View Full Version : Anarchy in the U.K

02-02-2012, 09:00
A report in the Telegraph today regarding budget cuts indicates that £9 out of every £10 has still to be implemented and that only 2.3% of direct government department cuts had taken place. No government has cut spending on such a scale, so fast.
What will the UK be like in 5 years time? Will the cuts be accepted or will rioting become commonplace? Jarrow marches to the Houses of Parliament?

02-02-2012, 09:28
We will all need to arm ourselves with Sex Pistols:D

02-02-2012, 13:26
We will all need to arm ourselves with Sex Pistols:D

I'd prefer a Spear of Destiny actually...

02-02-2012, 13:39
Or some Throbbing Gristle.

02-02-2012, 13:41
A report in the Telegraph today regarding budget cuts indicates that £9 out of every £10 has still to be implemented and that only 2.3% of direct government department cuts had taken place. No government has cut spending on such a scale, so fast.
What will the UK be like in 5 years time? Will the cuts be accepted or will rioting become commonplace? Jarrow marches to the Houses of Parliament?

Nah, because:

1) The govt will fudge the figures (like they always do) rather than make the cuts.

2) There's a general election in 3 years time, so in 5 years time, we may well have a different govt.

02-02-2012, 19:48
I don't want to be a doom merchant, I guess like a lot of people I thought this would be an 'ordinary' recession and was looking forward to the good times. Now it's really difficult to see that happening as the balance of economic power shifts to the East.
As a northerner I am shocked by the empty shops on the high street and the estate agent signs in the commercial districts. When will hopelessness turn to anger and the riots last year reoccur on a regular basis?

Jason P
02-02-2012, 23:11

Says it all really. Just a shame it was nearly 25 years ahead of it's time...