View Full Version : Van Den Hul CS 122 Speaker Cable.

09-02-2012, 15:07
Been using Linn K20 Speaker Cables for years! Soon I fancy a little cable change.

Are there some members on here using Van Den Hul CS 122 with croft gear?
I've heard other systems that uses Van Den Hul CS 122, always thought they are good cables.

Are these cables directional?


The Black Adder
09-02-2012, 22:58
Not CS-122 but CS-14 (internally) and The Wind MKII Hybrid.

Not heard CS-122 but wouldn't mind trying 'The Breeze' as this is even lower in capacitance and resistance than The Wind...

11-02-2012, 15:28
Try Tellurium Q.

wee tee cee
13-02-2012, 19:38
Agreed.... worth the extra

17-02-2012, 01:14
Hi Dave are you selling Tellurium Blue now? I could use a couple of two metre lengths if so.

17-02-2012, 10:17
Had two sets of the CS 122......dunno why!, and it's bi wire cousin, the Tea track.....weird name huh.

Would not get excited about either again, nowt drastically wrong with them, just........well.........erm..............can't define it exactly!

17-02-2012, 10:38
Had two sets of the CS 122......dunno why!, and it's bi wire cousin, the Tea track.....weird name huh.

Would not get excited about either again, nowt drastically wrong with them, just........well.........erm..............can't define it exactly!

That's not going to stop me buying the CS122.

17-02-2012, 11:18
That's not going to stop me buying the CS122.

Darn it! And I really thought it would! :eyebrows:

Joking aside, I have had many a quality wire in my system, including a set of prototype Chord Signatures, Chord Odyssey, and the Bland n Dull stuff, and have to say that the Belkin stuff I bought via many recommendations from satisfied AOS members really does equal cable at muchly more higher spondoolies! :)

The Black Adder
17-02-2012, 16:54
Darn it! And I really thought it would! :eyebrows:

Joking aside, I have had many a quality wire in my system, including a set of prototype Chord Signatures, Chord Odyssey, and the Bland n Dull stuff, and have to say that the Belkin stuff I bought via many recommendations from satisfied AOS members really does equal cable at muchly more higher spondoolies! :)

Good to know, I've just bought some! - And yes, it does seem to have a following. And the price..£20!... Worth a punt certainly.

21-02-2012, 11:13
I used Van Den Hul CS-122 back in the eighties and thought it was wonderful stuff. At the time I had Musical Fidelity MC-4 loudspeakers and the CS-122 worked so well with them. I do remember it produced a wonderful bass.

21-02-2012, 11:56
I have deen using V.D.H. CS-122 Hybrid since 2002 in different speakers like Klipsch RF-3, then, RF-7 and for a period with Audio Physic Scorpio II. I have been using them not constantly because i also have Ultralink Excelsior Time Aligned which I use more. The Hybrid is a very good cable for it's price range and what it ''gave'' was good detail in upper frequencies and resolution but without being very, very transparent. Good tight bass, and good mids but with a bit lack of body. But all this minor faults are of none importance, considering the price. All these comments came up by comparison with my other s.c. Ultralink Excelsior Time Aligned which has a very balanced behavior.

My opinion is that CS-122 is a ''safe'' buy for this money. But you have also to consider that the ''electrical'' characteristics of a cable ''behave'' (allow me these '' expressions) differently in each speaker-amplifier system. So it would be could to make an audition with a pair on your sysem. Our local dealers in my country provide this service, so I believe that the same happens in your country too.

Before you buy something it's good to ''listen'' to it, first, to see how it matches in your system. Have in mind that cables are the best way to fine tune sonic details in your system you want to correct, improve, or reduce e.t.c.

I hope I was helpful. But I insist in auditioning something before you buy it, in your system if possible and with your CD's or other music program in order to be able to form a good opinion about the product, regardless the price.

21-02-2012, 11:57
I have 2 pairs of 1,5 meters. If I was near you I would have lent you mine for an audition...