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View Full Version : Album Club: 14.02.2012: Betty Davis - Nasty Girl (1975)

14-02-2012, 13:11
I thought it time to have a bit of fun.

Betty Davis - Nasty Girl (1975)

http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/c6bf5055d21723b20bf2378a6cdd8471c1eb7dbaab87bd9411 605519f87c90864g.jpg (http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?thumb=5&quickkey=uymaeba366374eh)

Ohhhh, who’s dat den?




Not on Spotify: Grooveshark Link: http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Nasty+Gal/293666

Betty’s albums weren’t well received by the mainstream music critics at the time of their release. This much female sexuality on display and from a women who tried to drag Miles Davis from the grip of the “serious musicians” wasn’t likely to go down well with the more conservative music reviewers. Jazz wanted Miles, but for a brief period Betty Davis had him (rather a lot apparently) and reputedly influenced the musical direction of not only Miles but also Jimi Hendrix (her lover, well one of them anyway).

The funk fans gave Betty a much more favourable reception. Betty Davis commands considerable respect in the funk scene often being held as one of the greatest innovators in the fusion of funk and jazz.
It might be easy to dismiss Betty as a women who used sex to promote herself and then dismiss the rest. Today we don’t bat an eyelid when female artists do much the same; the difference here in my opinion is Betty did have enormous talent along with vitality, vision and a unique vocal style.

Reading some of the musicians that worked with her certainly doesn’t leave the impression that her peers didn’t take her seriously.

Love it or hate I cant help thinking anyone who doesn’t at least find the occasional smile flit across their face when listening is in dire need of a sense of humour.

I think it’s a great album, puts a smile on my face and gets my feet tapping.
How can you not grin when you hear the lyrics “I just cant seem to keep my tongue in my mouth.....that’s all folks” on the track Dedicated To The Press.

It’s rough, fun, and once you stop trying to decide whether Betty can sing; or not, the musicianship and obvious sense of fun should carry you through to the last track.
If James Brown holds the crown, Betty has got to be his queen and she can be my Valentine any year.

Big thumbs up from me obviously. Never mind all them wilting violets, Betty will give it to you right through the album...........that’s over thirty minutes!.........better get me pills. :eek:


John exits stage left clutching his zimmer frame doing a funk shuffle and singing “Turn off the light”.

(oh arr, Alex my good man, please do the Spotify bit)

Rats! Just realised I forgot the voting panel as well Alex. Sry mate :(

14-02-2012, 13:27
Ah! Now this is my sorta thang - the cd of Nasty Girl is not available right now on Amazon so I've ordred the Anthology http://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Anthology-Betty-Davis/dp/B0007D0AZU/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1329225713&sr=1-1

Nice one John :D

14-02-2012, 14:27
I used to see similar pictures in dodgy mens mags from 70s :eek:

I lurve the sound a funky lady though.

14-02-2012, 17:39
Nice one John - not on Spotify, though! :doh:

Should be able to have a listen at Grooveshark: http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Nasty+Gal/293666

17-02-2012, 11:37
Have tried to place this twice this morning, but Avatar has other ideas, she'd much rather be listening to Katy Perry, it would appear!

Still, I've enjoyed very much the two Betty Davis tracks I have managed to play - but then I'm rather fond of this type of music so I am sure I will enjoy it. :)

17-02-2012, 14:49
Nice choice love a bit of funk so looking forward to this

17-02-2012, 16:01
For a start I think Betty Davis's music is rather contrived and she isn't a great singer. That aside the album has a great funky band backing her and I liked some tracks especially the last. Better choice than some recent contributions anyway. 6/10 (though I don't have a dog these days)

18-02-2012, 20:27
I quite like it John Thanks for sharing I give it a 7
If you brave check out blowfly

18-02-2012, 20:50
Ohhhh, goody, peeps have at least given it a listen.

Glad it all turned out bearable Paul.

I have Porno Freak by Blowfly John ;)

18-02-2012, 20:51
me too

18-02-2012, 22:27
Well I'm listening on Grooveshark, but I have to admit I struggle (rather a lot) with Funk, but never say never ;)

19-02-2012, 21:48
I'd heard of Betty Davis - having read Miles Davis's autobiography, I knew she was his wife, that she appears on the cover of his 'Filles de Kilimanjaro' LP, introduced Miles to Jimi Hendrix (the man and his music) and persuaded him to name his album 'Bitches Brew' rather than his original title of 'Witches Brew' - but I hadn't heard any of her music.

However, I knew I'd have a problem with this because it's funk - a musical genre that does absolutely nothing for me (I don't really like any music that's specifically made to dance to) and I'm afraid having played it a few times, it does nothing to change my opinion. Sure, I smiled at the lyrics a few times and can recognise good musicianship when I hear it regardless of genre, but just can't see me ever getting any pleasure from listening to this.

I considered not voting, as I'm really expressing my opinion of a genre rather than this specific album, but have given it 3 out of 10.

Sorry John - you'll have the chance to get your own back in a couple of days :lol:

19-02-2012, 23:30
Well I have listened to this now but I have to say it isn't really my cup of tea. 4/10. :)

20-02-2012, 19:40
Well I played the whole thing and it didn't move me at all. But having said that I neither liked or disliked it, so it has to be a 5 ;)

The Grand Wazoo
20-02-2012, 19:48
I've never heard this album before, but knew the cover for some reason.
Not too bad, I'd maybe buy it if it was in a stack of cheap second-hand albums, but it's not one I'll be seeking out. My taste in funk kind of begins & ends pretty much with George Clinton, but taking the time to hear this properly has been a good exercise, I reckon, so thanks to you for that, John.
6/10 from me.

24-02-2012, 10:41
Unfortunately this had no chance with me, I just don't like funk never did never will.
Other genres I didn't use to like are now being played but funk sorry. 2/10

09-11-2012, 15:01
It's way too funky for me (as in, it's funky). Sorry, but I can't relate to this at all. I did try! 2/10.