at my SME 3009/FD 200, and the lift arm clears the tank easily.

I wonder if the crank angle of your new lift arm is less than it should be? Did you buy the kit new from SME?


Hi Barry - no its smooth - just like the original one I removed from the arm. It is more cranked than the original but not enough. I bought it off eBay but it was complete in oem SME box complete with arm rest, tank, cue arm tools and (unusable) black cartridge mounting mastic and manual - certainly looks pukka. Bizarre .

16-02-2012, 19:13
Ah - I've just seen your photos.

The lift arm you have had to modify is NOT the same as the one that has to be used with the FD200.

The one supplied by SME has a ribbed finish on the plastic handle. The far end, nearest the lift/lower mechanism, has a black conical shaped piece and the rod joins this axially. Yours has a more rounded and pointed shape and the rod joins this at an angle. This is the WRONG version to use with the damper.

You might be able to obtain the correct version from eBay.


Bugger :stalks:
Thanks for the info Barry - my modified cue arm works ok but now I know I'll look out for a "ribbed" one.


16-02-2012, 19:33
You can see the correct shaped lift/lower arm to be used with the FD200 here (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SME-FD200-FLUID-DAMPER-KIT-STUNNING-ABSOLUTELY-COMPLETE-CORRECT-/230746377856?pt=Turntable_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b98e4e80).



16-02-2012, 19:42
You can see the correct shaped lift/lower arm to be used with the FD200 here (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SME-FD200-FLUID-DAMPER-KIT-STUNNING-ABSOLUTELY-COMPLETE-CORRECT-/230746377856?pt=Turntable_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b98e4e80).



Thanks Barry

Dominic Harper
16-02-2012, 19:51
Just spotted this thread. You have the wrong arm rest fitted. The kit should come with one so the arm exits from the other side.

16-02-2012, 20:07
What damping fluid do you use Steve? The paddles as supplied can be too thick and the fluid once used was not much different to the stuff used in their cueing devices. We used to not use this and replace with baby oil, which seemed to offer just the right amount using the smallest paddle..

16-02-2012, 20:08
Just spotted this thread. You have the wrong arm rest fitted. The kit should come with one so the arm exits from the other side.

Hi Dominic - I've got the wrong lift arm for sure.

16-02-2012, 20:10
What Dom means is that the arm REST should exit the arm towards the record, not outside to the right (as viewed from the front) as in earlier models..

Dominic Harper
16-02-2012, 20:18
Cheers Dave. The sme kit came with a new rest and lift hadle, along with the trough and 3 paddles.

16-02-2012, 20:22
I didn't change the arm rest on my SME arm when I fitted the FD200. Didn't have to and wouldn't want to: I loath the horrible plastic catch, I much prefer the 'throw-over' link of the original.


16-02-2012, 20:24
What Dom means is that the arm REST should exit the arm towards the record, not outside to the right (as viewed from the front) as in earlier models..

Oh I see - although it's not blocking the cue arm it does "interfere" with the way you lift the arm out of the rest as the tank is in the way. Just turned the little plastic bracket through 180 and now it's on the record/correct side. Simples. - It's the darn cue arm that's causing the problem. I've emailed the chap I bought it from to see if he has got the correct one - I'm sure it's a genuine mistake - I reckon he didn't remove the cue arm and arm rest when he removed the tank and put the originals in the box.:eyebrows:


16-02-2012, 21:03
Later SME's may well have had the "new" angled lift lever from new..

16-02-2012, 21:33
I didn't change the arm rest on my SME arm when I fitted the FD200. Didn't have to and wouldn't want to: I loath the horrible plastic catch, I much prefer the 'throw-over' link of the original.


I agree Barry - my arm had the "horrible plastic catch" as stock but the FD200 had the older throw over link so following Dom/Dave's clarification I just turned the head through 180 and now have the old style rest/catch on the "right" side for the damper. I'm sure a pukka cue arm will turn up;)
Just when you think you're starting to get a handle on this HiFi stuff the most simple things can catch you out ( well me anyway) :eyebrows: