View Full Version : Empirical/Metrum/JkennyHiface USB converters/DACS etc

16-02-2012, 18:38
I am looking at the pros and cons of the Empirical Off-Ramp 4 or 5 USB converter as well as the J Kenny modded Hiface USB converter or Audiophillio which I may use with a suitable DAC (thinking of NorthStar DAC 32, the Dutch Metrum Octave (no upsampling) or the Aussie PDX or Blacknote (no upsampling)).

Has anybody had any experience of any of the above? I have waded through lots of stuff on the internet and it's been a fascinating journey.

An Off-Ramp 4 or 5 with added battery PSU plus a decent DAC would seem to be a good option. Anybody who has any of the above who wishes to move it on please also let me know!

16-02-2012, 20:48
Neil - I've had a Metrum Octave for around a month now and am really pleased with it. I use it fed from a Squeezebox receiver at the moment, but will partner it with my Transporter (so it can work at higher resolution) soon.

It's a noticeable improvement on the DAC I used previously (a Sonifex Redbook DAC1), giving a wider and deeper image, well controlled bass with detailed treble with no glare. Definitely one I'll hang on to . .


16-02-2012, 21:25
Phew, it's stopped sounding like a record player then. ;)
I must admit, i am rather interested in this Dac and as soon as next weeks pension gets issued and i get a chance to mug some of the less able in the queue I'll think about getting one.;)

16-02-2012, 21:28
The JKHIface is very good and the DAC (JK32) is stunning

purite audio
16-02-2012, 21:35
Really best not to use a converter at all, just get an async USB or FireWire dac.

16-02-2012, 22:51
Phew, it's stopped sounding like a record player then. ;)
I must admit, i am rather interested in this Dac and as soon as next weeks pension gets issued and i get a chance to mug some of the less able in the queue I'll think about getting one.;)

Have a look here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showpost.php?p=296384&postcount=13), John . . :eyebrows:

17-02-2012, 00:14
I had a look a while ago Bob.

I'm interested because they've used an unusual chip and I know someone else who has one, which I haven't got to hear yet, and he thinks very highly of it, especially at the price.

17-02-2012, 00:50
I was an early adopter of John Kennys modified Hiface and can recommend it.
It was a huge improvement over the std Hiface and I should think the latest version is even better.
The Empirical Offramp seems overpriced in comparison.
Why not take Johns offer of a free trial and see for yourself?
But as Keith says if you have not already got a dac then get a decent dac with a good async usb interface.
ps look for ones with the XMOS USB2;)