View Full Version : WANTED - Rotel RB 850 power amp

29-01-2012, 11:30


One of my friends is looking for a rotel RB 850 power amplifier. He needs this exact model so it will match the other 2 he has (He's experimenting with active crossovers!)

does anyone have one that they would like to sell ?

He is in Thanet, Kent, unless postage would be an option


22-03-2012, 21:04
Hi i have got two Rotel power Amps RC 850 Bridge mono and a Rotel RC 8708x stereo amp plus a Denon double tape deck up for sale
Im going to post it up on here and on ebay soon so let me know asap


The Grand Wazoo
22-03-2012, 21:11
Tim before you do that, you've a little housekeeping to attend to if you don't mind.
The email you received on joining asked you to go directly to the Welcome area, without passing go & without collecting £200 and to start a new thread by way of an introduction to yourself. This is required of all new members.
Thanks in advance.

22-03-2012, 21:35
Please except my hubble appology good man.

i have always been a little fast out of the blocks....sometimes in the wrong direction, but going for it never the less...i have taken your good guidence and posted a small intro to ones self. i hope my posting shall surfice....can i have my £200 that shall come in rather handy:lol:

24-03-2012, 19:56
Hi Tim,

many thanks for the post but my friend has got one now.

good luck with the sale though, they seem to get snapped up on the bay !!